| FTBL Which schools would you like to see Alabama schedule a home-and-home series with?

I saw Brett McMurphy write that a few years ago but I never saw anything official from the SEC supporting his "sources report."

According to reports the SEC allowed Arkansas to replace UM with CSU.

BYU is on Tennessee's schedule as a home and home, so it must be fact. Jim Harbaugh has made backing out of power 5 games a habit and the consequences were obviously out of Arkansas's control. But as you suggested the final decision had to be cleared by the commish.
You know....could play another sec team as a power 5 opponent and it not count as sec game....has happened in college football.....at bama.....
That was because UGA was upset when Bama was playing 7 SEC teams and not 6 like the rest of the SEC. I do know back in the '80-81 season Bama played Ole Siss as a regular game that didn't count as a SEC game.
That was because UGA was upset when Bama was playing 7 SEC teams and not 6 like the rest of the SEC. I do know back in the '80-81 season Bama played Ole Siss as a regular game that didn't count as a SEC game.
Bama - florida would be fun in Atlanta rather than **** ..... who would hate that....
Rick...what gets me most POD....is the lack of imagination.....the controled by money....the little .... that controls things.... things arent done cause it aint their ideas...
Be bold...most would hate me as AD....cause
we would have a female HC inBBALL
Another opponent inAtlanta....this year
A new areana for bball instead of "rebuilding the Coleman "
Game before AU if it was who we schedule would be GA seating....
Other things everyone...most everyone...would throw rocks at and will......
Just ideas .. freedom of speech....lol...it memorial day....have fun
Bama - florida would be fun in Atlanta rather than **** ..... who would hate that....
Florida and Bama.
Rick...what gets me most POD....is the lack of imagination.....the controled by money....the little .... that controls things.... things arent done cause it aint their ideas...
And who put the neutral site games on the map? Bama. And that's a lack of imagination. It was a brilliant move.
Another opponent inAtlanta....this year
That would be out of your control. The contract was signed.
Game before AU if it was who we schedule would be GA seating....
Why? How are you going to make up the revenue? Why when people are buying all the tickets as they are now?
A new areana for bball instead of "rebuilding the Coleman "
It was not the best business decision to do that. Why would you, as an AD, make a bad business decision for the University?
Bama - florida would be fun in Atlanta rather than **** ..... who would hate that....
Rick...what gets me most POD....is the lack of imagination.....the controled by money....the little .... that controls things.... things arent done cause it aint their ideas...
Be bold...most would hate me as AD....cause
we would have a female HC inBBALL
Another opponent inAtlanta....this year
A new areana for bball instead of "rebuilding the Coleman "
Game before AU if it was who we schedule would be GA seating....
Other things everyone...most everyone...would throw rocks at and will......
Just ideas .. freedom of speech....lol...it memorial day....have fun

While you're at it, how about playing UAB in football and basketball and let's count the empty seats at that one.
Florida and Bama.

And who put the neutral site games on the map? Bama. And that's a lack of imagination. It was a brilliant move.

That would be out of your control. The contract was signed.

Why? How are you going to make up the revenue? Why when people are buying all the tickets as they are now?

It was not the best business decision to do that. Why would you, as an AD, make a bad business decision for the University?
1....why would florida n bama hate that....didn’t count insec standings....definitely putbutts in seats and infront of tv....duke however will NOT
2....i dont think bama invented neutral site games,.....but getting involved was great ...A+ great...For all.... ur right Saban has tremendous imaginations....wasn’t necessarily talking about bama...
3.....contracts signed!....for enough contracts canbe redone....signing a contract is just a formality if both parties agree to go another was....see bama- gatech or bama - Michigan state....few years back
4....tickets for game before AU....make em ga for season tic holders... around stadium there are thousands of free tickets...or virtually no cost....so game doesnt deter season ticket holders...fill that lower bowl...
5....redoing Coleman was Awful decision...period. Why was it a good decision....? When everyone else are getting state of art facilities.... why dos football get state of art workout cemters instead of redoing old ones..cause everyone else has thm and that’s about recruiting.... even AU has NEW awesome basketball playhouse... we got coleman...like for the last 40 years...
6...playing USA or UAB..HELL YES...instead of those out of state directional schools....lsu did it when nick was there.... @TUSKtimes ..you just got assistant job...lol
@12gage ..i respect you disagreeing....i just am looking through different set of glasses... (i ran my last jo like that...and lots of disagreeing there...)
1....why would florida n bama hate that....didn’t count insec standings....definitely putbutts in seats and infront of tv....duke however will NOT
2....i dont think bama invented neutral site games,.....but getting involved was great ...A+ great...For all.... ur right Saban has tremendous imaginations....wasn’t necessarily talking about bama...
3.....contracts signed!....for enough contracts canbe redone....signing a contract is just a formality if both parties agree to go another was....see bama- gatech or bama - Michigan state....few years back
4....tickets for game before AU....make em ga for season tic holders... around stadium there are thousands of free tickets...or virtually no cost....so game doesnt deter season ticket holders...fill that lower bowl...
5....redoing Coleman was Awful decision...period. Why was it a good decision....? When everyone else are getting state of art facilities.... why dos football get state of art workout cemters instead of redo9ing old ones..cause everyone else has thm and that’s about recruiting.... even AU has NEW awesome basketball playhouse... we got coleman...like for the last 40 years...
6...playing USA or UAB..HELL YES...instead of those out of state directional schools....lsu did it when nick was there.... @TUSKtimes ..you just got assistant job...lol
@12gage ..i respect you disagreeing....i just am looking through different set of glasses... (i ran my last jo like that...and lots of disagreeing there...)

And Greg Byrnes played smaller in-state schools at Arizona as well. Well, we now know 2 people that had nothing to do with not playing UAB.
So what's your Citadel attendance report all about? Neither one of us were discussing that perspective.
Sold tickets. While @12gage was a little abrupt with his answer earlier about general admission suggested by @50+yeartidefan he's got a point. Why would any fiscal responsible Athletic Director cut prices on tickets when they are being sold?

First and foremost the double byes are not necessary to eliminate the FCS competition from the schedule. I was merely explaining that the University of Alabama has stopped FBS teams from playing the week before the Iron Bowl. And not because they couldn't find an opponent to play. They wanted to be fresh and so did the barners. So most of the time they took their second bye date right there. Even in the 80s when we played Notre Dame and Penn State as our 10th game, the second bye has historically been the buffer the week after we played them. It was only important to us not teams who couldn't fit us in to their schedule.
When Alabama and Auburn were taking a bye week at the end of the season the other SEC schools were incensed by each team having the time off before the upcoming SECCG. It was, in a sense, legislated out by other SEC coaches complaining. Pointing to what happened in Bryant's tenure, or in Perkins', Curry's, or the early part of the Stallings' era doesn't fit here because there wasn't a SECCG game the first week of December.

The suggestion the University is consciously not scheduling other P5 teams the week before the Auburn game has been proven incorrect. It's been done repeatedly over the last few years. Last year when everyone was complaining about scheduling The Citadel there was one P5 team available—North Carolina. @252BAMA has also proven how few teams there are available for this season. The same scenarios were run through, in detail, for '17, and '16. He and I did that research.

The scheduling with football teams, especially late in the season with bowl implications on the line, isn't nearly as simple as so many try to make it out to be. Even with coaches and athletic directions stating such...some simply choose to remain steadfast in their beliefs no matter how incorrect.

**I truly believe a lot of this angst is fueled by media. And, I also truly believe much of it is staged. We'll certainly get an answer this season if we see the likes of Denich point to Clemson's schedule in November.

NC State
Wake Forest
South Carolina.

Out of those five weeks, week four offers the best chance of seeing a team without a losing record. 😈
So.... P5 schools I'd like to see home and home series with....
ACC: Clemson, Ga Tech, UNC (or NC State), Florida State.
B1G: Michigan, ohio St, Nebraska (Maybe Mich State or Wisconsin)
B12: (already have Texas, West Va, and Oklahoma)
PAC12: UCLA, USC, Oregon, Washington, Arizona (or Ariz State)
Indep: (Already have Notre Dame)

Some (Oklahoma, Notre Dame) aren't playing Bama in the Saban era, which is unfortunate.
I'm not a fan of Alabama playing FCS opponents, so my comments come from this perspective alone.

No one was opposed to this anymore than yours truly. To the point that I dug into it with the intent to find some FBS opponents to replace them. Found that there were very few even available, and that almost all of those would be unwilling to come on that weekend. And that the few that would were no better than the FCS teams. Namely Liberty, UMass, and NMSU.
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