What are You Sick of??

Since we're talking about you're character counterparts, that makes me think of something. @BillBrosky , the actual lBill Brasky spells his last name with an "a". Why did you choose to go with an "o"?
Since we're talking about you're character counterparts, that makes me think of something. @BillBrosky , the actual lBill Brasky spells his last name with an "a". Why did you choose to go with an "o"?
Since we're talking about you're character counterparts, that makes me think of something. @BillBrosky , the actual lBill Brasky spells his last name with an "a". Why did you choose to go with an "o"?
Was going to use Brasky over on TS but some of the guys got into this 'bro' thing.
It was time for me to get beyond my racist spick ways.
About a dozen of us changed our names to include "bro" ragging on Rabbi one night on TS. I was Hannibro Lecter for a few hours. Bill just hasn't let go of the joke.
I posted a general thread last week. One of the locals suggested it be stickied, and doemaster kindly obliged. It's been stickied since Friday, and has 137 views and only 9 replies. Most of the replies are from me and Gideon. And I'd venture to say most of the views are from RTB locals and bots.

Yet, this thread has over 1,000 views and over 200 replies.

I requested in the Ineptitude thread, that all you shlubs view and post in hundreds of times a day, that you guys take a look at my stickied thread.

Nothing but crickets.

Sad that we care more about raising money for a message board where shit is talked and alter e-gos are stroked, than for a kid that needs open heart surgery and his family.

Team Cornwell
Shut the fuck up dude. People have problems of their own and donate to causes they see fit. If I donated to every person who asked for it I'd be broke. Good for you to attempt to help the family, but to come on a message board asking for help then get pissed off when folks either don't donate or post in your thread, give me a fucking break.
And it's kind of ironic that you degrade the folks raising money for a new site, yet use a message board and the associated posters to try to raise money for your cause.
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