| FTBL Arrest made in tree poisoning

I comprehended the "....but I won't condemn it either." part very well. I also comprehended the part where you said it's just two lousy tress as if that is the point.

If you want to get on the internet & say incredibly stupid things & make yourself look like a complete fool, don't get all frowny-faced when people notice that you're saying incredibly stupid things & making yourself look like a complete fool. I mean....DUH.

You're not even intelligent enough to realize that the underlying message in your posts indicate that it would be perfectly okay for some barners to burn down Dream Land or jack hammer the Walk of Champions.

Please, for the love of all that is Holy, tell me you have not reproduced & cannot reproduce. PLEASE!

Auburn police said Harvey Almorn Updyke, 62, of Dadeville, was arrested at 1:26 a.m. Thursday on a warrant charging him with criminal mischief. Investigators said his arrest stems from an investigation involving the application of herbicide to the oak trees located at Toomer's Corner in the downtown area.

As I thought. I believe thats a misdemeanor, in which case he wont be in jail long.

I do not condone this act, but the trees in toomers corner are not irreplacable. Charcaol can be dug in trenches to absorb poison. They can dig up the soil and replace the tree. Though from how AU is acting, doesnt look like t hey will, unless its a beg for sympathy inlight of NCAA investigations.
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As I thought. I believe thats a misdemeanor, in which case he wont be in jail long.

I do not condone this act, but the trees in toomers corner are not irreplacable. Charcaol can be dug in trenches to absorb poison. They can dig up the soil and replace the tree. Though from how AU is acting, doesnt look like t hey will, unless its a beg for sympathy inlight of NCAA investigations.

Criminal Mischief 1 st Degree is a felony......damage must exceed $2500. 2nd and 3rd degrees are misdemeanors.

He could be looking at some federal Agriculture / environmental code violations though.....possibly.
Criminal Mischief 1 st Degree is a felony......damage must exceed $2500. 2nd and 3rd degrees are misdemeanors.

He could be looking at some federal Agriculture / environmental code violations though.....possibly.

Yeah but with a good lawyer he can plea bargan that down to a misdemeanor if they offer up restitution and IF he has a clean record. As long as he has no priors....he'll do probation. He just better hope his judge isn't a barn fan.

<TABLE style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #bfb8c1; WIDTH: 384px; HEIGHT: 306px" border=0 orgFontSize="11px"><TBODY orgFontSize="11px"><TR orgFontSize="11px"><TD orgFontSize="11px">ALABAMA CRIMINAL CODE -
Criminal mischief in the first degree
(Section 13A-7-21)
(a) A person commits the crime of criminal mischief in the first degree if, with intent to damage property, and having no right to do so or any reasonalble ground to believe that he or she has such right, he or she inflicts damages to property:
(1) In an amount exceeding $2,500 or
(2) By means of an explosion
(b) Criminal mischief is the first degree is a Class C felony
SENTENCING - Standard sentence is one year plus one day and a maximum of 10 years.
FINES - Up to $15,000, as well as restitution and court costs.
Note - These are merely codes. Actual punishments against the acused in this case have not been lodged. The suspect is innocent until proven guilty.
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Yeah but with a good lawyer he can plea bargan that down to a misdemeanor if they offer up restitution and IF he has a clean record. As long as he has no priors....he'll do probation. He just better hope his judge isn't a barn fan.

<TABLE style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #bfb8c1; WIDTH: 384px; HEIGHT: 306px" border=0 orgFontSize="11px"><TBODY orgFontSize="11px"><TR orgFontSize="11px"><TD orgFontSize="11px">ALABAMA CRIMINAL CODE -
Criminal mischief in the first degree
(Section 13A-7-21)
(a) A person commits the crime of criminal mischief in the first degree if, with intent to damage property, and having no right to do so or any reasonalble ground to believe that he or she has such right, he or she inflicts damages to property:
(1) In an amount exceeding $2,500 or
(2) By means of an explosion
(b) Criminal mischief is the first degree is a Class C felony
SENTENCING - Standard sentence is one year plus one day and a maximum of 10 years.
FINES - Up to $15,000, as well as restitution and court costs.
Note - These are merely codes. Actual punishments against the acused in this case have not been lodged. The suspect is innocent until proven guilty.

Whatever they value the trees won't matter compared to the remediation cost, which will be through the roof. Whether he's staggered through life or managed to save a few bucks, this idiot is ruined financially, and he'll probably do jail time.
I am sure this will come into play at some point, I am sure they will explore all possible charges:

"It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling."

NBC Nightly News has a crew heading to Auburn to give this story even more exposure.
I have 3 wonderful kids, 17, 15, & 13. And be very careful what YOU SAY NEXT.
Talk all you want about me...but you go after my kids that takes things in a whole new level of which i don't think your prepaird for.

Bottem line is i really don't give a flying flock about AU or thier trees. The same trees they rolled when Bryant passed away.
This is the same fan base that braged on ITAT about releving themslevs on Mark Stallings grave.....
i could go on and on and try and justify this action but i won't. So before Porter or Doe kicks my ass off of here....
i'm done with this.
Hell, I don't even know what "prepaird" means. I don't know what 37% of the words you post mean. Well, we can only hope that someone else provided the genes for those kids & if not, hopefully they never procreate. The dumb in this country must be stopped at some point.
I do find it very interesting that the caller said Roll Damn Tide. I've never heard an Alabama fan say that in my life. Sounds too much like WDE. I've heard other versions of Roll Tide but never that one.

I hope they find the guy that did this, but I sure hope our law enforcement moves along pretty quickly from this. There are much more pressing matters to attend to. There are real murder cases that won't get as much attentions as some trees that were already dying.
If you've never heard anyone say "RDT" then you must live in Russia.

Oh, & BTW....no one burned 28-27 into any grass on UA campus.
This whole situation depresses me. Not so much the tree dying, but that we have a 9 page thread about it.

Jameis Winston might commit soon... possibly after this weekend's Junior Day?

UA baseball starts up tomorrow night!

Anthony Grant & the Boys are on the road at LSU this evening... oh and they're good!
I am sure this will come into play at some point, I am sure they will explore all possible charges:

"It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling."

NBC Nightly News has a crew heading to Auburn to give this story even more exposure.

I, quite frankly, am not worried about NBC Nightly News giving this "even more exposure". Their viewership is around 9 or 10 mil? Big whoop. Not to mention, most people understand that this guy had to be a little nuts so if you are thinking "oh boy, this is going to make BAMA look bad with ALL the exposure", you may want to start worrying more about the kind of exposure you will get if ol' Trooper is implicated in any of the latest and greatest accusations coming from the Plains. Killing a couple of trees by one of our lunatic fans will go away after a couple of days. Scholarship reductions hurt much longer. We know all about it. Enjoy!
Hell, I don't even know what "prepaird" means. I don't know what 37% of the words you post mean. Well, we can only hope that someone else provided the genes for those kids & if not, hopefully they never procreate. The dumb in this country must be stopped at some point.

If u feel so strongly about it either go down there and help, go cry with barners on their board, or stfu. Or here is a novel idea, how about an open discussion without u being a douchebag? U are and have been attacking people with a different perspective than u this whole thread like kicking me in the balls which I don't appreciate but I got thick skin so no biggie but damn dude chill out with that crap for real. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone come to mind?
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This whole situation depresses me. Not so much the tree dying, but that we have a 9 page thread about it.

Jameis Winston might commit soon... possibly after this weekend's Junior Day?

UA baseball starts up tomorrow night!

Anthony Grant & the Boys are on the road at LSU this evening... oh and they're good!

Thank you Porter for trying to straighten this thread out! We have more pressing issues to be concerned with besides two trees in Lee County!!
I'd be willing to bet that most trees don't live to be 130 years old, which would mean that the Barn has already received more value from the tree than could normally be expected. So knowing the the trees could have easily died of natural causes soon anyway, I have two questions.

1) What would have been the emotional showing when the tree died naturally?
2) And when it died naturally, what would the Barn have done?

I'm not comparing this to a human life, but we all can understand that the lost of a child is a tragedy while the passing of a 100 year old man evokes responses like "He had a long and fruitful life".

The tree is not a tragedy, a disappointment that they did not get a 131st year of value out of it, but a disappointment no less. It time for them to pull Plan B off the shelf and shape their future...at least I would hope that they had a plan for what to do when a 130 year old tree dies.
There was an article hanging on AL.COM about Auburn's plans to sell "children" of the TOOMER trees. One could buy one for $60,000. (True story.) This implies that they have replacements ready to go.

Building bigger and better, they could replace the two dead tress with three new ones. And all it would cost them is $180,000.

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