This is a big deal. And obviously lots of people COULD DIE from it, but shit people are making this like the sky is falling. The media and their mass hysteria are making things worse. Those people that don’t think this is anything are just as bad as the people freaking out like this is the Black Plague. Stay home if you’re sick, wash your hands (which you should be doing anyway), and be careful it’s pretty simple. The mass hysteria by sheeple is ridiculous. It’s going to spread because the same nasty bastards that don’t wash their hands after going to the bathroom aren’t going to do so now.
The making this political is asinine. Turn on Fox News and it’s “this is another attack on Trump” turn on NPR, CNN, MSNBC and it’s “Trump didn’t do this or that, Republicans this and that”. Trump, Republicans, and Liberals are to blame for a lot of shit, but a virus isn’t one of them
Here’s what’s going to happen (almost guaranteed) the mass hysteria is going to lead to the criminal element of society to show its ugly face. At some point there’s going to be looting, robberies, etc. Shit we’ve had 4 felony assault arrests just this week over toilet paper