Weather Issues


Smart Pill Addict
Here in the greater Birmingham area there were some icing issues oveernight, and mny schools and businesses delayed opening for a couple of hours, but now all the roads are pretty much back to normal.

What about you guys...
Weird winter for us in North Texas, this could be the first year we haven't had icy roads since 2002, always have a few of them by the end of Feb (still have a few weeks to squeeze it in).
10 inches of snow fell yesterday and the high was 12. Today we have "warmed up" to 21 with lots of sunshine. I plowed the driveway this morning for the first time and it's much faster than the shovel I have used for years. Tomorrow night and Thursday night we are going down below zero for actual temperatures. I am suppose to drive north to Cleveland for a meeting on Friday. Gonna be COLD!
Take care @alabama mike. I don't know how you do it. In 1999 we took a vacation to Yellowstone in late May / early June. We drove up to Billings, Montana and were eating in a small cafe when an older man sitting near, noticed my Alabama shirt and began a conversation. After a little while I said something to the point of how beautiful the country was and would love to live around here one day. He asked me, "have you lived in Alabama all your life?" I said "yes" and he replied, "son, I don't know nothing about you but if you've lived in Alabama that long, you're not tough enough to survive our winters."

I don't doubt for a minute that is right.

The forecast for us Lawrence County in NW Alabama is almost 48 hours below freezing starting tonight. Windchill for Thursday morning is below zero. Brrrr......
Take care @alabama mike. I don't know how you do it. In 1999 we took a vacation to Yellowstone in late May / early June. We drove up to Billings, Montana and were eating in a small cafe when an older man sitting near, noticed my Alabama shirt and began a conversation. After a little while I said something to the point of how beautiful the country was and would love to live around here one day. He asked me, "have you lived in Alabama all your life?" I said "yes" and he replied, "son, I don't know nothing about you but if you've lived in Alabama that long, you're not tough enough to survive our winters."

I don't doubt for a minute that is right.

The forecast for us Lawrence County in NW Alabama is almost 48 hours below freezing starting tonight. Windchill for Thursday morning is below zero. Brrrr......

Ok, I'm thread hijacking again...

My wife grew up in Billings. I've been in some damn cold weather up there over the years, it was -45 or so with the wind chill one Christmas.

We're trying to plan a 2 week trip up there later this summer. I've been itching to see Glacier National Park for at least 10 years and it never seems to work out. So we'll drive up to Billings, visit with family for a few days, then make the 8+ hour drive up to Glacier and do some sight seeing there for a few days. I've been wanting to drive the Going-to-the-sun Road for a while now, easily 10 years, probably closer to 15 years. I'll also squeeze in a few days in Yellowstone. I'd love to fly fish some of the rivers around Missoula as well.

We've talked about moving up there in 10 years once the kids are done with college. We'll see how things work out, we might get cold feet and move to a warmer climate when the time comes.
We'll we got another 2-3 inches of snow this morning on top of the 10 we already had from the previous storm. More plowing today and cleaning off sidewalks. I did make it to school yesterday. After 5 snow days the principals have to go in to work. Just watched the local weather -2 tonight and -12/-15 tomorrow night. It's going to be a scorching 9 for a high tomorrow. My mom and dad are coming up from Bama tomorrow for my grandchilds, their great grandchilds first birthday on Friday. I told them to bring plenty of warm clothes.
It was - 11 yesterday before wind chill. Got down to - 40 with the chill. I forget what double digit temps are like hahah. Haven't seen the sun in ages. And it snows every day.

- 35 today, blisteringly cold winds throwing up the several feet of snow on the ground, creating horrible white out conditions .. I had to wear sunglasses because I couldn't see otherwise from the snow.
Today, Saturday we started out with snow, another 6 inches fell to the ground. Tonight, the weather has warmed up to 36 and we are dealing with a slushy mess. The temperature has made about a 50 degree change from a -15 Friday morning to mid 30's now.

My mom and dad came up for the weekend and they have got to get out in the snow. Today, I took my mom for a ride in the snow, let my dad get on the tractor and run the snow plow. Our two boys got my dad out in the Jeep and took him for a joy ride. Loved having them here! They are heading home tomorrow.
Dallas is getting iced (we got ~1.5" of rain yesterday, later in the evening it turned to sleet and freezing rain), seems like most of the schools in the area are closed.

Probably going to get sleet and freezing rain most of the day today.
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