🧑‍🤝‍🧑 / 🏡 CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

What does going about your life and use precaution have anything to do with the government's response? And stop blaming me here man, the head of the CDC himself said they failed. Period. His words, not mine. Trump was warned months ago - I've provided links to the story in this very thread - about this shit and he chose to ignore it. States were told not to test to keep the "numbers down" so it looked good for him. He literally went on TV and said he wanted the people on that cruise ship to stay there because he wanted to "keep the numbers down."

It has to do with the way you are defending your stance on it all. Trump has said "stay calm and let this thing ride out". The CDC was not ignoring it, it was simply stated to not use extra funds towards it. And I still stand behind the fact that we're not dealing with some catastrophic issue here that is decimating the population. 5,000 deaths worldwide. How many of those in China were a form of ge ocide if we want to really dig into it all? The thing that makes it even more to my point is that doctors are saying upwards of 500,000 more people may have it and not know it, yet aren't showing any hardships from it, and even compared to those that are testing positive it's nothing more than resting yourself like the flu. Less than 50 deaths in America from it. More murder going on in the South today than that has killed in weeks. I'm not going to get any deeper than that because your emotions are clearly on another level than mine and it's not fair for me to comment on your dad's well-being because I'm not emotionally invested nor do I know his condition and everything that comes with it. In the end, I hope he stays well and doesn't get any sicker. But I also don't blame Trump and the government for their response. Folks travelling abroad during all of this, on them, not him.
Great for current players bad for incoming freshmen...
Scholarship limits.....

They will also make adjustment to limits.

It has to do with the way you are defending your stance on it all. Trump has said "stay calm and let this thing ride out".

That isn't what he said, though. He said it isn't a big deal and did what I've seen others repeat by comparing it to the seasonal flu and other nonsense. Then he claimed that within days there would be "next to no cases" in America. He then said that they would have a vaccine "in days" as well. And again I repeat, he didn't want people tested so that the numbers "wouldn't look bad for him!" He lied and gaslighted repeatedly and now he wants people to pat him on the back for finally acknowledging the issue.
They will also make adjustment to limits.

That isn't what he said, though. He said it isn't a big deal and did what I've seen others repeat by comparing it to the seasonal flu and other nonsense. Then he claimed that within days there would be "next to no cases" in America. He then said that they would have a vaccine "in days" as well. And again I repeat, he didn't want people tested so that the numbers "wouldn't look bad for him!" He lied and gaslighted repeatedly and now he wants people to pat him on the back for finally acknowledging the issue.
I saw press conference today...didnt sense any of that....
Doesn’t look bad on him...any of this... or anybody else....
Get over ur hate....
He is trying to re-insurr that people stay calm...
The plans are good....
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