"Get to know each other" game?

My coworker went away for a week, so we spent that week covering his entire office (every single inch from the ceiling, to his computer, to his chair, etc) in colorful post it notes. Took 5 days and 6 people to finish.

Favorite old timey show you still like to watch? (I watch I Love Lucy and the Rifleman on a daily basis lol)
It paid for, it not the house I grew up in ,but it at the same place.

If you could talk with any Bama player that is in the NFL right now who would it be?
Anytime, I can spent time with the grandkids is a great day for me. Doesn't matter what it is too. That include my turn coat grandson too.

Did you save your first dollar that you earn?
Yes. I started saving for my future as soon as I was old enough to work haha. I was always that nerdy kid who knew about a 401k and thought about my future family.

It's your birthday, what do you want to do for your special day?
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