| FTBL How well do we match up against Florida?


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If we played Florida right now today what do you think the outcome would be? I didnt get a chance to watch Florida and LSU the other night. It appears to me that Florida will win the east? If we were to run the table how do you think we would come out? I'm not jumping the gun i'm thinking ahead.
I've looked and looked, but I don't see Florida on our schedule. :)

Florida is the least of my worries as you can tell. If we do end up playing them the next month or so will tell a lot. Are they the Florida we saw vs. LSU or are they the Florida we saw vs. Ole Miss?

The day of the Ole Miss game many national pundits were talking about Florida's weakness being their O-line (hence Ole Miss beating them on the line) and Florida not being able to convert that last 4th down. After pushing LSU around maybe that is no longer a concern. ?????
Im just worried about Ole Miss and the rest of the teams that are on our regular season schedule. If we are worried on how we match up against Florida at the end of the season i would say that is a good problem to have seeing that the only way we'll play them is in the SEC Champ. game.
BamaDelta said:
I've looked and looked, but I don't see Florida on our schedule. :)

Well said!

Lets focus on our games then when we play UF in the championship game i will bring this topic back up!!


I know what your saying though. If you look at the times that UF should or could have been stopped, LSU made a mistake. Granted UF is the best team in the EAST and i think could beat us if we didnt play the best game and played them at the swamp...BUT UF is very beatable. And if they are not in the SWAMP we can very easly beat em!!! Im looking forward to playing them! I dont think that they have a smash mouth defense!!! WE DO! And tim tebow couldnt be able to run against us!!! If we stop the run...we stop the UF offense!
BamaDelta said:
I've looked and looked, but I don't see Florida on our schedule. :)

Florida is the least of my worries as you can tell. If we do end up playing them the next month or so will tell a lot. Are they the Florida we saw vs. LSU or are they the Florida we saw vs. Ole Miss?

The day of the Ole Miss game many national pundits were talking about Florida's weakness being their O-line (hence Ole Miss beating them on the line) and Florida not being able to convert that last 4th down. After pushing LSU around maybe that is no longer a concern. ?????

Delta, I always end up getting a nervous stomach when I start reading your posts, and that eventually leads me to the medicine cabinet (pantry) for a shot of Bushmill's, Turkey, or Dickel.

For some reason, I feel the need to take this game more cautiously than all our others so far. Bama needs to come up and jump on Ole Miss with two or three scoring drive right out of the gate. Don't want the Rebs to start believing in Rev Nutt's sermons and gaining confidence as the game progresses.

BigAl, concerning Florida, they've still got to win the East and we've still got to win the West--that means a lot of football is left to be play. But I'm more confident in our chances of ending up in Atlanta than I have been in years. Just hope the team can continue to improve and to execute Coach Saban's game plans.

But based on what I've seen so far, I do believe we would match up well against the Gators. Wouldn't it be great to see one of our current DBs pull an Antonio Langham against UF in the SECCG? I always enjoy rewatching that classic matchup. Then again, another 1999 outcome would be equally awesome.

I just want us to fi=ocus on Ole Miss but i do thing we match up good against them. I dont think they can stop our run game so that will open up our playbook.
Knowing that anybody can beat anybody, I think that UF has been more Jeckel and Hyde than Bama. I see us as being more physical then they are with the potential of nullifying a great deal of their speed on Defense with our power run...assuming JPW has a decent day passing when he has to. I don't see their offense running wide on us because we play with discipline, unlike LSU. Also, UF playing in the Swamp is a big help for them. If the game were in Atlanta, where Bama has already won once this season, I like our chances.
After watching them against LSU, I'm kinda glad that they are not on the schedule as of right now. Their new offensive wrinkles will require some thorough scouting.
Florida's speed is just unreal. Harvin, Rainey, Demps, James...we're talking about 4 home run threats at any second. I'm probably missing about 2 or 3 more that I can't remember, but the fact remains that Florida is one dangerous team. If we were to play Florida some how this season we would have to take them out early. I would want a early lead much to the likes of when we played in Athens. I just feel we would have to hold on for dear life. There isn't a offense that I'm afraid of...but Florida comes close.
we've dominated the florida offense before.( i know it was before Superman) But i would rather worry about ole miss than start counthing the chickens before they hatched.
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