| FTBL You don't think.................

BamaChef said:
The Viles or AwBarn would go after Steele do you???

Hope not. But then again our SOS might get even better!


After seeing Saban's tone on the Nick Saban show - it seemed to me like he was hyping Steele as a head coach. I think Steele (ex-UT man) goes to UT as head coach.
Well, they'll have to go through me first. :wink:

I don't think either UT or Auburn would go after Steele unless they had several rejections along the way. I'm not saying Steele couldn't do it. The fan bases of both schools will be looking for much bigger names though.

Since Auburn isn't in the coaching mix yet (and will NOT be according to my AU hubby) I'll stick to Tennessee. I think they're looking at the bigger names right now such as Kiffin and Gruden. Even though Steele is an alum his name isn't included with the bigger fish.
BamaDelta said:
Well, they'll have to go through me first. :wink:

I don't think either UT or Auburn would go after Steele unless they had several rejections along the way. I'm not saying Steele couldn't do it. The fan bases of both schools will be looking for much bigger names though.

Since Auburn isn't in the coaching mix yet (and will NOT be according to my AU hubby) I'll stick to Tennessee. I think they're looking at the bigger names right now such as Kiffin and Gruden. Even though Steele is an alum his name isn't included with the bigger fish.

Why wouldn't UT go after him?

AU's coaching search will start on Sunday if we lose to UT Martin. Mark it down.
circledrill said:
BamaDelta said:
Well, they'll have to go through me first. :wink:

I don't think either UT or Auburn would go after Steele unless they had several rejections along the way. I'm not saying Steele couldn't do it. The fan bases of both schools will be looking for much bigger names though.

Since Auburn isn't in the coaching mix yet (and will NOT be according to my AU hubby) I'll stick to Tennessee. I think they're looking at the bigger names right now such as Kiffin and Gruden. Even though Steele is an alum his name isn't included with the bigger fish.

Why wouldn't UT go after him?

AU's coaching search will start on Sunday if we lose to UT Martin. Mark it down.

Not trying to be smart, but you don't think it's already started?
Steele coached at Baylor at one time, right?

I think his record was pretty horrible.

But, with him being a UT man.....it wouldnt surprise me to see him get a look. He can coach a defense, thats for sure.
Steele was the head man at Baylor and his record wasn't that great.It could be feasible to see UT give him a look. Steele would be in better shape at UT that what he had at Baylor. The facilities and the funding would be through the roof in comparison. He's a heck of a recruiter and that would be a plus. He was hamstrung at baylor due to facilities and recruiting against schools that have a strong tradition and proven winner.
Steele needs another shot at HC but please dont let it be at UT. They would move back up in the hate list if they did lure him away.
I see UT, Clemson and Washington going for a Saban-type hire. If they have any sense, they learned from what we went through trying to do it "on the cheap" after Stallings left. I'm referring to Shula and Dubose. Not Price and Fran.
BamaDelta said:
Well, they'll have to go through me first. :wink:

I don't think either UT or Auburn would go after Steele unless they had several rejections along the way. I'm not saying Steele couldn't do it. The fan bases of both schools will be looking for much bigger names though.

Since Auburn isn't in the coaching mix yet (and will NOT be according to my AU hubby) I'll stick to Tennessee. I think they're looking at the bigger names right now such as Kiffin and Gruden. Even though Steele is an alum his name isn't included with the bigger fish.

I hope that UcheaT gets Kiffin,he screwed my raiders big time! So maybe...the viles 0-12 '09!
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