| FTBL Which schools would you like to see Alabama schedule a home-and-home series with?

Playing Oregon would be pretty cool, or a Stanford. Playing a Mike Leach Washington State would be entertaining. As you can see, a team in the upper Northwest would be a fun game to go see and teams we rarely ever see. I don't really have many schools, outside of who we are on slate to play finally, that I care to see.
Playing Oregon would be pretty cool, or a Stanford. Playing a Mike Leach Washington State would be entertaining. As you can see, a team in the upper Northwest would be a fun game to go see and teams we rarely ever see. I don't really have many schools, outside of who we are on slate to play finally, that I care to see.


Either SEC schools do not attempt to schedule Stanford or Stanford refuses to schedule them. The only SEC team they have ever played in the regular season was Tulane in the 60s. Played one game at home and two at Tulane. Second of which was the last home game that Tulane ever played as a member of the SEC in 1965.

UGA and LSU have played them once each in Bowls, and of course Bama played them twice in the Rose Bowl. Three ( ARK, MO, and aTm) of the expansion teams have played them once in the regular season prior to their admittance to the SEC. All season openers. Arkansas in Little Rock in 1970, at MO in 1971, and aTm in the Anaheim Pigskin Classic in 1992. They have never played South Carolina.
They also have Texas and West Virgina plus a 2 for 1 with USF scheduled. I would like to see us play a three game, 2 for 1 with Rice(their home game at Reliant aka NRG). Need to even up that series, damned Ears Whitworth.
I think you may also be onto something with the USF and Rice games, even if it's not a two for one.

We play teams like Western Carolina and the Citadel, or Georgia State, to fill up the schedule and have an easy game. So if we sub that for say, Purdue or Duke or Houston or Utah we get a Power 5 but we aren't playing tOSU or USC or Texas.... we are playing a decent team in Power 5 but not the best in the conference. It's a better OOC team than these bottom feeders or Div 2, but still not a huge challenge. If you have Rice or USF or Cal you are also going to recruiting hot beds the year you are on the road. Even if you can't be the host team your coaches can do eval and recruit the end of the week prior to the game?
I think Stanford or Oregon would be interesting. Not because of playing in their stadiums, but because it's been so long since Alabama has played them. Any teams in the B10 or PAC12 would be a good (interesting) matchup.
Utah. I was at the Sugar Bowl from hell in 2009, and I still remember their gay fight song being played over and over from that night. We must schedule them and unleash Bama jihad on their second rate asses for their crimes against the Bama empire.
I think you may also be onto something with the USF and Rice games, even if it's not a two for one.

We play teams like Western Carolina and the Citadel, or Georgia State, to fill up the schedule and have an easy game. So if we sub that for say, Purdue or Duke or Houston or Utah we get a Power 5 but we aren't playing tOSU or USC or Texas.... we are playing a decent team in Power 5 but not the best in the conference. It's a better OOC team than these bottom feeders or Div 2, but still not a huge challenge. If you have Rice or USF or Cal you are also going to recruiting hot beds the year you are on the road. Even if you can't be the host team your coaches can do eval and recruit the end of the week prior to the game?

Unless Bama and the barn agree (like when Hell freezes over) to play a conference game on the next to last weekend, Bama is always going to have the WCUs, The Citadels, and the GSUs. On that weekend there are 129 FBS teams besides Alabama. Thirteen of them are in the SEC, leaving 116. One hundred of them play mandated conference games that weekend, leaving 16. All 16 of those schools have an AD with at least half a brain and they aren't sending their football team to Tuscaloosa, Alabama on the next to last weekend in the season.
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Money dictates all.....
So directional schools are here to stay.....
Fans dont like...ADs do for both schools....
...so....the question was.....who would you like to see a home n home series with...
HAWAII.....thats a really fun ....and expensive....but worth it....trip
LSU aint got nuthin on these people in the tail gating experiences
Money dictates all.....
So directional schools are here to stay.....
Fans dont like...ADs do for both schools....
...so....the question was.....who would you like to see a home n home series with...
HAWAII.....thats a really fun ....and expensive....but worth it....trip
LSU aint got nuthin on these people in the tail gating experiences

So what's really missing these days? Really, just the entertainment value in getting there. The directional schools are still the elephant in the room and the NCAA need to legislate their butt off and make it a major crime to even entertain thoughts of scheduling these little people. It was mentioned once again in this thread, who is willing to come to Tuscaloosa the week before the barner game?

Historically, all the way back to coach Bryant, no one. Whether we had Southern Miss, Louisiana Lafayette, or even a Notre Dame or Penn State, most of them had a bye week between themselves and the barn game.

With the potential for everyone to play a 13 game schedule, 2 byes, now more than ever, are the answer to all life's football scheduling problems as it was before the 12th and 13th game was invented.

We get 2 byes this season and Bama doesn't see the need to exercise it before we go to the Plains. With our directional school (Western Carolina) parked in front of them, it's officially a 3 bye season. If these guys were off limits, anyone care to guess where that second bye would go? What's old is new.
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