| FTBL We just aren't there YET, it is that simple...

Someone else asked the question on another post "How the heck do we put up 34 points on the #2 team in the nation & not score at TD on MSU today?"

Solid question. First, the #2 team in the country played a crappy/undisciplined game (didn't they have over 151 yards in penalties). Second, we didn't have such costly turnovers in that game like this one. Third, we made some critical turnovers in that game. Forth, the passing game puked today (QB play was bad as well as a few dropped passes). I'm sure there are more.

To get back on topic regarding the thread subject "We just aren't there yet, it is that simple." So you say "No $&@^ Sherlock." Well, that is EXACTLY my point.

Line play on O & D is still suspect (having players suspended definately don't help). IMHO, this is where this team hangs by a thread. One week we see domination, the next we see gasping for air :arrow: didn't Bryant say the game is won or lost at the LOS? This issue is the biggest problem or solution to next level improvement.

Now, many of us can find many other individuals who didn't execute or made bone-head plays. CNS made the comments today that it is all about execution for the ENTIRE team including the coaches. I'm sure the film study for this game will be worse than the Arkansas review. So I'm not too torn up about the team being able to acurately assess the problems.

However, I'm a pridefull Bama fan. I love my team & the family of fans with it. There is no following like us. I HATE losses like this, but this is ALL I care about at this point :arrow: FOCUSING only on what we can impact.

Regain composure, beat ULM, & beat the living hell out of AU :idea:.

That will make make a whole lot of wrong things right for me :p
And with that we will pass the plate as we all turn in our hymnals to number 127, one-two-seven.

Shall we gather at the river,
the beautiful, the beautiful crimson river...

Great sermon their preacher, I felt like you were speaking directly to me this mornin'.

I find this loss disappointing. What I find frustrating, almost to the point of being incensed, is how some of the fan base reacts.

At the beginning of this season what did we know and discuss, in detail?

  • It was the first year in a system that was very complicated on defense and it's the first season in a new offense.
  • We just came out of a 4 year stretch where out offensive line play was poor. It's going to take some time for them to forget what they've been taught and learn a newer, agressive scheme.
  • We were going to be weak on the defensive line.
  • We don't have the talent in a lot of positions that other teams do. We've mentioned a starter that was a walk-on from Middle Tennessee State and a starter that was as transfer from UAB.
  • People were going to be able to run the ball on our front seven, but we'll be able to hold our ground, at times, in the defensive backfield.
  • We may have some depth in the offensive backfield, but unproven.
  • We'll need Arenas to help us switch the fields and put us in scoring position.
  • We lacked an efficiency in the red zone in terms of production.

Every single one of those we saw yesterday. In some games this year the team has played over their heads. It's been great to see because we saw improvement.

This year, we've seen improvement, then the team levels off a bit. Then we see more improvement, and the team levels off again. Then we see?

Two steps forward, one step backwards. Two steps forward. One step backwards.

Do you want proof of that in terms of numbers? Three wins, two losses. Three wins. Two losses. Now, what will we see the next few weeks?

Like all of us, I've seen some plays that weren't smart. The only thing "stupid" I've seen is how some fans are reacting to those plays/games. "I came here to vent because my wife isn't interested in me venting at home?!?!" A dollar to a donut these are the same type of people you see at work. They very rarely have anything to say unless they are complaining about the boss, work, etc. They are the type you see in the breakroom talking and you leave because you don't want to hear them spew their venom.

Put them in the stands during a game and you'll find them booing the players and coaches...more than likely also throwing things on the field.

Coach Stallings said we should have high expectations. But, I'm sure he meant based in reality. Rivals say some of our fan base has unrealistic expectations. They are right with some in our fan base.

TerryP said:
Put them in the stands during a game and you'll find them booing the players and coaches...more than likely also throwing things on the field.

Coach Stallings said we should have high expectations. But, I'm sure he meant based in reality. Rivals say some of our fan base has unrealistic expectations. They are right with some in our fan base.


Yup, no doubt about it Terry, some of the fan base will eat their own young to either win games or moan & groan about the loss.

Frankly, the 'Bama generations have been spoiled over the years w/ Bryant & it is just so hard to deal w/ mediocre performances. I feel the same. We split is how we respond.

There was a time that I'd post to any doomer's posts but not anymore b/c it was like pissing on a electrical socket :x.

Anyway, all I want to do as a fan is HELP the team move forward. Regardless of win/loss.
hey terryp,

the comment i made yesterday about my wife not caring either way about the game, like i said, was making a joke. i WAS NOT being serious. you threw that up in my face yesterday and it seems that you cant let it go. like i said, i was frustrated, then i realized that being mad was'nt going to change anything. so i tried to lighten up a bit. so about the spouse issue... LET IT GO MAN, it was a joke!
bamafan said:
hey terryp,

the comment i made yesterday about my wife not caring either way about the game, like i said, was making a joke. i WAS NOT being serious. you threw that up in my face yesterday and it seems that you cant let it go. like i said, i was frustrated, then i realized that being mad was'nt going to change anything. so i tried to lighten up a bit. so about the spouse issue... LET IT GO MAN, it was a joke!

I made no comment about it yesterday. I remembered it today when I was posting that comment but had no idea, or tried to find out, who posted it.
TerryP said:
bamafan said:
hey terryp,

the comment i made yesterday about my wife not caring either way about the game, like i said, was making a joke. i WAS NOT being serious. you threw that up in my face yesterday and it seems that you cant let it go. like i said, i was frustrated, then i realized that being mad was'nt going to change anything. so i tried to lighten up a bit. so about the spouse issue... LET IT GO MAN, it was a joke!

I made no comment about it yesterday. I remembered it today when I was posting that comment but had no idea, or tried to find out, who posted it.

yeah, after i posted it i looked it up and saw that it was it takes eleven. i knew you said something in reference to me yesterday, but i should have checked, sorry. either way, i got a little upset after the game yesterday and probably said some things i should'nt have, again sorry.

i guess these type things happen, but its never easy to swallow a loss like that. i know that the future is bright at bama and sometimes i lose sight of that. so anyway, sorry for spewing "venom" yesterday (as you so kindly put it). but anyway, ROLL TIDE!!
bamafan said:
i guess these type things happen, but its never easy to swallow a loss like that. i know that the future is bright at bama and sometimes i lose sight of that. so anyway, sorry for spewing "venom" yesterday (as you so kindly put it). but anyway, ROLL TIDE!!

Don't take this as a flame Bamafan but sometimes it's best to wait until the morning to post after a loss. Seriously. It's easy to get pissed and spew venom after an emotional loss. Especially one where we played terribly. If you can find some way to hold off until the next morning, this is a lot less likely to happen.
bamafan said:
TerryP said:
bamafan said:
hey terryp,

the comment i made yesterday about my wife not caring either way about the game, like i said, was making a joke. i WAS NOT being serious. you threw that up in my face yesterday and it seems that you cant let it go. like i said, i was frustrated, then i realized that being mad was'nt going to change anything. so i tried to lighten up a bit. so about the spouse issue... LET IT GO MAN, it was a joke!

I made no comment about it yesterday. I remembered it today when I was posting that comment but had no idea, or tried to find out, who posted it.

yeah, after i posted it i looked it up and saw that it was it takes eleven. i knew you said something in reference to me yesterday, but i should have checked, sorry. either way, i got a little upset after the game yesterday and probably said some things i should'nt have, again sorry.

i guess these type things happen, but its never easy to swallow a loss like that. i know that the future is bright at bama and sometimes i lose sight of that. so anyway, sorry for spewing "venom" yesterday (as you so kindly put it). but anyway, ROLL TIDE!!

It's all good. Perhaps it's a difference in our ages? I can look at losses and understand why they happened. It's not like I don't get upset. I just see reasons why it happened.

It's high time you educate your wife on priorities. :lol:
reger60 said:
bamafan said:
i got a little upset after the game yesterday and probably said some things i should'nt have, again sorry.

I promise you were not alone. I think everybody is felling a little better today.
Since I didn't get to watch the game it was not as bad for me. But I have learned that you don't always win and for the past 8 years or so I guess I have mellowed out during losses. You think we have it bad, the players have the weight of the world on their shoulders.
Atlanta_Tider said:
reger60 said:
bamafan said:
i got a little upset after the game yesterday and probably said some things i should'nt have, again sorry.

I promise you were not alone. I think everybody is felling a little better today.
Since I didn't get to watch the game it was not as bad for me. But I have learned that you don't always win and for the past 8 years or so I guess I have mellowed out during losses. You think we have it bad, the players have the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Exactly & so do the coaches.
Crimson&WhiteGecko said:
Atlanta_Tider said:
reger60 said:
bamafan said:
i got a little upset after the game yesterday and probably said some things i should'nt have, again sorry.

I promise you were not alone. I think everybody is felling a little better today.
Since I didn't get to watch the game it was not as bad for me. But I have learned that you don't always win and for the past 8 years or so I guess I have mellowed out during losses. You think we have it bad, the players have the weight of the world on their shoulders.

Exactly & so do the coaches.
The coaches have those greenbacks to make the pain go away!!
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