šŸˆ Arrest made in tree poisoning

Um thank you Mam.
^^^^^THIS IS MY COMMENT.^^^^^^
said exactly what i was thinking.
Besides....it's 2 lousy trees. Thier suposed to be an AG school.
you mean to tell me those morons can't even grow 2 trees?
I'm not going to condone it....but i won't condem it either.
Like my daddy used to say...live by the sword & die by it.
Karma is a pain in the ass ain't it?

I gotta give you credit AlabamaAubKiller, you never fail to amaze. But don't be too pleased, I mean that in the most disparaging way possible.
Um thank you Mam.
^^^^^THIS IS MY COMMENT.^^^^^^
said exactly what i was thinking.
Besides....it's 2 lousy trees. Thier suposed to be an AG school.
you mean to tell me those morons can't even grow 2 trees?
I'm not going to condone it....but i won't condem it either.
Like my daddy used to say...live by the sword & die by it.
Karma is a pain in the ass ain't it?

Just so I'm clear, do you support all terrorism done in the name of Alabama football, or just against Auburn? Now I'm not saying they will find out who did it. Or that the person will be charged as a domestic terrorist, but this incident is pretty close to the definition of environmental terrorism.

Here's a link to an article by one of the experts.

Altho i did find this little nugget over @ TD. I though it amusing.... But it brings the question to mind....

re: How long until retaliation? (Posted on 2/16/11 at 10:16 p.m.)

<HR class=SubjectLine>Can we get a sticky for "The Trees are Dying" thread justlike "the Plains are Burning" one. shite I bet ATPB is crazy tonight. And read this gem pulled from SportsbyBrooks:

"Brooks lol come on man. If anyone is going to get in trouble itā€™s MSU. And those NCAA investigators were in LA to investigate LSU. Iā€™ve never seen a bunch of yellow journalist want a story to be so true. At AU we have a creed that we live by, it is our code. We have never cheated nor will we start now. For YEARS the Rec and bammers have framed, defamed, lied, bought media to make it look as if Au cheated. Heck, they even paid Scott Moore, A voice impersonator, to sound like Pat Dye talking with eric ramsey. I am close to this coaching staff, I was at the complex last night, and they have done NOTHING wrong. THey wouldnā€™t cheat, it goes againts the Au code. Iā€™ll say this, they are more determined than ever to continue to beat UA. The amounts of money given to Cyrus and Callowayā€™s parents was in the 7 figure range. 7 FIGURES. The AU staff has proof and have turned Saban and the gang in. The kids were still loyal to our staff and have helped us. They pain that those 2 young men had to go through. imagine God confirming his will to you, and Greed parents rob you of your blessing. Itā€™s sickening. This tree killing will not go unavenged. Godā€™s wrath will be on the capstone now. You donā€™t mess with his anointed. We will overcome. WarCamEagle. Toomerā€™s Will be Avenged."

Now i gota know Foshman....are all you barners that deliutional that you actually belive the good Lord on High has nothing better to do than to have unmerciful wrath and avenge the death of 2 oak trees on a collage campus? You ppl actaully think your blessed by devine providance? seriously? I mean maybe this was done months and months ago and has already seeped into the ground water last spring making all of y'all crazy. Becuse as much as i despise Auburn, thier fans, and everything about them....even i gave 1/2 the fanbase the benifit of the doubt when it came to their sanity. Now i'm not so sure.
Call the TPD & UA Poilce and have them double the gaurd around BDS. the ppl are crazy.
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Why should this cost the tax payers of the State of Alabama 1 red penny?
this is a CIty of Auburn problem. Not a STATE problem.

And it will be a BIG problem if it get's into the water works piping.....becuse the city of Auburn has NO
back flow prevention program in place. The AU Campus does, and has backflow preventers all over the school grounds.
But the Water board up there has ZERO backflow in place. I spent an hour on the phone
this past summer with thier eng. trying to convence him to establish a backflow prevetntion & cross connesction control program.
They're "planing" on getting one "together". Ummm i'm willing to bet that heads will roll when the EPA finds out that they no gots one.
Just ask the city of Oxford how much it cost them when the EPA & ADEM caught them with out a program. So in effect your right...this is
more than just killing 2 trees.
What part of "I'm not going to condone it....but i won't condem it either." did you not comprehend
I comprehended the "....but I won't condemn it either." part very well. I also comprehended the part where you said it's just two lousy tress as if that is the point.

If you want to get on the internet & say incredibly stupid things & make yourself look like a complete fool, don't get all frowny-faced when people notice that you're saying incredibly stupid things & making yourself look like a complete fool. I mean....DUH.

You're not even intelligent enough to realize that the underlying message in your posts indicate that it would be perfectly okay for some barners to burn down Dream Land or jack hammer the Walk of Champions.

Please, for the love of all that is Holy, tell me you have not reproduced & cannot reproduce. PLEASE!
I comprehended the "....but I won't condemn it either." part very well. I also comprehended the part where you said it's just two lousy tress as if that is the point.

If you want to get on the internet & say incredibly stupid things & make yourself look like a complete fool, don't get all frowny-faced when people notice that you're saying incredibly stupid things & making yourself look like a complete fool. I mean....DUH.

You're not even intelligent enough to realize that the underlying message in your posts indicate that it would be perfectly okay for some barners to burn down Dream Land or jack hammer the Walk of Champions.

Please, for the love of all that is Holy, tell me you have not reproduced & cannot reproduce. PLEASE!

I have 3 wonderful kids, 17, 15, & 13. And be very careful what YOU SAY NEXT.
Talk all you want about me...but you go after my kids that takes things in a whole new level of which i don't think your prepaird for.

Bottem line is i really don't give a flying flock about AU or thier trees. The same trees they rolled when Bryant passed away.
This is the same fan base that braged on ITAT about releving themslevs on Mark Stallings grave.....
i could go on and on and try and justify this action but i won't. So before Porter or Doe kicks my ass off of here....
i'm done with this.
i am still trying to get a picture of this in my head..

i mean, did the guy back a tanker up to the tree and start pumping or are we talking a gallon jug..

i can't see a gallon of anything killing a tree like that.. but i really don't know
I find this whole crap of justifying or condemning anything some stupid idiot, and I say this with all sincerity, this person is not a fan, its a stupid idiot that goes around bragging about doing this stupid moronic action and should be punished. With that said, we all have far better things IMHO to discuss about Alabama football than this moronic action. Two seperate posts about this, point taken, dude is a moron, both fanbases have morons. National news coverage is jumping all over this to prove it, and we as a fanbase here are proving we cant even remain civil to ourselves in the process. Sad case of affairs. I understand we all have our views, but for everything that is pure about ALABAMA FOOTBALL, lets drop it. It will be a cold day in hell before I kick a Bama fan off here for putting their collective 2 cents in even if the majority thinks they are wrong. Continue this blast fest for whatever reason you all choose but remember one thing, If you are a Fan of either team be it Bama or that college south of us your actions will and always will reflect on the team you pull for. To have Bama fans, and I concider each of you here that are Bama Fans Just that, see how you reflect among yourselves first before we go casting stones at each other and look like some crazed fanbase that cant even tolerate each other here. Last statement on this, again, no BAMA fan will be banned from here for putting up their opinions, but people that cant remain civil should expect a moderator or Admin to step in and say IMHO enough. Now chunk some stones at me for stating the obvious, I am a big boy and can take it. But you want find me hanging around Toomers corner doing anything but exiting a game there rooting for the University Of Alabama! Roll Tide.
I find this whole crap of justifying or condemning anything some stupid idiot, and I say this with all sincerity, this person is not a fan, its a stupid idiot that goes around bragging about doing this stupid moronic action and should be punished. With that said, we all have far better things IMHO to discuss about Alabama football than this moronic action. Two seperate posts about this, point taken, dude is a moron, both fanbases have morons. National news coverage is jumping all over this to prove it, and we as a fanbase here are proving we cant even remain civil to ourselves in the process. Sad case of affairs. I understand we all have our views, but for everything that is pure about ALABAMA FOOTBALL, lets drop it. It will be a cold day in hell before I kick a Bama fan off here for putting their collective 2 cents in even if the majority thinks they are wrong. Continue this blast fest for whatever reason you all choose but remember one thing, If you are a Fan of either team be it Bama or that college south of us your actions will and always will reflect on the team you pull for. To have Bama fans, and I concider each of you here that are Bama Fans Just that, see how you reflect among yourselves first before we go casting stones at each other and look like some crazed fanbase that cant even tolerate each other here. Last statement on this, again, no BAMA fan will be banned from here for putting up their opinions, but people that cant remain civil should expect a moderator or Admin to step in and say IMHO enough. Now chunk some stones at me for stating the obvious, I am a big boy and can take it. But you want find me hanging around Toomers corner doing anything but exiting a game there rooting for the University Of Alabama! Roll Tide.

I have 3 wonderful kids, 17, 15, & 13. And be very careful what YOU SAY NEXT.
Talk all you want about me...but you go after my kids that takes things in a whole new level of which i don't think your prepaird for.

Bottem line is i really don't give a flying flock about AU or thier trees. The same trees they rolled when Bryant passed away.
This is the same fan base that braged on ITAT about releving themslevs on Mark Stallings grave.....
i could go on and on and try and justify this action but i won't. So before Porter or Doe kicks my ass off of here....
i'm done with this.

threatening the dude was dumb man. he cracked joke about YOU, he didnt say nothing about ur kids. chill.
I find this whole crap of justifying or condemning anything some stupid idiot, and I say this with all sincerity, this person is not a fan, its a stupid idiot that goes around bragging about doing this stupid moronic action and should be punished. With that said, we all have far better things IMHO to discuss about Alabama football than this moronic action. Two seperate posts about this, point taken, dude is a moron, both fanbases have morons. National news coverage is jumping all over this to prove it, and we as a fanbase here are proving we cant even remain civil to ourselves in the process. Sad case of affairs. I understand we all have our views, but for everything that is pure about ALABAMA FOOTBALL, lets drop it. It will be a cold day in hell before I kick a Bama fan off here for putting their collective 2 cents in even if the majority thinks they are wrong. Continue this blast fest for whatever reason you all choose but remember one thing, If you are a Fan of either team be it Bama or that college south of us your actions will and always will reflect on the team you pull for. To have Bama fans, and I concider each of you here that are Bama Fans Just that, see how you reflect among yourselves first before we go casting stones at each other and look like some crazed fanbase that cant even tolerate each other here. Last statement on this, again, no BAMA fan will be banned from here for putting up their opinions, but people that cant remain civil should expect a moderator or Admin to step in and say IMHO enough. Now chunk some stones at me for stating the obvious, I am a big boy and can take it. But you want find me hanging around Toomers corner doing anything but exiting a game there rooting for the University Of Alabama! Roll Tide.
You know, i was thinking about making a thread aabout how i t seems that more and more posters have been more hostile toward each over of the course of the last year. I think it would be good to have a thread where everyone can voice their own social imperfections in order to get people to loosen up some.
Altho i did find this little nugget over @ TD. I though it amusing.... But it brings the question to mind....

Now i gota know Foshman....are all you barners that deliutional that you actually belive the good Lord on High has nothing better to do than to have unmerciful wrath and avenge the death of 2 oak trees on a collage campus? You ppl actaully think your blessed by devine providance? seriously? I mean maybe this was done months and months ago and has already seeped into the ground water last spring making all of y'all crazy. Becuse as much as i despise Auburn, thier fans, and everything about them....even i gave 1/2 the fanbase the benifit of the doubt when it came to their sanity. Now i'm not so sure.
Call the TPD & UA Poilce and have them double the gaurd around BDS. the ppl are crazy.

This person doesn't represent me or the majority of Auburn fans I know. And I'm not a big believer in God getting involved in the affairs of humans. With that said is what this person is saying any less rational than some of the crap (some)Alabama fans (you) spew?

And I'll rephrase my earlier question. Are you only willing to ignore terrorism when it is done in the name of Alabama football? Or is it when it's committed against Auburn?
i am still trying to get a picture of this in my head..

i mean, did the guy back a tanker up to the tree and start pumping or are we talking a gallon jug..

i can't see a gallon of anything killing a tree like that.. but i really don't know

I believe the lethal dose for this is around 1 ppm (part per million.) This isn't exactly correct math wise but a way to think about it is that a single gallon could contaminate 1 million gallons of water/soil/land to the point where they would be lethal for any plants to grow there.
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