Yea fuk it. I'm done also and I'm older but wise enough to know mask don't work except in your deranged mind. A hospital in Valdosta GA has 70 nurses with it. They wore n95 mask.
I don't believe in the mask. I don't believe in the test. I don't believe in the vaccines. The only numbers I believe in is the survival rate
which is 99.8 for most folks. A little lower for older people with preexisting conditions. In which categories are pneumonia and seasonal
flu deaths listed? That question is a gimme. This next question will require a tad of research for a correct answer. How many more overall
deaths in the USA, from all causes, are there this year compared to last year and the year before and the year before that one? The correct answer
may surprise some of you if the information has not been censored.
Last week at the barber shop, there was a man there that I did not know. He is the only person that I know or have met who said they had the virus. He said that he and his wife both had it at the same time. I didn't ask him his age, but I assumed he was somewhere near my age, I'm 64, 65 in a
couple of months. I did ask him what medicines his Doc prescribed for him. He told me point blank, the docs had not prescribed him or his wife any medication. He told me it was more or less like a cold or sinus infection that lasted about a week or so.
How many peoples lives have been ruined by shut downs? How many businesses have been lost? How many people are bankrupted and hungry?
How many students are so far behind in their studies and will probably never recover time lost at school? Our economy may never recover.
What does the big picture look like here and when does this horse manure end?
I am sorry and I sympathize with all who have lost lives to so called virus infection.
I have already posted this article before a couple or 3 pages back. I think it needs to be reposted.
curated by Marilyn M. Singleton, M.D., J.D. – Updated September 26, 2020 Introduction COVID-19 is as politically-charged as it is infectious. Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the WHO, the CDC and NIH’s Dr. Anthony […]