| FTBL Ground Game vs Air Attack - Which Looked Stronger?

The ground game looked better. All 4 tailbacks really ran hard. I suspect that we were holding back a bit in the passing game, but we didn't throw down the filed much. Mostly it was underneath stuff.
Ground game looked very good. I liked the way that all 4 backs seemed to play hard and hit the hole with their head on a swivel. Got to figure with Keith playing next week (I hope) we may see more of the air attack.
Ground Game. All 4 backs had good lanes to run in and I too agree looked awesome. I was impressed with how much time the QBs got for the passing game. OL looked like they have a foundation for one of the best we've had in a long time.
Both was equally impressive in my mind. However, it means a lot more to see the ground game going. Last year it was stalling from Game 1 on.
I totally agree that we didn't go very deep into the playbook on the passing game--which is a good thing.

I'd like to say our running game looked really strong, Glen Coffee impressed the hell out of me, but I really will have more positive things to say about both facets of the offense after Saturday against these 'dores.

Now, our return game (Arenas!) was spectacular and I think he will be a strong player for us this year.
ijijmijij said:
I totally agree that we didn't go very deep into the playbook on the passing game--which is a good thing.

I'd like to say our running game looked really strong, Glen Coffee impressed the hell out of me, but I really will have more positive things to say about both facets of the offense after Saturday against these 'dores.

Now, our return game (Arenas!) was spectacular and I think he will be a strong player for us this year.

When you toss Lowe in with Arenas, we may have the best return duo this side of Faytextville...
Like the old football adage goes "1 of 3 things happens when you throw the ball and 2 of them are bad." I think against teams that we can run against, you're gonna see the run, and if we can pass, then we'll pass. If we can do both, then God help 'em.
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