| CURRENT EVENTS This IS totalitarianism. Literally. "Don't question the system?"

They closed the Charleston Navy base officially in 1996. On April 1st. To this day I wonder...why that day.
Who knows, but Red states mostly.. He booted a lot of warrant officers, command master chiefs, master chiefs senior chiefs, experienced chiefs, and most first class petty officers with eight years or more experience.. especially in aircraft maintenance and special warfare.. Tremendous amount of experience and know how told to go home..
Is hate a better word? Despise?
I don’t hate anybody. Despise isn’t it either. I don’t put much emotion into a politician or people I don’t know unless decisions they make affect my family. I don’t hate Christians, but I despise fake christians i.e Greg Locke, a lot of people on the right that like to say they’re christians, but when it comes down to it they’ll be sitting next to me if the Bible is true or those those ones that are christians to their form of what they believe Christianity is
Who knows, but Red states mostly.. He booted a lot of warrant officers, command master chiefs, master chiefs senior chiefs, experienced chiefs, and most first class petty officers with eight years or more experience.. One especially in aircraft maintenance and special warfare.. Tremendous amount of experience and know how told to go home..
Have to cut the budget at times
Who knows, but Red states mostly.. He booted a lot of warrant officers, command master chiefs, master chiefs senior chiefs, experienced chiefs, and most first class petty officers with eight years or more experience.. especially in aircraft maintenance and special warfare.. Tremendous amount of experience and know how told to go home..
You've missed the point here.

There was a meeting where they came to the conclusion that April 1st was the day a base would be shut down. Wouldn't you think someone said, "maybe let's do this on the 31st of May? Or, maybe April 2nd?"
You've missed the point here.

There was a meeting where they came to the conclusion that April 1st was the day a base would be shut down. Wouldn't you think someone said, "maybe let's do this on the 31st of May? Or, maybe April 2nd?"
One thing for sure, the joke was on us..
Yeah, you don’t know shit about me
Uh, well...let's think about this for a second.

You've labeled/categorized people based on what's been posted on this forum. But, other's don't know shit about you based on what you've posted?

I'm supposed to believe what you have posted has been what you feel and think, right? How do I not know shit about you?
Uh, well...let's think about this for a second.

You've labeled/categorized people based on what's been posted on this forum. But, other's don't know shit about you based on what you've posted?

I'm supposed to believe what you have posted has been what you feel and think, right? How do I not know shit about you?
In that same feeling when I call you a righty you push back on that, but in this case about me you essentially say this is true……
In that same feeling when I call you a righty you push back on that, but in this case about me you essentially say this is true……
The category I put you in is "stomp." Based on what you've told us...LEO, cattle, in school, ... you are unique unto yourself. As in life, there's no one on this site I put in the same category. All you guys are fucked up.
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