| FTBL Arrest made in tree poisoning

For anyone who "doesn't condemn" this behavior because it's "just some trees" let me express to you how misguided your judgment is. Imagine that an Auburn fan got into his rusted out 1969 pickup and drove to Tuscaloosa with a sledge hammer. Now imagine that he stops in front of Denny Chimes and bashes Derrick Thomas' hand and footprints there. Do you think we could replace that? These trees are an irreplaceable part of Auburn's heritage. Now, I'm not real big on Auburn's heritage, but it's theirs to do with as they see fit. It's not our place as Alabama fans to DESTROY something that does not belong to us. You're damned right I condemn this action and any other action that one person takes that violates the rights of another person. The moron responsible for this isn't a fan, not of the University of Alabama or of college football. Rivalry isn't about destroying property or doing potentially irrevocable damage to the rival school or it's image or traditions. Rivalry is about good natured fun, occasional jokes and pranks, and beating the crap out of the other team ON THE FIELD. When rivalry crosses those lines, fandom become fanatic behavior, and is indicative of a mental disorder. I can't imagine any of my fellow Bama fans who wouldn't condemn this action, if for no other reason than it's stupid, childish, and reflects poorly on the University, and the rest of the Bama Nation.

Before I get flamed for being a barner in disguise, I'll just tell you that I'm a 2005 graduate of the University of Alabama and you can find me at the Crimson Castle on 15th street in Tuscaloosa. I'll be the guy in the Crimson Alabama hat.

For anyone who "doesn't condemn" this behavior because it's "just some trees" let me express to you how misguided your judgment is. Imagine that an Auburn fan got into his rusted out 1969 pickup and drove to Tuscaloosa with a sledge hammer. Now imagine that he stops in front of Denny Chimes and bashes Derrick Thomas' hand and footprints there. Do you think we could replace that? These trees are an irreplaceable part of Auburn's heritage. Now, I'm not real big on Auburn's heritage, but it's theirs to do with as they see fit. It's not our place as Alabama fans to DESTROY something that does not belong to us. You're damned right I condemn this action and any other action that one person takes that violates the rights of another person. The moron responsible for this isn't a fan, not of the University of Alabama or of college football. Rivalry isn't about destroying property or doing potentially irrevocable damage to the rival school or it's image or traditions. Rivalry is about good natured fun, occasional jokes and pranks, and beating the crap out of the other team ON THE FIELD. When rivalry crosses those lines, fandom become fanatic behavior, and is indicative of a mental disorder. I can't imagine any of my fellow Bama fans who wouldn't condemn this action, if for no other reason than it's stupid, childish, and reflects poorly on the University, and the rest of the Bama Nation.

Before I get flamed for being a barner in disguise, I'll just tell you that I'm a 2005 graduate of the University of Alabama and you can find me at the Crimson Castle on 15th street in Tuscaloosa. I'll be the guy in the Crimson Alabama hat.


This is the best post I've seen on this subject yet! Kudos to you Dusty!
Once and for all, b/c I'm so sick of hearing everyone say this: the poison poses zero danger to mammals. As the Aub professor said yesterday on Finebaum (listen for the comedy... don't believe everything I hear, don't worry) that you'd have to drink yourself to death before the poison killed you.

And the biggest thing to me is that, with or without retaliation, this is going to bring the barners together more than anything ever has, I'm telling they will run through brick walls for that school come next season. And what could be worse... what if the trees live?...
For anyone who "doesn't condemn" this behavior because it's "just some trees" let me express to you how misguided your judgment is. Imagine that an Auburn fan got into his rusted out 1969 pickup and drove to Tuscaloosa with a sledge hammer. Now imagine that he stops in front of Denny Chimes and bashes Derrick Thomas' hand and footprints there. Do you think we could replace that? These trees are an irreplaceable part of Auburn's heritage. Now, I'm not real big on Auburn's heritage, but it's theirs to do with as they see fit. It's not our place as Alabama fans to DESTROY something that does not belong to us. You're damned right I condemn this action and any other action that one person takes that violates the rights of another person. The moron responsible for this isn't a fan, not of the University of Alabama or of college football. Rivalry isn't about destroying property or doing potentially irrevocable damage to the rival school or it's image or traditions. Rivalry is about good natured fun, occasional jokes and pranks, and beating the crap out of the other team ON THE FIELD. When rivalry crosses those lines, fandom become fanatic behavior, and is indicative of a mental disorder. I can't imagine any of my fellow Bama fans who wouldn't condemn this action, if for no other reason than it's stupid, childish, and reflects poorly on the University, and the rest of the Bama Nation.

Before I get flamed for being a barner in disguise, I'll just tell you that I'm a 2005 graduate of the University of Alabama and you can find me at the Crimson Castle on 15th street in Tuscaloosa. I'll be the guy in the Crimson Alabama hat.


I doubt you'll be accused of being a barner in disguise as you merely said the same things I've said & no one has been dumb enough to accuse me of being a barner....yet. Luckily, no one can accuse me of being a bammer either like the idiot who poisoned the trees or the very, very few people who refuse to condemn him for it.
Are these the same trees that were already dying from years of being washed off by water after all the years of being Tp'd?

I think I remember the article came out last year about it....
What could we equate this too, relative to to other Universities?

Clemson having to get another rock from Death Valley to replace Howard's Rock because some one stole it? No, because the point was that one specific rock's history that sets it apart from every other rock.
Notre Dame replacing the "Play Like a Champion Today" sign because it was spray painted over? More so, yes. True, that specific sign has great history, but the message and the routine at the point...not the sign.
Busting Derrick Thomas' hand print at Denny Chimes? No. This is not an Apples-to-Apples example as there is no other way to replace "Derrick's" concrete slab, and Derrick is the point, not concrete.

The issues at the core are primarly about:
1) the level/degree of disrespect. Compared to the Rye Grass score, Toomers was too far for most folks comfort;
2) forcing the Auburn fans to tweek a cherrished tradition. "Tweek" because the tradition will continue, only at a later date and on new trees.
3) ecological and fiscal impact of cleaning up the site, which has nothing to do with football. Logging happens everyday in Alabama, so lets not tree the loss of a tree as some sort of sin.

Updykes' crime did not kill rolling at Toomer's, its just causes it to be changed. By the way, these trees would die eventually anyway, and the same dead tree issue would be overcome then as well. Auburn already has trees ready to go into the grown to continue the tradition for the next 130 years, so this funeral will be a party again in a few years.
Look at the bright side folks, If they went ahead and cut them down, excavated the soil, and bring in new soil and trees, they would be big enough to roll before their next National Championship in 53 years.
So a couple of things after reading this thread...

First, thank those of you that condemn the actions of this psycho. I, for one, do not lump all Bama fans into this guy's crowd. Both fanbases have their share of idiots, one of yours just happen to catch national attention first. MOST Auburn fans see the difference. My hope is that all of our crazy fans are literate enough to read Gouge's press release and stay above this stuff. I don't want to see this crap perpetuated.

For those that think the press release was conveniently timed--perhaps you should read the press release. The school just received the lab results back. The first lab had a small fire so they were sent to Mississippi State.

Yes, the grass seed being planted, note I said planted--there was no burning--just annual rye grass seed, was tacky and should not have been done. It will die out during the spring when the rest of the grass sprouts. The taping of the jersey, while yes tasteless, but a prank none the less. Easily fixed. Much like the building that was painted red by UA students during the week of the 1989 Iron Bowl. Costly, but ultimately fixable and not permanent damage These things are pranks. They are meant to ruffle feathers but at the end of the day, whatever can be cleaned up and we all move on. The paint job on our building cost us a new paint job. The jersey taped to the statue costs someone 90 seconds to walk outside and snatch it down. I will say that Saban's lake house being vandalized was completely absurd. I personally wish they could catch the person responsible for that and press charges as well. My guess is Saban doesn't care enough to deal with it and it would be next to impossible to catch the person unless someone confesses. Hey, maybe they're dumb enough to call Finebaum. Acts of petty vandalism at a school (note the use of the word petty) are COMPLETELY different than personally attacking a coach or destroying something that is a landmark and a tradition at the school/something that cannot be replaced/repaired.

Criminal misc. carries up to ten years in jail and a rather hefty fine. Harvey will most likely, as I'm sure you all have heard by now, face stiffer penalties due to the very real potential for groundwater contamination. There will be more than state charges once all the dust settles on this.

I still have "AlabamaAubKiller" on block but I had to literally laugh out loud when I saw his post quoted by others and he called someone a moron while spelling their "thier". Also, the insinuation that two very large, 130+ year old oak trees can be easily replaced simply because Auburn has an agriculture program shows your continued lack of common sense.

Again, for those of you that have shown concern, frustration, anger, etc.--I thank you. I know there are many Auburn fans complaining about the donations and such and that pisses me off too. There is no way to unring the bell but some of your brethren have made a good faith attempt at doing the right thing in light of the circumstances and it is appreciated by most. I have not spoken to any Auburn fan that truly wants to see retaliation. Many said it right after it happened but, as is usually the case, cooler heads have prevailed. This is a black eye for your fanbase and the state as a whole. I'm not a huge fan of the way it makes us all look. We will all move past this, however. What is done is done. Here's to continuing the best rivalry in sports. Here's to (hopefully) fans respecting one another and generally being cordial to one another, save three hours or so every November.
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Duder only has me on block becuse he's a coward. He'll call me out but refuses to allow
a response. yep, that's a big man right there. lol

A lot of my posts here come out the way the do simply becuse of poor typing.
I'm not wrighting a damn term paper so i have no need to to waste time to go back and
edit, or check for typing & spelling. The poor typing often leads to the spelling e3rrors.
It's the internet. it's not a freaking theisis. As long as the point gets across wtf does it matter?

Also, the insinuation that two very large, 130+ year old oak trees can be easily replaced simply because Auburn has an agriculture program shows your continued lack of common sense.

I was getting at the compleate lack of forthought by AU based on the fact that they ALREADY KNEW
that these trees were in danger, and have known that for a couple years now. And that by being a cow college
they should have already have been taking the proper steps to preserve or replace the trees, being that they should
already have the ppl with the knowlage, and the facitlites to do so. But in typical barner fashion they screwed the pooch there as well.
Now they will result to the only way they know how, cry like a baby, throw money @ the problem & hope it goes away, while in the mean time diverting attention away from the more serious acusations against them. Like NCAA ivestigation in La. It's all smoke & mirrors. "Look over here! dont' look over there!" Everyone hates us WAAAAAAAAAA. whatever.
What could we equate this too, relative to to other Universities?

Clemson having to get another rock from Death Valley to replace Howard's Rock because some one stole it? No, because the point was that one specific rock's history that sets it apart from every other rock.
Notre Dame replacing the "Play Like a Champion Today" sign because it was spray painted over? More so, yes. True, that specific sign has great history, but the message and the routine at the point...not the sign.
Busting Derrick Thomas' hand print at Denny Chimes? No. This is not an Apples-to-Apples example as there is no other way to replace "Derrick's" concrete slab, and Derrick is the point, not concrete.

The issues at the core are primarly about:
1) the level/degree of disrespect. Compared to the Rye Grass score, Toomers was too far for most folks comfort;
2) forcing the Auburn fans to tweek a cherrished tradition. "Tweek" because the tradition will continue, only at a later date and on new trees.
3) ecological and fiscal impact of cleaning up the site, which has nothing to do with football. Logging happens everyday in Alabama, so lets not tree the loss of a tree as some sort of sin.

Updykes' crime did not kill rolling at Toomer's, its just causes it to be changed. By the way, these trees would die eventually anyway, and the same dead tree issue would be overcome then as well. Auburn already has trees ready to go into the grown to continue the tradition for the next 130 years, so this funeral will be a party again in a few years.

I was skimming this page and saw the Thomas handprint statement and thought you were saying someone had actually done that, until I read it of course. That would be a situation that would cause me to be ashamed of some of our fans.
After having some experience with 100+ year old oaks let me say this.

Replacing those two trees with transplanted oaks is not difficult to do even if you use 100+ year old live oaks to replace them. It's really fairly simple.

Expensive? You bet ya!
Freakish time, did anyone notice that our National Christmas Tree was blown down over the weekend?

A spruce on the White House grounds that every President since/including Carter had lit, gone.

Now we get to see how the rest of America reacts to the death of an old tree that was essential to a long-standing traditons.

The tree will be replaced with another huge tree, and assuming Christmas is not banned, the mighty gust of wind that blew over the last will be a media footnote this year and not mentioned at all the year after.

Perspective...on display.
Freakish time, did anyone notice that our National Christmas Tree was blown down over the weekend?

A spruce on the White House grounds that every President since/including Carter had lit, gone.

Now we get to see how the rest of America reacts to the death of an old tree that was essential to a long-standing traditons.

The tree will be replaced with another huge tree, and assuming Christmas is not banned, the mighty gust of wind that blew over the last will be a media footnote this year and not mentioned at all the year after.

Perspective...on display.

still have yet to hear anything about this.. hmmmm.. sociological experiment data compiling...
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