What are You Sick of??

Be careful my old buddy. It is hot down here. Needed to do more stuff outside, mistaked up and drank a bloody mary with three beer-a-sodas and now don't see my self getting out there. Alas, did my mowing yesterday evening so alls not lost. Wife wants to go to a "simple place" like I-Hop, so will get sloppy and have a BLT. The Broskys are scaling down dis evenin'.
I hear ya, buddy. The remainder of the day will be indoors.
It was their afternoon nap. They may all be lunatics but they are great sleepers. I worked 6 - 1pm today. Just enough to ruin any chance of golf, fishing, shooting, you know...fun stuff
I have 3 daughters. My lifetime award from my wife is my golf. She realized I was drowning in the estrogen ocean. and gave me carte blanche with the golf as an escape. I decided to keep her.
I have 3 daughters. My lifetime award from my wife is my golf. She realized I was drowning in the estrogen ocean. and gave me carte blanche with the golf as an escape. I decided to keep her.

I remember hearing this a while ago on a sitcom, they coined the phrase as having sissy sperm. So I use "sissy sperm" describing my situation. I wouldn't trade my girls for boys either.
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