| LIFE Debate

We do know Satan was the first liberal. He was first to question God’s word. “Did God really say”; “you will not surely die but will become like God. So he was a liberal and a liar in his first recorded words.
While at times it seems unavoidable, I can't say I'm comfortable with mixing spiritual ideologies with political viewpoints. Knowing "In God We Trust" is everywhere, I find that looking through those lenses as being exclusive. By no means am I disagreeing with the foundation of your beliefs and how you employ them in your view points.

I do question it's place in political discussions.
I’d vote for him
IF there was a realistic path for him to be in the White House, I would as well. But, there's not.

It all goes back to what I said months ago: it's a policy decision/vote for me. The current administration is in my pocket book...and trying to get into even more with Biden's promise to let the tax cuts expire.

The idea of "stay out of my life" isn't a concept that the current administration embraces.
While at times it seems unavoidable, I can't say I'm comfortable with mixing spiritual ideologies with political viewpoints. Knowing "In God We Trust" is everywhere, I find that looking through those lenses as being exclusive. By no means am I disagreeing with the foundation of your beliefs and how you employ them in your view points.

I do question it's place in political discussions.
Not disagreeing with you. Unfortunately, politics is now more "good vs evil". Certainly not painting with a "broad brush" but I/you cannot ignore the facts.
Not disagreeing with you. Unfortunately, politics is now more "good vs evil". Certainly not painting with a "broad brush" but I/you cannot ignore the facts.
I'm judging myself here which seems like a conflict of interest.

I don't believe I'm ignoring the facts. I do believe I try to look at things through others' lenses.

Just to piss @ElephantStomp off... I also realize I can look through a glass darkly.
I try to simplify things,
Am I better off today than the last admin?
Is the border more secure than it was last admin?
Are prices of EVERYTHING better today than it was last admin?
Are we involved in wars or trying to find peace?
Does every American have the opportunity of freedom. EVERY
Is our Military ready and have the tools to defend us?
Are we independent from all other countries to where we can stand alone if need be?
Are our principles built on the foundations our forefathers intended for us?
Most important are we as a government adhering to the Constitutuion.

The hardest part it seems for some is being honest with oneself.
I try to simplify things,
Am I better off today than the last admin?
Is the border more secure than it was last admin?
Are prices of EVERYTHING better today than it was last admin?
Are we involved in wars or trying to find peace?
Does every American have the opportunity of freedom. EVERY
Is our Military ready and have the tools to defend us?
Are we independent from all other countries to where we can stand alone if need be?
Are our principles built on the foundations our forefathers intended for us?
Most important are we as a government adhering to the Constitutuion.

The hardest part it seems for some is being honest with oneself.
I can simplify this even more: into one word. Policy.

I get what people don't like about an arrogant, blowhard, New York real estate agent who has no filter. I get why people don't like a blatant liar as we're seeing right now in the position of POTUS.

What pisses me off more than anything? The cost of fucking food.

Here is where there is a "two way street." I have 15 or more different meats in my deep freezer right now. A lot of veggies from the garden, and a lot of veggies from the Mexican market at the fairground.

I'm not lacking, when it comes to eating.

But I am hating.

We took the boat to Charleston Crab House on Shem Creek several days ago. I had a sirloin, and a half of a lb of shrimp. A few years ago that was a $40-45 meal. So, I am spending $60, then..

$78. So, a $60 dollar night just turned into a $98 dollar night.

Why am I on the water, with a cast net, in the middle of the night? There's part of the answer.
Am I better off today than the last admin?
Kirk, I see this question a lot. Not that I'm disagreeing with you on your points you made because on each of the others I'd have to say No or I don't know. But according to my financial statement from my financial advisor, Patsy and I are better off financially than we were during the last admin. The last admin's policies did our investments great as well, don't get me wrong but, and I guess it's different for everyone, we are better off finacially than we were 4 years ago. For a retired couple living off of retirement income and SS, trying to save enough to pass on for our now handicapped daughter, I'm thankful we are better off. I'm not saying that Biden's policies are the reason for that but I'm trying to say my finiancial advisor has invested our money to where we are doing well in the current environment, in spite of the disaster in the Whitehouse.
people don't like about an arrogant, blowhard, New York real estate agent who has no filter.
Terry, I had an older guy tell me the first year I was eligible to vote for President, "Son, let me give you some advice my daddy gave me. Always vote for the sorriest son of a bitch running and he'll make the best president because he don't give a damn what people think."

In the present election, that's a hard choice as to which one is the sorriest son of a bitch but we know without a doubt which one has the better policies for America's future.
Kirk, I see this question a lot. Not that I'm disagreeing with you on your points you made because on each of the others I'd have to say No or I don't know. But according to my financial statement from my financial advisor, Patsy and I are better off financially than we were during the last admin. The last admin's policies did our investments great as well, don't get me wrong but, and I guess it's different for everyone, we are better off finacially than we were 4 years ago. For a retired couple living off of retirement income and SS, trying to save enough to pass on for our now handicapped daughter, I'm thankful we are better off. I'm not saying that Biden's policies are the reason for that but I'm trying to say my finiancial advisor has invested our money to where we are doing well in the current environment, in spite of the disaster in the Whitehouse.

The question isn’t do you have more money than four years ago. A simple savings account would increase the value of your account. But, what is it costing you to live by the standard of living you had four years ago. The cost of living has increased for everything. If inflation was at 2% (just using this number to make the math easier - it was actually 1.4%) four years ago, your need to spend is roughly 10x more (price increases of ~20% today).
But, what is it costing you to live by the standard of living you had four years ago. The cost of living has increased for everything.
@Bamabww this is why I used the analogy of the restaurant and the cost.

But, let's go to the grocery store for a minute. Bread is almost twice as high. When you can buy shrimp, cheaper than ground beef or ground chuck? Ya, something is a little upside down.

Gas. No question about that one.

Electricity? I've adapted, with the cost of ceiling fans all throughout the house. Same with some food items...got a lot of fish in the freezer that I caught.
The question isn’t do you have more money than four years ago. A simple savings account would increase the value of your account. But, what is it costing you to live by the standard of living you had four years ago. The cost of living has increased for everything.
A simple savings account will not increase the value of your account when it pays less than 1% interest and inflation is over 5% (the last time I checked). But if your investments are producing more than inflation is eating up, then the value of your account is increasing. That means I have more cash on hand to spend than I did 4 years ago. In my case that’s true.

The point I wanted to make was, and I may be the exception to the rule, I have just as much cash on hand now as I did 4 years ago. I’m still receiving the same amount from my retirement investment account each month as I did in 2014 when I retired. I have not increased my monthly withdrawal one cent and still have approximately the same amount in my checking account as I did in 2018, which is as far back as I checked.

I’d be much better off if the present administration had a 1.4% inflation rate but I’m, with the smart moves of my financial advisor, at least as good as I was 4 years ago.
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