| LIFE Videos of the day...whatcha got?

That girl's brains are all in her chest.

Why the hell are people so stupid? It's like they've never watched videos or heard of anyone else getting attacked. Stay in the car, idiots.
I don't know if this video belongs here, but it belongs somewhere. Everybody with a heart needs to watch.
Feel free to move it if y'all think it necessary.

This is for the hikers that may be among us.
This first clip is of the Wander women, who have thru hiked the AT and and are now hiking the CDT.
Three pretty tough old birds. They have documented their hikes on their youtube channel, The Wander Women.

These next two clips are about my favorite awbarn fan, She lives down near the barn and sadly attended school there and is one of their biggest fans. She is also a thru hiker who has completed the triple crown, having hiked the AT, the PCT and the CDT. She documented each hike on her
youtube channel, Homemade Wanderlust. Her name is Jessica Mills, aka " Dixie ". She is tough as nails.

This first clip is in Colorado on the CDT.

This clip is from her PCT hike. There is beautiful scenery in almost every clip. Perhaps only seen through the eyes and lens of a hiker.

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