| LIFE CV-19: Effects on life, work, and sports

I‘m not really defending the guy, and yes he appeared to be a douche (But honestly, I only watched a few seconds of the video. Everyone in it seemed to have issues). It is easy to get a rise out of some of you though.

But the facts remain, wearing a mask is for a slight protection for yourself, and a not so slight protection for others. It’s December, 2020 and no reasonably intelligent person who hasn’t been radicalized needs that explained. This is not debatable and pointless if you believe otherwise.

Just wear the damn mask and quit trying to rationalize what you don’t want to do in the first place. I don’t like it any more than any of you do, but I do it. Wear a mask, practice social distancing and wash your hands. It really isn’t much to ask especially this close to the vaccine finish line.

That's how you speak to others?
I'm sorta confused, if masks are only to protect myself, why does he care if I wear one. Why get on that soapbox? Why talk to others like that here that are having discussions about it.

There is more and more information starting to come out that suggest masks do not work. But hey believe what you want.

Anyone paying attention to what's going on in South Korea?
Do as I say, not as I do...

I have a prepared response when that “anonymous redneck frequents 1,248 unique stores, restaurants, bars, churches and houses of ill repute” news article comes out.
I'm sorta confused, if masks are only to protect myself, why does he care if I wear one. Why get on that soapbox? Why talk to others like that here that are having discussions about it.

There is more and more information starting to come out that suggest masks do not work. But hey believe what you want.

Anyone paying attention to what's going on in South Korea?

If you want to decide if masks work, wear a pair of glasses and see how much air escapes and fogs them. Marginal improvement over no mask, but isn't it all about margin in our lives, whether mandated or not? Safer to drive 70 on the interstate, but not 55 in speedy traffic, nor 90 anywhere.
I really would not care about the non-mask people if most weren't such assholes about calling everyone else sheep and brainwashed. My MIL has COPD and a ton of other issues. She is probably going on 24/7 oxygen soon as she failed the hell out of her breathing test this week. And she lives with me. So I have to take every precaution I can. I have to wear a mask and stay home as much as I can. And I can't have my oldest kids over because they may carry it into the house. And I can't visit them in case I carry it back. No seeing any of my family because they also don't take any precautions. My only other choice is to look my wife in the face and tell her I don't care if her mom dies. Next time some of you complain about folks wearing masks think about why they might be doing so.
I really would not care about the non-mask people if most weren't such assholes about calling everyone else sheep and brainwashed. My MIL has COPD and a ton of other issues. She is probably going on 24/7 oxygen soon as she failed the hell out of her breathing test this week. And she lives with me. So I have to take every precaution I can. I have to wear a mask and stay home as much as I can. And I can't have my oldest kids over because they may carry it into the house. And I can't visit them in case I carry it back. No seeing any of my family because they also don't take any precautions. My only other choice is to look my wife in the face and tell her I don't care if her mom dies. Next time some of you complain about folks wearing masks think about why they might be doing so.

Not sure anyone complained about folks wearing them. The problem is when others like in that video confront you over not wearing one. My momma tested positive yesterday for the virus, so we won't get to see her on Christmas.
A lot of people getting the virus in my area including family members. Likely will lose an Aunt from it. She is elderly and was in the at risk category for sure. Just tough times out there. Maybe we should stop the fighting and simply support each other to help each other make it through these difficult days.
Really? Maybe not on here but I see tons of it out in the real world.

I mean, I have my personal opinion about them that is backed by doctors and tests, but I don't go after anyone. As I've said before, do what you gotta do and I have no problems with that, but don't force it on me is all I ask. I hope your momma finds a way to live peacefully and that it all works out with the precautions you're having to take. I also hope y'all can find a way to have a Merry Christmas.
Safe to say everyone has someone in the high risk category. I know I do.

I'm glad we found $700mm to give to Sudan, $135mm to Burma, $85.5mm to Cambodia; $130mm to Nepal, $453mm to Ukraine during this crisis. Not to mention $1.4b to the "Asia Reassurance Initiative Act".

Our tax dollars. These politians need to go.
Does anyone in Washington explain why they do this? Are they really trying to do something good for these countries OR are they getting financial gain? I think I know where my money would go betting between those two things. Surely both Democrat and Republican voters can agree on this one.
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