| CURRENT EVENTS This IS totalitarianism. Literally. "Don't question the system?"

I would suggest the they you speak of is nut jobs from both sides
No its the government…They need more and more distractions for the mess that they’ve made and the debt that they’ve caused us to endure.. so they feed the beast.. and it will eventually erupt… I suggest you prepare just in case… if you choose too..
I would equate it to a gay version of the USSR, but instead of parading soldiers and ICBMs down red square, we parade the Dildo Brigade sponsored by Disney, Pfizer, and Lockheed Martin.
What those people don’t realize is..when they finally get that government that they want so bad… they will be the first to be lined up and shot… history will always repeat itself as far as Marxism and communism go..
He did get a fair shot. Had it not been a jury trial then I’d agree with you. A jury convicted him, he wasn’t screwed, it wasn’t rigged, the pos falsified his records and now is a felon
One. How do you not understand, it wasn't a felony.
Two. How do you not understand what he did wasn't against the law?
Three. It's NY.
Four. A guy quits his job at the DOJ to take a lowly position with the DA's office in NY: for this trial. Rigged, election interference.

There is no law, nothing, that says writing "legal expenses" to a lawyer who is handling your legal expenses is falsifying records. No one picked up this case outside of the guy how campaigned on this trial.

It's bullshit. For this country...and that's where your lack of insight shocks me.
One. How do you not understand, it wasn't a felony.
Two. How do you not understand what he did wasn't against the law?
Three. It's NY.
Four. A guy quits his job at the DOJ to take a lowly position with the DA's office in NY: for this trial. Rigged, election interference.

There is no law, nothing, that says writing "legal expenses" to a lawyer who is handling your legal expenses is falsifying records. No one picked up this case outside of the guy how campaigned on this trial.

It's bullshit. For this country...and that's where your lack of insight shocks me.
You’re right it wasn’t a felony it was 34 felonies. Well then if what he did isn’t illegal then the NY appeals court will overturn, if they don’t I won’t be surprised by how y’all on here react or what y’all have to say.

The jury still has to find him guilty, it’s astounding how you on the right or right of center (you know because you’re not a righty and all) can’t grasp this. Doesn’t matter who picked up the case, who quit what to go where, the bottom line a JURY found him guilty unanimously!

What’s bullshit is y’all that support the supposedly party of law and order don’t agree with law and order when it pertains to people on the right, it’s only good when it’s people on the left. Rittenhouse we were told to trust the judicial system by the right, but now that it’s the lord and savior of the stupid Republican Party now all of a sudden the judicial system can’t be trusted, it was rigged, I mean Jesus do you people hear yourselves or read what you’re writing? Here’s what we’ve learned- when anything happens by the right it isn’t illegal even if it is i.e the Jan 6 riot and now this with Trump. But, even though the Trump DOJ couldn’t find ANYTHING on Hillary she’s guilty and should be in prison, but no no not Trump. The other thing we’ve learned is everything bad with Trump is rigged, the election and now this trial, the shear hypocrisy and ignorance by the right is fucking astounding.

As for your bad for this country- no sir, if you do illegal shit you should be held accountable whether that’s Hunter, Trump, you, or me.
According to Maxine Waters, they are all in the hills. With so many not knowing what the word "computer" means...how would you suggest these people be spoken to?
Huh? What are you talking about?

Homeboy said “they want a civil war” and I said the they he speaks of is nut jobs from both sides.

You’re meaning everybody in government right?
The jury still has to find him guilty, it’s astounding how you on the right or right of center (you know because you’re not a righty and all) can’t grasp this. Doesn’t matter who picked up the case, who quit what to go where, the bottom line a JURY found him guilty unanimously!
IF a defendent is not allowed to call and question his own witnesses how do that fit with a fair trial? IE: FCC guy that the judge wouldn't allow.

It's not about right, left, right of center, whatever. It's about the absolute abuse of the law.

Again. It's a NY law that a judge can't contribute to a campaign. He broke the law, while ruling over the opponent he supports. If you need, read that again.
Huh? What are you talking about?

Homeboy said “they want a civil war” and I said the they he speaks of is nut jobs from both sides.

You’re meaning everybody in government right?
Look up the clip with Waters talking about all the protesters hiding in the hills ready to create violence after the election. The lady is bat shit crazy. It's hilarious.
IF a defendent is not allowed to call and question his own witnesses how do that fit with a fair trial? IE: FCC guy that the judge wouldn't allow.

It's not about right, left, right of center, whatever. It's about the absolute abuse of the law.

Again. It's a NY law that a judge can't contribute to a campaign. He broke the law, while ruling over the opponent he supports. If you need, read that again.
Next you’ll tell me the judge didn’t allow Trump to testify.

Wasn’t an abuse of the law. You do realize you can’t be good with the law when it fits your agenda only right? You wanted protestors arrested for protesting in front of a justice’s house, but now all of a sudden you want the law to be different. Illegal is illegal.

Read this again- if it was such a misuse of justice as you and many on your side think then the NY appeals court will overturn, but if they don’t y’all will find some bullshit to say about them…with the words rigged in there somewhere, the right’s playbook is easy to predict.

It would be funny if it wasn’t so ignorant, this NY judge is corrupt and blah blah, but a SCOTUS justice getting hooked up with trips and a lot of other shit is fine (Thomas) or a SCOTUS judge getting the royal treatment by Christian groups and pro-life groups (Barrett) is fine, or a justice flying right wing, pro Jan 6 flags is fine while ruling on said subjects isn’t corrupt or anything? Spare me dude
IF a defendent is not allowed to call and question his own witnesses how do that fit with a fair trial? IE: FCC guy that the judge wouldn't allow.

It's not about right, left, right of center, whatever. It's about the absolute abuse of the law.

Again. It's a NY law that a judge can't contribute to a campaign. He broke the law, while ruling over the opponent he supports. If you need, read that again.
Oh and one other thing I’ll add straight from Trump’s lawyer’s mouth on CNN when asked why the defense didn’t call any witnesses he answered “because we happen to live in America where the burden of proof doesn’t lie with he defense, it’s not a defense attorney’s job to help make it easier for the prosecution”, so while you’re saying with your whole throat that the judge didn’t allow witnesses Trump’s own lawyer said it was the defense’s choice not to, so was Trump’s lawyer and the judge working together?
What do you know..the Bidens made sure that a former Secret Service agent is on the jury… and her husband works for the Secret Service now… talk about jury intimidation!… rigged trial!.. proof of a two class justice system..
Didn't Bill Clinton pay money to Paula Jones hush money while President? And it was from his time as the Arky gov.

Another thing that chaps my ass. They call it a threat to our democracy. We are not a democratic society. We are a Constitutional Federalist Republic. Yet media (dumb asses) and people alike continue to refer to it at that.

Something I find interesting. All democrats look at Clinton as an amazing president for his time and tenure. If you look at Trump's presidency and the things he focused on it is eerily similar, hell even speeches on border control/protection sound identical, yet Clinton was lauded for his stance while Trump is vilified.

No wars during either of their presidency, and they both focused on the economy and did a good job at it.

Clinton brought about don't ask don't tell to the military. While Trump did nothing drastic in regard to the LGBTQ community, he did nothing disparaging or anything negative towards their individual rights. Yet is harped on to be racist and or homophobic. His history of philanthropy towards those "minorities" would suggest otherwise.
It would be funny if it wasn’t so ignorant, this NY judge is corrupt and blah blah, but a SCOTUS justice getting hooked up with trips and a lot of other shit is fine (Thomas) or a SCOTUS judge getting the royal treatment by Christian groups and pro-life groups (Barrett) is fine, or a justice flying right wing, pro Jan 6 flags is fine while ruling on said subjects isn’t corrupt or anything? Spare me dude
I'll get back to this post when I get back from fishing.

There's the anger I've tried to point you to on a few occasions.
Didn't Bill Clinton pay money to Paula Jones hush money while President? And it was from his time as the Arky gov.

Another thing that chaps my ass. They call it a threat to our democracy. We are not a democratic society. We are a Constitutional Federalist Republic. Yet media (dumb asses) and people alike continue to refer to it at that.

Something I find interesting. All democrats look at Clinton as an amazing president for his time and tenure. If you look at Trump's presidency and the things he focused on it is eerily similar, hell even speeches on border control/protection sound identical, yet Clinton was lauded for his stance while Trump is vilified.

No wars during either of their presidency, and they both focused on the economy and did a good job at it.

Clinton brought about don't ask don't tell to the military. While Trump did nothing drastic in regard to the LGBTQ community, he did nothing disparaging or anything negative towards their individual rights. Yet is harped on to be racist and or homophobic. His history of philanthropy towards those "minorities" would suggest otherwise.
I remember when slick Willie got elected…within one year Norfolk looked like it was hit by a bomb.. squadrons, ships, jets and units were getting Decommed and stripped.. Buildings mothballed and broken out (all useful materials removed from the structures).. sailors were given early outs on demand.. forced retirements.. electricity was being rationed.. Within one year, Oceana , Dam Neck and Little Creek (bases) were like ghost towns.. even the gyms and morale centers were closed..even on base private businesses went out of business…
I remember when slick Willie got elected…within one year Norfolk looked like it was hit by a bomb.. squadrons, ships, jets and units were getting Decommed and stripped.. Buildings mothballed and broken out (all useful materials removed from the structures).. sailors were given early outs on demand.. forced retirements.. electricity was being rationed.. Within one year, Oceana , Dam Neck and Little Creek (bases) were like ghost towns.. even the gyms and morale centers were closed..even on base private businesses went out of business…
They closed the Charleston Navy base officially in 1996. On April 1st. To this day I wonder...why that day.
Didn't Bill Clinton pay money to Paula Jones hush money while President? And it was from his time as the Arky gov.

Another thing that chaps my ass. They call it a threat to our democracy. We are not a democratic society. We are a Constitutional Federalist Republic. Yet media (dumb asses) and people alike continue to refer to it at that.

Something I find interesting. All democrats look at Clinton as an amazing president for his time and tenure. If you look at Trump's presidency and the things he focused on it is eerily similar, hell even speeches on border control/protection sound identical, yet Clinton was lauded for his stance while Trump is vilified.

No wars during either of their presidency, and they both focused on the economy and did a good job at it.

Clinton brought about don't ask don't tell to the military. While Trump did nothing drastic in regard to the LGBTQ community, he did nothing disparaging or anything negative towards their individual rights. Yet is harped on to be racist and or homophobic. His history of philanthropy towards those "minorities" would suggest otherwise.
Well one big different is Clinton didn’t try to hide it. Trump didn’t get charged for paying hush money to a hooker, he got charged for trying to hide it.

Not all democrats look at Clinton that way, I think he’s a pos, but not because of the Paula Jones thing, what he did to Lewinsky and how she was vilified by all sides is disgusting.

One big difference between him and Trump is Clinton had a budget surplus while Trump added to an already terribly high deficit.

I think Trump catches hell for the LGBTQ thing because he’s the leader of the party that at every turn is disparaging that community and trying to pass bills that directly go against the rights of that community
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