| CURRENT EVENTS This IS totalitarianism. Literally. "Don't question the system?"

That’s different then after having a jury find you guilty of 34 felonies whining about how awful the judicial system is, the dude whines worse than a toddler, first it was elections (after he lost) and now it’s the judicial system because he was found guilty by normal civilians.

This from the same man that after Rittenhouse was found guilty said the judicial system was great and we should trust it
Biden whining about how SCOTUS was wrong and that it needs to be changed isn’t the same?

There are a number of issues that can overturn the Trump judgement. 1. Getting a fair trial in NYC after pre trial publicity. 2. How the jury was selected (potential jurors were asked if they followed Trump but weren’t asked if they followed Biden) 3. The law for statute of limitations was changed so they could charge Trump 4. The judge stating that if the jury came back 4-4-4 for felony or misdemeanor determination he would consider that unanimous for felony.
Biden whining about how SCOTUS was wrong and that it needs to be changed isn’t the same?

There are a number of issues that can overturn the Trump judgement. 1. Getting a fair trial in NYC after pre trial publicity. 2. How the jury was selected (potential jurors were asked if they followed Trump but weren’t asked if they followed Biden) 3. The law for statute of limitations was changed so they could charge Trump 4. The judge stating that if the jury came back 4-4-4 for felony or misdemeanor determination he would consider that unanimous for felony.
1) a fair trial- I bet he’d still whine and so would all of his followers if he lost the damn thing in Texas or Wyoming. 2) Trump and his team helped pick the jury-Trump was heavily involved (his lawyer on Fox News) 3) The statutes of limitation weren’t changed for the trial-they were executive orders changing them in 2020 and 2021 by then Gov Cuomo (which put it just under the wire) 4)Read less NY Post and more facts. That’s distorting his instructions- Merchan gave the jurors three possible “unlawful means” they can apply to Trump’s charges: falsifying other business records, breaking the Federal Election Campaign Act or submitting false information on a tax return.
For a conviction, each juror would have to find that at least one of those three things happened, but they don’t have to agree unanimously on which it was. The judge told the jury that to convict Trump on any given charge, they will have to find unanimously.
Cite any federal law Trump broke in this case. You can't. The FEC couldn't either when they looked at it a couple years ago. No law broken , no charges and no fines. Who was fined? The Clinton campaign for using campaign money to finance the Russia Dossier hoax.
Had he been found guilty by a jury in Texas or Wyoming (the two most conservative states) the right would’ve whined and Trump would still bitch and moan about how it was rigged, how it was unfair, blah blah blah.

This was a state case, falsifying business records in the first degree-a state felony, so your “what federal law did he break” has absolutely no bearing
A fucking jury convicted the felon. The bringing of charges and all that shit is one thing, a fucking jury found him guilty, so spare me the whine bag poor Trump got screwed
I can’t wait until them lying bastards in the Joe Lie-den admin meet a conservative jury of his peers in Bama or another red state.. then watch all of you democrats piss moan and threaten…Joe has committed multiple treasonous felonies.. and he should be hung..
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I can’t wait until them lying bastards in the Joe Lie-den admin meet a conservative jury of his peers in Bama or another red state.. then watch all of you democrats piss moan and threaten…Joe has committed multiple treasonous felonies.. and he should be hung..
“Watch all of you democrats piss, moan, and threaten” you’re just wrong man, simple as that. I’m not at the kneel of some damn politician, if anybody on my side of the aisle is brought up on charges and is found guilty I assure you I will not “piss moan and threaten”, as a former cop and soon to be cop again I’m for the rule of law and the justice system. You’re threatening the President of the United States…..I’d suggest seeking help.
“Watch all of you democrats piss, moan, and threaten” you’re just wrong man, simple as that. I’m not at the kneel of some damn politician, if anybody on my side of the aisle is brought up on charges and is found guilty I assure you I will not “piss moan and threaten”, as a former cop and soon to be cop again I’m for the rule of law and the justice system. You’re threatening the President of the United States…..I’d suggest seeking help.
So should anybody that supports the Democrats..
You support the very party that is turning America into 1930s Germany…and eventually the end result will be what Germany became..if they keep pushing the evenlope of perversion, illegal immigration, out of control crime, and these moronic protest/street violenc, A leader worse than Hilter (or Biden) will come here..At first he/she/it will promise to clean it all up, which is what the majority really wants… After that whomever will take over with an iron fist..
Btw, I am not threatening any so called election thief.. I said he should be hung for treason.. which is the punishment prescribed to people that commit treason.. like he is.. I prefer he dies of natural causes very quickly and painfully..
Soon to be a cop again.. I guess the extreme left needs someone to watch out for them on the streets..
So should anybody that supports the Democrats..
You support the very party that is turning America into 1930s Germany…and eventually the end result will be what Germany became..if they keep pushing the evenlope of perversion, illegal immigration, out of control crime, and these moronic protest/street violenc, A leader worse than Hilter (or Biden) will come here..At first he/she/it will promise to clean it all up, which is what the majority really wants… After that whomever will take over with an iron fist..
Btw, I am not threatening any so called election thief.. I said he should be hung for treason.. which is the punishment prescribed to people that commit treason.. like he is.. I prefer he dies of natural causes very quickly and painfully..
Soon to be a cop again.. I guess the extreme left needs someone to watch out for them on the streets..
“So should anybody that supports democrats”-are you saying should be hung?

Extreme left….you people think anybody that doesn’t blindly support the extreme right or that plump felon is extreme left. Again I’ll say you should seek help
“So should anybody that supports democrats”-are you saying should be hung?

Extreme left….you people think anybody that doesn’t blindly support the extreme right or that plump felon is extreme left. Again I’ll say you should seek help
Anyone that supports the dems should seek help or self hang..imho
One word to the wise… if you put on the brass and leather again, it would be very smart to keep your politics hidden..because when the others find it out, your will be very isolated..the one things real cops hate is a person that supports a cause or party that wants to destroy/defund/ arrest/disarm/kill them…The proof is in the pudding.. I can guarantee you that your backup will take the scenic route or flatten a tire on purpose…
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I'm glad you've let everyone know you put your politics ahead of your oath. The only way you could guarantee that was if you were his backup.

You both need to knock it off. It's getting you nowhere, or somewhere else.
I’m just letting him know and hopefully he will listen..That is the way it has always been in that field of work…Any officer chooses his fate… but I’m sure he will seek the last word..
A fucking jury convicted the felon. The bringing of charges and all that shit is one thing, a fucking jury found him guilty, so spare me the whine bag poor Trump got screwed
Don't tell me to spare you anything when it was a direct violation of his rights and the constitution. I'm not fan of the guy. I am a fan of everyone getting their fair shot. He didn't.
Don't tell me to spare you anything when it was a direct violation of his rights and the constitution. I'm not fan of the guy. I am a fan of everyone getting their fair shot. He didn't.
He did get a fair shot. Had it not been a jury trial then I’d agree with you. A jury convicted him, he wasn’t screwed, it wasn’t rigged, the pos falsified his records and now is a felon
So should anybody that supports the Democrats..
You support the very party that is turning America into 1930s Germany…and eventually the end result will be what Germany became..if they keep pushing the evenlope of perversion, illegal immigration, out of control crime, and these moronic protest/street violenc, A leader worse than Hilter (or Biden) will come here..At first he/she/it will promise to clean it all up, which is what the majority really wants… After that whomever will take over with an iron fist..
Btw, I am not threatening any so called election thief.. I said he should be hung for treason.. which is the punishment prescribed to people that commit treason.. like he is.. I prefer he dies of natural causes very quickly and painfully..
Soon to be a cop again.. I guess the extreme left needs someone to watch out for them on the streets..
I would equate it to a gay version of the USSR, but instead of parading soldiers and ICBMs down red square, we parade the Dildo Brigade sponsored by Disney, Pfizer, and Lockheed Martin.
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