| CURRENT EVENTS Trump vs the Democrats. I'm hearing the word "coup" a lot here lately describing the efforts made by the D's to win the election.

He's the only person I want running this shitshow at the moment.

By the way, this show up in my Google app on my phone.

Events of today make it clear to me that the Republicans in Congress must draw up articles of impeachment to have President Trump removed from office as soon as possible.

Millions of lives are at stake. The world economy is at stake. Our democracy is at stake.

An insane narcissist stands in the way of our future and must be removed. We know that the Democrats can't do this alone. The election in November will be too late.
This vid is #9 of what will be 10 in a series. Although a couple have been taken down by UTUBE.
Pretty good viewing for some. They can be found on the FREEDOMEDIA YouTube channel if anybody is interested.

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