| FTBL Alright Bama fans, Tedford or Tubberville?



Just curious as to y'alls opinions on who A&M should hire as their next head coach (taking into consideration that either of the two listed above may not want to come to A&M). Should A&M hire Tubberville, Tedford, or some other coach? I expect a lot of you would want us to take Tubberville away from Auburn since he has had a lot of success against y'all of late. Just trying to get an opinion form those outside of Texas.
Bocephus said:
Just curious as to y'alls opinions on who A&M should hire as their next head coach (taking into consideration that either of the two listed above may not want to come to A&M). Should A&M hire Tubberville, Tedford, or some other coach? I expect a lot of you would want us to take Tubberville away from Auburn since he has had a lot of success against y'all of late. Just trying to get an opinion form those outside of Texas.

Tubbs had success on beating a Div-II caliber team led by Shula and company. Congrats to AU fans and team for breaking such a sweat against such a awesome team we had in those years :lol: . Sucks because we had talent but had no leadership or direction in which to lead them and have the players useful to the team. I think most Bama fans would want him to hang around at least until we get back some revenge or stop the losing streak. after that, I don't care if he stays or goes. I just want the losing to AU to stop!

What I think Tubbs is going to do is pull a Spurrier. He is going to act interested with TAM and all, just in spite to get more money + whatever else he requests. I think its going to be hilarious when they give him a Saban-esque salary (because that is what he is going to request or he'll threaten to leave). I think it will be funny because that is one of the things AU fans try and throw in our face. That we'd pay that amount of money for a coach. I can then start using the "tubb$" as they do to our "$aban". It will be too funny.

If he does go, it will be because the AU BOTs and donors did not settle for what Tubbs is requesting IMHO. Sucks you guys had to deal with fRan. I feel bad for your program because of that idiot running it into the ground. Hopefully you guys will land a great coach and can salvage recruiting in-state.
Bocephus said:
Just curious as to y'alls opinions on who A&M should hire as their next head coach (taking into consideration that either of the two listed above may not want to come to A&M). Should A&M hire Tubberville, Tedford, or some other coach? I expect a lot of you would want us to take Tubberville away from Auburn since he has had a lot of success against y'all of late. Just trying to get an opinion form those outside of Texas.

Maybe some but I think the majority a$# could care less? A&M will get a good coach. There's a particular fella on the Board that could suggest a name or 2 for consideration. :wink: I'd go with what he says. For the big money....I'd think your going to get a better coach than Tuberville or Teford. I don't think Tuberville could recruit well against Stoops or Brown. I really don't know but I would trust the aformentioned fella on the board. He has lot's of friends.
Tubbs is a good coach IMO but undefeated seasons are hard for him to produce. If your goal is to be 11-2 every year than he is your man. However, talk I have been hearing is that Petrino is not happy with the Falcons and AU will make a play for him after they "let Tubs get away". If there is any truth to that, I would skip Tubbs and go after Petrino myself.
rammajamma said:
Tubbs is a good coach IMO but undefeated seasons are hard for him to produce. If your goal is to be 11-2 every year than he is your man. However, talk I have been hearing is that Petrino is not happy with the Falcons and AU will make a play for him after they "let Tubs get away". If there is any truth to that, I would skip Tubbs and go after Petrino myself.

I've heard from a few people in Atlanta that Blank is very committed to Petrino and that he/Petrino is unhappy with his current roster. Blank has made a commitment to Petrino to change that. In the NFL that can take 3-4 years. Wishful thinking on AU part. I understand he wouldn't have taken the AU job regardless? I have no real proof of that except the "souse" was credible.
Bocephus said:
Just curious as to y'alls opinions on who A&M should hire as their next head coach (taking into consideration that either of the two listed above may not want to come to A&M). Should A&M hire Tubberville, Tedford, or some other coach? I expect a lot of you would want us to take Tubberville away from Auburn since he has had a lot of success against y'all of late. Just trying to get an opinion form those outside of Texas.

You can get Saban cheaper? :D
rammajamma said:
Tubbs is a good coach IMO but undefeated seasons are hard for him to produce. If your goal is to be 11-2 every year than he is your man. However, talk I have been hearing is that Petrino is not happy with the Falcons and AU will make a play for him after they "let Tubs get away". If there is any truth to that, I would skip Tubbs and go after Petrino myself.[/quote

Going undefeated in the SEC is tough for any of our teams. Unless I'm mistaken only one team has done it this century and that was Auburn under Tubs.
Proud Tiger said:
Going undefeated in the SEC is tough for any of our teams. Unless I'm mistaken only one team has done it this century and that was Auburn under Tubs.

A little off the subject here, but I just wanted to point out what a kick I get out of statistics thrown around like this. When PT says "this century" it sounds like such a huge deal. Pay no mind to the fact that the century is only 7 yrs old....
Tideboy said:
Proud Tiger said:
Going undefeated in the SEC is tough for any of our teams. Unless I'm mistaken only one team has done it this century and that was Auburn under Tubs.

A little off the subject here, but I just wanted to point out what a kick I get out of statistics thrown around like this. When PT says "this century" it sounds like such a huge deal. Pay no mind to the fact that the century is only 7 yrs old....

Typical barner bull. They also have that ...what was it??? Peoples Choice NC! :lol: Sad and pathetic.
Tideboy said:
Proud Tiger said:
Going undefeated in the SEC is tough for any of our teams. Unless I'm mistaken only one team has done it this century and that was Auburn under Tubs.

A little off the subject here, but I just wanted to point out what a kick I get out of statistics thrown around like this. When PT says "this century" it sounds like such a huge deal. Pay no mind to the fact that the century is only 7 yrs old....

That's a good point. A much more substantive measure of time would be something along the lines of, "over the past half century, which SEC teams have not won a football national championship?"
Rolling Tide said:
I dont think tubs is going anywhere. Think about it. A&M is the Auburn of Texas. Why go to another state to be the step child of texas when you can stay and be the step child of alabama

My feelings as well. I just don't see why Tubbs would leave. I have yet to see a truly compelling reason. I also think he is going to pull a Spurrier and just use this to build AU up. Something I don't look forward to.
Swamptick said:
Rolling Tide said:
I dont think tubs is going anywhere. Think about it. A&M is the Auburn of Texas. Why go to another state to be the step child of texas when you can stay and be the step child of alabama

My feelings as well. I just don't see why Tubbs would leave. I have yet to see a truly compelling reason. I also think he is going to pull a Spurrier and just use this to build AU up. Something I don't look forward to.

The only way Tuberville is at Auburn next season is if TAMU does not offer him the job and no other big fish come calling this year. If Tubby suddenly removes his name from consideration, he has been told that they are not going to offer him.

End of line.
Tideboy said:
Proud Tiger said:
Going undefeated in the SEC is tough for any of our teams. Unless I'm mistaken only one team has done it this century and that was Auburn under Tubs.

A little off the subject here, but I just wanted to point out what a kick I get out of statistics thrown around like this. When PT says "this century" it sounds like such a huge deal. Pay no mind to the fact that the century is only 7 yrs old....

Don't forget we have been playing in Tuscaloosa for three centuries and Bama hasn't won yet. :D

Man I'm getting good at this spin stuff hanging around you guys :D :D
Rolling Tide said:
I dont think tubs is going anywhere. Think about it. A&M is the Auburn of Texas. Why go to another state to be the step child of texas when you can stay and be the step child of alabama
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