| FTBL coach saban on cowturd next

crewdog3 said:
boy is he sucking up im lovin it

He's being a good interviewer, respectful to his guest. He tends to do that with all of his guests...his callers? There's a different story. IF his guests aren't on the show? There, yet again, is a different story.
Hey TerryP: are you saying that Coward does the same thing that Finebum does? That is: make callers he might argue with, but female callers he yells at? Finebum and Cowherd are blowhards!! :lol:
ExiledTidefan said:
Hey TerryP: are you saying that Coward does the same thing that Finebum does? That is: make callers he might argue with, but female callers he yells at? Finebum and Cowherd are blowhards!! :lol:

I can't really say, I don't listen to Finebaum. But, I do respect what he does in the sense of "his business." NOW, that said, I don't respect the way he treats his callers.

He's good in his industry as far as attracting listeners, ya know?

Cowherd...I've listened to his entire show more than once and came away with nothing! But, once in awhile, like Finebaum, he'll absolutely nail a subject.

One clarification...

One Finebaum, I will go back in listen to his archived interviews at times...of course, depending on who it is.
So I guess none of you remember all the crap CowTurd was slinging when we were looking for a new coach. I remember catching a lot of crap from the guys I worked with who listened to Cowherd during the coaching search.

The one I remember best was CowTurd said if you typed "Saban" into Microsoft Word, the AutoCorrect came up with "Satan". Well, you know what typing "Cowherd" results in?


Boo that guy.
moreno_iv said:
So I guess none of you remember all the crap CowTurd was slinging when we were looking for a new coach. I remember catching a lot of crap from the guys I worked with who listened to Cowherd during the coaching search.

The one I remember best was CowTurd said if you typed "Saban" into Microsoft Word, the AutoCorrect came up with "Satan". Well, you know what typing "Cowherd" results in?


Boo that guy.

OH, I remember! At that time he was spouting all of that I knew what was going on with Saban and what was going on with the talks behind the scenes.

I found it hilarious!

Keep in mind, just because they might say it, doesn't mean they believe it! Again, it's the craft of their profession...there's a reason he's a nationally broadcast radio host.
moreno_iv said:
So I guess none of you remember all the crap CowTurd was slinging when we were looking for a new coach. I remember catching a lot of crap from the guys I worked with who listened to Cowherd during the coaching search.

The one I remember best was CowTurd said if you typed "Saban" into Microsoft Word, the AutoCorrect came up with "Satan". Well, you know what typing "Cowherd" results in?


Boo that guy.

Relax. He does it to stir the pot. Overall he is an entertaining sports talk guy. He bashes just about everyone who gives him a reason. He does this to get people listening. It works.
Well, just because he's a talk show host and is "just stirring the pot" doesn't mean I have to like him.

Stirring the pot to get ratings and be successful is a pretty pitiful way to go about it, if you ask me. Subscribe to his brand of sensationalism and band-wagoneering if you like, but don't tell me to relax because I don't buy into that bull-crap.

It's Friday and I'm off work early. I'm about as relaxed as they come. :D
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