"Get to know each other" game?

Family time. My older granddaughter(19 in a month) when she was like 5 year old had her mother to buy my own Tellie Tubbie cake. I still have all the figures too.

Do you like a rain storm?
Walking across to receive my diploma, with my wife and daughter sitting watching. Well my wife watching, daughter was just 2 months old.

How did you ask, or been ask for your hand to be married?
Well I didn't like the stuff till I got marry. Gouda, cheddar, America Cheese, Babybel, well almost any kind of cheese.

Do you have a card or board game that you just don't like playing it?(Monopoly is mine)
Nope .. *knocks on wood*

You just won a free round trip ticket to anywhere in the entire world .. Where are you going?

I'd drive to Ft. Lauderdale and buy a ticket for this boat ride:



EDIT: I forgot to ask a question!

To what degree are you a prepper? How long could you survive if the market shelves went bare?
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