| FTBL Is there anyway you will admit...


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That Saban was out coached if you lose this game.

It seems like no matter what, you will blame the difference in talent. Say that Saban makes dumb decisions like going for it on 4th down on his own 20 like Spurrier did against us and doesnt get it, or gets the lead and gets way too conservative.

Is there any scenario where Bama fans will admit that Miles out coached Saban if it happens?
bayoulsucajun said:
That Saban was out coached if you lose this game.

It seems like no matter what, you will blame the difference in talent. Say that Saban makes dumb decisions like going for it on 4th down on his own 20 like Spurrier did against us and doesnt get it, or gets the lead and gets way too conservative.

Is there any scenario where Bama fans will admit that Miles out coached Saban if it happens?

It's a lose vs lose game for you guys. If we win, you won't let Miles reputation get over it. If Bama loses, the talk of the nation will be about the # of players LSU has starting that Miles didn't recruit.

The last 34 games under Miles, you've won 29 of them. The last 34 games under Saban, LSU won 28.

Out of the 11 years before Saban arrived at LSU you had 8 losing seasons. He returned your program to a respectable status. Enjoy it.

Will Miles out coach Saban. I doubt it. In the end, talent will win out. There is a reason we didn't hire Miles after he lobbied for the job 2X. You'll see it soon...maybe not this year, but soon.
There is a difference in Talent. So WHEN Alabama plays above their skill level will YOU admit that Miles was out coached?

if miles out coaches saban i will definitely admit it, just like i admitted it many times when saban was out coached when he was here
bayoulsucajun said:
That Saban was out coached if you lose this game.

It seems like no matter what, you will blame the difference in talent. Say that Saban makes dumb decisions like going for it on 4th down on his own 20 like Spurrier did against us and doesnt get it, or gets the lead and gets way too conservative.

Is there any scenario where Bama fans will admit that Miles out coached Saban if it happens?

Only a totally unreasonable fan wouldnt admit a coach made a mistake. If Saban screws up enough for it to be called a coaching mistake, Im sure you'll hear about it as much here as anywhere. Same would be the case in LSU I would hope. Saban has talked about times where he thought he screwed up and admitted as much. Coaches will make mistakes and they have to accept that, as do the fans. I think its more of a matter of whether people will say the coaches were the factor. The players executing plays has way more effect on a game
bayoulsucajun said:
That Saban was out coached if you lose this game.

It seems like no matter what, you will blame the difference in talent. Say that Saban makes dumb decisions like going for it on 4th down on his own 20 like Spurrier did against us and doesnt get it, or gets the lead and gets way too conservative.

Is there any scenario where Bama fans will admit that Miles out coached Saban if it happens?
NEVER!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D :D
You know, if LSU wins it doesn't mean that Saban was necessarily out coached. I mean, if he is out coached I'll come right out and admit it. But you've got this mindset that there's no way Miles is gonna be out coached it's ridiculous. Stop with all the crap and lets watch the game.
XxBamaCorexX said:
You know, if LSU wins it doesn't mean that Saban was necessarily out coached. I mean, if he is out coached I'll come right out and admit it. But you've got this mindset that there's no way Miles is gonna be out coached it's ridiculous. Stop with all the crap and lets watch the game.

You seem paranoid by my post. I did not say that miles was definitely going to out coach saban. I said if miles does, will you admit it. We call that a "hypothetical" question
bayoulsucajun said:
XxBamaCorexX said:
You know, if LSU wins it doesn't mean that Saban was necessarily out coached. I mean, if he is out coached I'll come right out and admit it. But you've got this mindset that there's no way Miles is gonna be out coached it's ridiculous. Stop with all the crap and lets watch the game.

You seem paranoid by my post. I did not say that miles was definitely going to out coach saban. I said if miles does, will you admit it. We call that a "hypothetical" question

I didn't see any paranoia at all. How would your statement make anyone paranoid?
crimsontradition14 said:
bayoulsucajun said:
XxBamaCorexX said:
You know, if LSU wins it doesn't mean that Saban was necessarily out coached. I mean, if he is out coached I'll come right out and admit it. But you've got this mindset that there's no way Miles is gonna be out coached it's ridiculous. Stop with all the crap and lets watch the game.

You seem paranoid by my post. I did not say that miles was definitely going to out coach saban. I said if miles does, will you admit it. We call that a "hypothetical" question

I didn't see any paranoia at all. How would your statement make anyone paranoid?

The idea that miles could actually out coach saban blows crazy bama fans minds
Very simple...With LSU's talent vs. Alabama's talent it would be hard to conceive that the reason LSU might win is because Saban got out-coached. We're just not there yet.

If we play LSU tight into 4th Q and end up losing (even if it's a bad decision by Nick Saban) we still won't be losing by being outcoached. If we're even close at the end that means Saban has probably already outcoached Miles because of the talent disparity.

If Alabama wins then Miles has been outcoached in more ways than I can even count. So, I don't see any way that this year Saban can be outcoached.
Alright, if CNS was to do something stupid and cause us to loose the lead (if we were to get it), then yes I could admit that.

Don't you have a corndog board that misses your insight and witticisms? Surely that place can't be the same without you this week...... :roll:
moreno_iv said:
Alright, if CNS was to do something stupid and cause us to loose the lead (if we were to get it), then yes I could admit that.

Don't you have a corndog board that misses your insight and witticisms? Surely that place can't be the same without you this week...... :roll:

Why should he even want to go back to this?

PooPooism #19
bayoulsucajun said:
That Saban was out coached if you lose this game.
It seems like no matter what, you will blame the difference in talent. Say that Saban makes dumb decisions like going for it on 4th down on his own 20 like Spurrier did against us and doesnt get it, or gets the lead and gets way too conservative.

Is there any scenario where Bama fans will admit that Miles out coached Saban if it happens?

At that point we'll be asking for a blood/breath test.
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