| FTBL Worst officiating [merged thread]

porkchop said:
Anyone naive enough to think that refs are not influenced by their environment need only refer to the second half of today's game. Notice when plays were made on the UK sideline, UK got the calls. At one point I actually saw one of the side judges look at the UK bench before making a call (and I believe it was on one of Julio's plays that Porter referenced).

3 plays

Illegal formation on 40 yard completion

Offensive Pass interference on Julio big gainer

No call on DB flagrant holding against Julio

Those were potential game changers and WRONG.

We played poorly, but there was no excuse on those. The bad thing is, two of 3 were pass interference related - and those are not reviewable. Formations are apparently not reviewable either.
i think we got an under standing of how the game
was going to be call. after the phanthom call
before we bust it up the middle. juilo catches
would have change, the game, sad day when some1
else can control game when they never play a down
BigAl said:
I knew this was going to happen. You can blame the refs all you want but we had to many mental letdowns.

Again...you are missing my point. I did not at all say I blamed the refs guys. Still, if you think that this was my point, you need to go back and read what I said.

Nowhere was I blaming the refs for Alabama's mistakes, but if YOU think the refs did NOT hurt Alabama's cause then.....well.....lol......you watched another football game from the one I watched. I have NEVER come on this forum and 'blamed' the refs. I am not doing it now. What I am saying, and have said this whole thread, was the refs were hurting us and HELPING to keep UK in the game.

Reading comprehension for the WIN!.
porkchop said:
Anyone naive enough to think that refs are not influenced by their environment need only refer to the second half of today's game. Notice when plays were made on the UK sideline, UK got the calls. At one point I actually saw one of the side judges look at the UK bench before making a call (and I believe it was on one of Julio's plays that Porter referenced).

BINGO I can't believe we won, with such bad calls. Remeber Saban asking for the call on our side line and nothing happend?
the_rolltide said:
Swamptick said:
Right now I am about as HOT as I get. This is TOTAL bull. Could we be doing better? Sure, but when the F%#@&ng officials are taking US out of the game, it HURTS

Go do it yourself!! :shock:

I could do it better than them. You speak in blanket terms when you know nothing about the rest of us friend. You are defending errant calls. Wow. You saw what we all saw. I am sure you have probably called HUGE games on national tv...so that said....you seem to be implying that this crew made no bad calls. Hmm.

I am glad we won but if you think the officiating did not make things harder for Bama then you need to go back to school friend. As I so clearly stated above, I know Bama's problems are not limited to the calls by the officiating crew. My original point was that it hurt us. I hope you can see how weak the officiating was near the UK bench. I hope that you are not so easily influenced by hoots and hollers from ANY bench. I hope you just call plays as you see them. Alas, the same cannot be said for the crew today near the UK bench.

I am not so foolish as to think that refs are somehow PERFECT. Of course not. You DOG the Alabama fans who SAW bad calls and tell us to go 'do it ourselves'. Hey...buddy..... we don't all call games...but we can all see them. Just like we can all see poor calls. If YOU did not see those poor calls and how they influenced the tempo of the game.......then PLEASE do not call games in the SEC.

That said I do respect you and am glad we can have this debate without it getting personal.
Kentucky played their @$$ off and Bama and the officiating crew had a letdown. Bama still got the W. That can be the difference in the Cotton bowl or the BCS title game. 6-0 6 more to go.
Could someone get me a photoshopped referee in the game wearing a blue jersey :o

The refs had outstanding coverage on Julio, actually hitting him for a loss or no gain on three occasions.

They even had some nice blocks on a few plays.
Kentucky players of the game.
the_rolltide said:
First im kinda pissed


If personally we have to blame the ref's or say they sucked that means that we didnt play good football!!!
Ref's dont decide the game. its the 22 players on the field!

Its stupid to think that they only helping ref's!

I have an idea! How about you try it and tell me how hard it is!

I ref football. Three weeks ago i was on ESPN and next week i will be on FSN. I miss calls. EVERYONE DOES! thats how life goes! But to think that refs chose a team or they favor a team is the stupidest thing ever! You try to ref!!!

HALF of your guys couldn't even run done the field much less make a split-second call with 92,000 people yelling at you!!!

you guys couldn't ref Pop Warner football!!!

So before you bag on the ref's try it yourself!!!
Trust me!!

So lets all go grow a pair and stop making up excuses!! We beat a team that was undeafted. We play in the SEC. and we won!!!

the rolltide, settle down. First of all, you don't know if anyone else on this board could or has or does referee games. To make that broad of an assumption is taking way too many liberties.

Secondly, you say this:

"But to think that refs chose a team or they favor a team is the stupidest thing ever! You try to ref!!!"

I can sense that you are passionate about your craft and seem very animated about others attacking what you consider to be near and dear to you. But, the real facts are that referees certainly can be crooked and they certainly can affect the outcome of a game.

Are you crooked? Of course not, I would never even think that. But, for you to be naive enough to honestly believe that ref. cheating doesn't and hasn't and isn't currently occurring is sort of naive.

No, it is really naive. Here is just one example:


Are referees angelic beings that have floated down from heaven and have integrity stamped so deep into their soul that they can never even think of doing anything wrong? Of course they aren't. But you seem to think it is just really out of the realm of possibility for a ref. to be a crook. Well, guess what, it isn't.

Another example:


I fully understand the entreaties from all of our fans that if we had only played better that the ref's calls would have been a non-factor. But, that just isn't true.

Imagine a referee that intentionally made up bogus calls and maliciously called them on a team on play after play, down after down, quarter after quarter.

What would a team do then? How could a team reasonably be expected to win a game against that kind of opposition?

So, sure, ref's certainly can affect the outcomes of games. Teams should not have to overcome the intentional dishonesty of ref's or their incompetence.
Swamptick said:
the_rolltide said:
Swamptick said:
Right now I am about as HOT as I get. This is TOTAL bull. Could we be doing better? Sure, but when the F%#@&ng officials are taking US out of the game, it HURTS

Go do it yourself!! :shock:

I could do it better than them. You speak in blanket terms when you know nothing about the rest of us friend. You are defending errant calls. Wow. You saw what we all saw. I am sure you have probably called HUGE games on national tv...so that said....you seem to be implying that this crew made no bad calls. Hmm.

I am glad we won but if you think the officiating did not make things harder for Bama then you need to go back to school friend. As I so clearly stated above, I know Bama's problems are not limited to the calls by the officiating crew. My original point was that it hurt us. I hope you can see how weak the officiating was near the UK bench. I hope that you are not so easily influenced by hoots and hollers from ANY bench. I hope you just call plays as you see them. Alas, the same cannot be said for the crew today near the UK bench.

I am not so foolish as to think that refs are somehow PERFECT. Of course not. You DOG the Alabama fans who SAW bad calls and tell us to go 'do it ourselves'. Hey...buddy..... we don't all call games...but we can all see them. Just like we can all see poor calls. If YOU did not see those poor calls and how they influenced the tempo of the game.......then PLEASE do not call games in the SEC.

That said I do respect you and am glad we can have this debate without it getting personal.

I would first like to say that i was kinda pissed off this morning and i brought into here! Thats my fault!

ST! Sorry....didnt want to make it personal!! Thats my fault! AGAIN

Second SEC officals (I KNOW THAT TODAY WAS NOT A GOOD DAY) are the best in the country! After every SEC game they will watch the tape and review it with someone inside the SEC OFFICE. They are trying there best!

I will admit, even i do it, there will "see" or "call" more calls on your sideline then anything esle. Its because you have 1000 coaches pointing it out to you! Thats just life. Then you have to pick a chose! After truly watching the game, they did have some maybe calls! I see that! And im not trying to defend them.

I guess that i was just not having a good day! And the ref's where not on there game! Thats just not acceptable! And im sure that those ref see the problems now and the mistakes.

Sorry if i pissed someone off! I will man up to it.
But please, dont ever blame the ref's for barely winning or loseing. We should be beating them so bad that the ref's could have 1000 flags on us and we still win! Thats whats football is all about, changing and working towards set-backs!
CtrlAltieDel said:
the_rolltide said:
First im kinda pissed


If personally we have to blame the ref's or say they sucked that means that we didnt play good football!!!
Ref's dont decide the game. its the 22 players on the field!

Its stupid to think that they only helping ref's!

I have an idea! How about you try it and tell me how hard it is!

I ref football. Three weeks ago i was on ESPN and next week i will be on FSN. I miss calls. EVERYONE DOES! thats how life goes! But to think that refs chose a team or they favor a team is the stupidest thing ever! You try to ref!!!

HALF of your guys couldn't even run done the field much less make a split-second call with 92,000 people yelling at you!!!

you guys couldn't ref Pop Warner football!!!

So before you bag on the ref's try it yourself!!!
Trust me!!

So lets all go grow a pair and stop making up excuses!! We beat a team that was undeafted. We play in the SEC. and we won!!!

the rolltide, settle down. First of all, you don't know if anyone else on this board could or has or does referee games. To make that broad of an assumption is taking way too many liberties.

Secondly, you say this:

"But to think that refs chose a team or they favor a team is the stupidest thing ever! You try to ref!!!"

I can sense that you are passionate about your craft and seem very animated about others attacking what you consider to be near and dear to you. But, the real facts are that referees certainly can be crooked and they certainly can affect the outcome of a game.

Are you crooked? Of course not, I would never even think that. But, for you to be naive enough to honestly believe that ref. cheating doesn't and hasn't and isn't currently occurring is sort of naive.

No, it is really naive. Here is just one example:


Are referees angelic beings that have floated down from heaven and have integrity stamped so deep into their soul that they can never even think of doing anything wrong? Of course they aren't. But you seem to think it is just really out of the realm of possibility for a ref. to be a crook. Well, guess what, it isn't.

Another example:


I fully understand the entreaties from all of our fans that if we had only played better that the ref's calls would have been a non-factor. But, that just isn't true.

Imagine a referee that intentionally made up bogus calls and maliciously called them on a team on play after play, down after down, quarter after quarter.

What would a team do then? How could a team reasonably be expected to win a game against that kind of opposition?

So, sure, ref's certainly can affect the outcomes of games. Teams should not have to overcome the intentional dishonesty of ref's or their incompetence.

Im wrong! Im sorry! I will take this one! MY BAD!!!
HAHA. I was even talking to porkchop about this.
I just need to take off the REF hat for BAMA games!!

Im not trying to open anything!

Great points everyone!

Im not going back and forth on this.

But you can never please anyone! A ref can call 99 calls right but that 1 that they miss is the one everyone remembers. The NBA ref is a joke, and he is paying for it!

And that was an D.P.I!

Nobody is perfect!
the_rolltide said:
Im wrong! Im sorry! I will take this one! MY BAD!!!

No problem, man. I am wrong all the time. It isn't even that you are particularly wrong in this case, you may not be. No one really knows for sure.

It is just a natural reaction to have a bad reaction to phantom pass interference calls called on a team you support.

To make it even worse, as if someone were rubbing it in our face, then you have a blatant pass interference "no call" for one of their cover guys.

I guess to some of us, some fans, it just seems that sometimes there is a pattern in a game and that pattern seems to run against your team. Is it just overactive imaginations? Could be, I suppose.
It's not even the bad calls so much, but in the third quarter there was a span of about half an hour where only 2 or 3 minutes had elapsed on the game clock. The refs were controlling the game and it was a very frustrating situation to be in.
The officials definitely disrupted the tempo of this game. It got a little bogged down and took the sting out of our offense for a while. And that shouldn't have happened. The refs should have let the boys play football. Which is what we all paid to see, we didn't pay to see flags flying from the officials hands.
Agreed, I sat in the North end zone and watched this ref crew who was incredibly and completely out of sync. I know BAMA too was never in sync today but I think that there were at least two calls yesterday that completely destroyed our momentum. I realize we shouldnt have fumbled TWICE in the red zone but damn that play calling was HORRENDOUS! :evil: :!:
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