| CURRENT EVENTS Trump vs the Democrats. I'm hearing the word "coup" a lot here lately describing the efforts made by the D's to win the election.

If you don't believe that the MSM is really the Mocking Bird media, you should watch this video, posted today, 11/22/19. It is The X22 Report.
There is a QAnon drop in there that everyone should read, starting at the 22:30 mark, and also watch the Mocking Bird media Q drop # 3614, on twitter at the 27:20 mark. If we all only knew what has been going on behind the curtains for so long, there may have already been a revolt.

i just can't fathom how an unconstitutional "impeachment" can be valid. if it's unconstitutional, then it obviously isn't going by the letter of the law that was written out over 200 years ago by our founding fathers. and if the democrats want to just do whatever they want, with regard to this whole farce, then the republicans need to do the same thing and consider this whole circus as invalid and end it immediately.

President Clinton was impeached for lying during a federal investigation...was not removed from office

President Trump has not broken any laws (for what they say he's being impeached), yet they continue to spew the same vile crap and have already made up their minds that he's guilty simply for being a republican (i.e., to them...the enemy).

so much has already been brought to light on how they were conspiring against him from day one (technically, even before that)...yet they all act like nothing is wrong. i posted something as a comment to a youtube video, and i think i'll post it here...

wondering how many of you watched the movie "tora, tora, tora"... there was a line in that movie where the jap admiral says, "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve". it's never been proven if he ever really said that line (or any version, thereof). but it's a great line, nonetheless. and this video reminds me of that line.

the democrats are trying anything and everything to get rid of one of the strongest republican presidents we've had in this country for a long time. they hate him because they know they can't control him. he won't back down from them...and they know it. so they're trying anything they can think of to try and impeach him. but what do they think will happen if they do? do they think the rest of us will just roll over and say, "well....ok. you got our President so we'll just play along, now"? if they do, they are SORELY mistaken. "be careful what you wish for" is another saying of which i'm reminded.

the democrats should heed both of those sayings and take them to heart. if the republicans truly started to fight back, they may realize they started a fight they can't possibly win.
The Impeachment so far is technically Constitutional, no matter what anyone thinks. High Crimes and Misdemeanors has an actual meaning that does not involve actual crimes (basically, anything that could be twisted to be bad for someone in office fits). The problem for the Dems is that they now have done three things. First, they did not include actual crimes in their charges and have opened every office holder going forward to an impeachment for purely political reasons. Second, in beginning to call for impeachment even in some cases prior to him taking office, they have shown their hand and proven that it was a witchhunt. Third, they are now finally violating the Constitution by refusing to send the charges over and attempting to blackmail the Senate into letting the House decide the time and manner of the trial. That is a Senate responsibility directly from the Cosntitution.

When Clinton was impeached, it was political for sure. But he had committed a crime (it was not even related to Lewinsky regardless of what Dems try to push now). The rule of law was followed through the entire process even though everyone knew there was no chance he would be removed from office. At this point, if Pelosi continues to play this game, I would love to see a Republican House member call for her impeachment for attempted blackmail or the Senate.
A pretty good perspective on where we stand. Partisan House vs. partisan Senate.

President Trump Is Impeached. Or Is He?
A party-line House vote leaves no principled argument against a party-line acquittal.

By Alan M. Dershowitz
Dec. 22, 2019 3:08 pm ET

Suddenly, impeachment can wait. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday she’ll delay transmitting the two House-approved articles to the Senate, in an obvious ploy for partisan advantage. For anti-Trump legal scholars Noah Feldman and Laurence Tribe, that has created a Schrödinger’s Cat scenario. They disagree on whether President Trump has been impeached at all.

Mr. Feldman says no: “If the House does not communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president.” Mr. Tribe says an affirmative vote on an article of impeachment is sufficient to impeach—but he also claims it’s proper to leave it at that. By declining to transmit the articles of impeachment, he argued in an op-ed that Mrs. Pelosi evidently found persuasive, the Democrats would get a win-win. Mr. Trump would carry the stigma of impeachment and be denied the opportunity to erase it via acquittal.

Messrs. Feldman and Tribe are both wrong. Mr. Tribe errs in asserting that the House can deny an impeached official a trial. Mr. Feldman errs in denying that the approval of articles of impeachment is sufficient to constitute an impeachment. The Senate need not wait for the articles to be “transmitted.” The Constitution grants the House the “sole power of impeachment,” and the Senate the “sole power to try all impeachments.” Now that the House’s job is done, it is up to the Senate to schedule a trial and make the rules for it.

My view—which I suspect much of the public shares—is that Mr. Trump was impeached by a partisan vote and deserves to be acquitted by a partisan vote. The representatives who impeached him along party lines after devising partisan rules of inquiry have no principled argument against a party-line acquittal.

Mr. Dershowitz is a professor emeritus at Harvard Law School and author of “Guilt by Accusation: The Challenge of Proving Innocence in the Age of #MeToo.”
Who is going to make a difference. Some of us care about what is right but do we have the guts to do what it will take. Our history says our ancestors took the steps to stop tyranny but I just don't know if we have the guts to do it. A march on our Republic would be a first step. Then if a peaceful way doesn't work then what do we do.
@RollllTide!, There are very many voters who believe that we the people, who elected Trump and not Clinton, set in motion a long and well thought out plan, to return our government back into the hands of the people. The patriot movement who recruited Trump to run for president, has a plan to root out corruption of all kinds out of our government and out of big business and to get us out of and keep us out of senseless wars, and get rid of the central banking system, back on to the gold backed dollar.

You may not believe in or follow the Q Clearance aka QAnon, but this started on the same date, 10/28/17 I believe, as when
AG Sessions appointed Durham to start investigating the who, how, what, where, and when the spying on Trump began. It is now believed it started in 2012. And Trump is not the only citizen who was spied on. It is believed that members of the SC and Senators and Congressmen have also been illegally spied on by the cia and other alphabet agencies. According to Q, there is no way to stop what is about to happen. many thousands of sealed indictments have already began to be unsealed and arrest are being made, first taking down small fry before going after the bigger fish.

Although Epstein was certainly not a small fish. Sessions began investigating him and all pedophiles just after he was sworn in as AG. There is no way to know how far the deep state actors will go to try to stop Trump and the Patriots plan. Why has Trump touted law enforcement and the military so much since he was voted in as president? Most, if not all, are on the side of Trump and the Plan. Even if the deep state takes Trump out, the military planners will step in and complete the Plan.

There are two excellent web sites I get information from. You can access them both on youtube or go to each of their web sites.
You just cannot get the truth or any information about the war that is going on behind the curtain from the msm. The are the propaganda arm of the deep state and the democrat party.

There is a lot of knowledge out there to be gained with a little research. You can gain a better understanding by listening and reading for yourself. I have just scratched the surface here, and I can't begin to explain all that I have read and heard from these two web sites. I only hope that I have put a bug in your ear to look for your self at what is really going on behind the scenes, and pass the information along to non believers, the more people who wake up to the truth, the easier it will be when the Patriot plan is fully implemented. Dark to Light, WWG1 WGA,
I don't like election seasons because of all the signs. Thankfully, in my area, candidates will be fined if their signs are left up (limited days after the elections for cleanup.)

I won't have them in my yard to say the least...but IF I did...I'm going with this. (And yes, likely a scripted video.)

So which is it Jennifer...

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