| LIFE How did you find RollTideBama.com?

Porter said:
BamaDevO said:
Well...I listen to the Tidecast podcast...they had Joe Tucker on from RTB back in March (I think) and I heard about it then.
It took me this long to get around to coming to the site. :idea:

We're glad you did!
You don't know him very well. Now do you. :D
I googled looking for a great spot. I started reading the commentary and was immediately happy with what I was reading, after about 2 weeks and it still was great commentary, I thought okay it is safe to register. IT was like the BILL CURTIS ad, now I have found a place to land.
I came across the site while I was supposed to be working. Isn't that the way it goes? I hit a search engine and I liked the lay out and all and the rest is history.
I originally started googling looking for a good Alabama football forum to find. I came across a few including this one and started lurking from time to time and finally joined today.
Came over from TideTalk. Told about site by Michael back in '04. I then had to re-register again for some reason back in '05.
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I actually patterned my message board off RTB. I'm not necessarily talking about the layout, but more the community. I wanted to create a forum where we did not have any BS and could talk about sports in a civil manner. I was tired of reading boards where the members smack talked constantly. I read several SEC sites to get ideas and RTB was the best I found in my search.

In the process I have met many great people on this site such as TerryP, Kudzu and TideBoy.

You guys have a great thing going here.
I've been "sitting in the corner" at another forum for the past few months. (One of the mods took exception to a strongly worded opinion I wrote.) But I've been talking to some of the members via PM, including Big Al, who recommended this site to me. Glad he did. I like what I see!
Bama Born&Bred told me about this forum just today. :td:

Glad to have you join us, Nan.
Even after my suspension at the "other" forum was lifted, I doubt I'll post much there in the future. I don't really care for the heavy-handedness exercised by their mods, and if I can't express my thoughts and feelings without fear of reprisal, I don't need to be there.


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BamaNan told me (Nazi's got me elsewhere). I have made this my homepage and posted notice on my own forum that I was closing it down and referred all 7 or 8 members over here.
I posted a reply to a thread about my first Bama game on another thread. In the reply, I mentioned that TerryP is responsible for me being a Bama fan. A person on that message board sent me here.
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