| CURRENT EVENTS Trump vs the Democrats. I'm hearing the word "coup" a lot here lately describing the efforts made by the D's to win the election.

I actually let this run in the background a bit. It's astonishing how anyone can believe this string of partial, incorrect information is connected. One thing that was beyond the pale was that the date of the impeachment proceeding was timed to coincide with the first U.S. Covid infection. "Coincidence? I think not."
I actually let this run in the background a bit. It's astonishing how anyone can believe this string of partial, incorrect information is connected. One thing that was beyond the pale was that the date of the impeachment proceeding was timed to coincide with the first U.S. Covid infection. "Coincidence? I think not."

Sir, I have been posting videos in this thread, not to change your or any ones mind about what I think has been going on before and ever since DJT
was elected. I hope that everybody watches and listens with an open mind and maybe do a little research of their own.

My hope is that everyone realizes just how egotistical,underhanded and lawless that politicians can be. This also goes for un-elected, appointed officials. Both sides of the aisle(;)) can claim these traits but never will. They are like the two sides of the same coin.

About QANON, the drops or crumbs as some call them, was started as an alternate to the MSM. To enlighten in the hope that we become free thinkers and not always swallow the company line. In many of his post, links to twitter, to youtube channels and other publications are listed to backup what he post in his drops. They are designed to help the reader or listener to see the other side of thought, for the most part, that will never see the light of day otherwise.

These alternate media channels or web sites, such as X22 and many more , spend most if not all of their time researching and digging up facts and truth about a host of political subjects long before Trump declared or QANON came to light. These people probably do more research, and are better connected with sources than many so called journalist in any main stream media.

Coincidences do happen in life but are far and few in between, but not un-heard of, I agree. But in the sphere of politics, hardly anything is left to chance.

In the video below is another youtuber with the same view as Dave on X22, and there are others also. Can they all be wrong on this particular subject as well as other subjects they post about? Sure they can be wrong about this and other things they talk about. But just the same, they all may very well may be right. Many conspiracy theories are not theories at all. I just ask all to remember that our government and governments around the world are capable of almost any underhanded or lawless action imaginable.

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Sir, I have been posting videos in this thread, not to change your or any ones mind about what I think has been going on before and ever since DJT
was elected. I hope that everybody watches and listens with an open mind and maybe do a little research of their own.

My hope is that everyone realizes just how egotistical,underhanded and lawless that politicians can be. This also goes for un-elected, appointed officials. Both sides of the aisle(;)) can claim these traits but never will. They are like the two sides of the same coin.

About QANON, the drops or crumbs as some call them, was started as an alternate to the MSM. To enlighten in the hope that we become free thinkers and not always swallow the company line. In many of his post, links to twitter, to youtube channels and other publications are listed to backup what he post in his drops. They are designed to help the reader or listener to see the other side of thought, for the most part, that will never see the light of day otherwise.

These alternate media channels or web sites, such as X22 and many more , spend most if not all of their time researching and digging up facts and truth about a host of political subjects long before Trump declared or QANON came to light. These people probably do more research, and are better connected with sources than many so called journalist in any main stream media.

Coincidences do happen in life but are far and few in between, but not un-heard of, I agree. But in the sphere of politics, hardly anything is left to chance.

In the video below is another youtuber with the same view as Dave on X22, and there are others also. Can they all be wrong on this particular subject as well as other subjects they post about? Sure they can be wrong about this and other things they talk about. But just the same, they all may very well may be right. Many conspiracy theories are not theories at all. I just ask all to remember that our government and governments around the world are capable of almost any underhanded or lawless action imaginable.

"in the sphere of politics, hardly anything is left to chance."

You'd be surprised, delighted and probably a bit unsettled to know just how much of government and politics happens by chance and without an overarching hand. The early Clinton years were an unadulterated mess, with staffers unable to pass background checks from their drug habits. It makes the Trump family travails seem trivial. The Nixon-Ford transition was pretty brutal, there was a deliberate lack of continuity there. From a corporate perspective, I would encourage you to discover how much in the life of a corporation happens the same way. Humans are unpredictable and events happen at random. For all of the jokes and attacks upon the ineptitude of all levels of government, it's difficult to believe that there is an international cabal overseeing all things, planning seemingly coincidental happenings, many years in advance, with ruthless timing and accuracy.

"Many conspiracy theories are not theories at all." I agree with this. Many are just beliefs or hopes.

"To enlighten in the hope that we become free thinkers and not always swallow the company line." For someone to believe that video in total, you'd have to swallow that company line.

The video had a reference to a 1992 video of Henry Kissinger, a distinguished scholar, politician, and war hero - one of a very few surviving WWII veterans. He has a published view of our current circumstances. Please tell me if you see any balance in his views as he considers world survival and national legitimacy, and whether the characterization of his words from 1992 jibes with his current stance.

Look, the people who spend their time trying to convince you that everyone is out to get you except Q and his followers, or Trump and his happenstance, turnstile staffers, have an agenda. It's not pure, or at best it's certainly no more pure than other people who propose various ways forward - as long as they involve personal responsibility, fiscal and regulatory restraint, and the rule of law. Be aware.

Roll Tide, my friend.


He got himself into this mess with the way he and a lot in his party acted towards Kavanaugh. It's just like his quid pro quo with Ukraine.

The timing of this makes me question it.

What's alarming is the lack of media coverage of this, however not surprising. Some irony here as Joe Biden has said nothing about this, yet says he wants a female VP. #MeToo movement, where you at?
#MeToo movement, where you at?
I don't care who you are. I'll say Alyssa Milano is hot. H.O.T. Geez....could point you to a few movie scenes that'll blow your memories of Who's the Boss into another realm. I think she's been talking about guns this week.

That said ...

H/T on the commentary there.
"in the sphere of politics, hardly anything is left to chance."

You'd be surprised, delighted and probably a bit unsettled to know just how much of government and politics happens by chance and without an overarching hand. The early Clinton years were an unadulterated mess, with staffers unable to pass background checks from their drug habits. It makes the Trump family travails seem trivial. The Nixon-Ford transition was pretty brutal, there was a deliberate lack of continuity there. From a corporate perspective, I would encourage you to discover how much in the life of a corporation happens the same way. Humans are unpredictable and events happen at random. For all of the jokes and attacks upon the ineptitude of all levels of government, it's difficult to believe that there is an international cabal overseeing all things, planning seemingly coincidental happenings, many years in advance, with ruthless timing and accuracy.

"Many conspiracy theories are not theories at all." I agree with this. Many are just beliefs or hopes.

"To enlighten in the hope that we become free thinkers and not always swallow the company line." For someone to believe that video in total, you'd have to swallow that company line.

The video had a reference to a 1992 video of Henry Kissinger, a distinguished scholar, politician, and war hero - one of a very few surviving WWII veterans. He has a published view of our current circumstances. Please tell me if you see any balance in his views as he considers world survival and national legitimacy, and whether the characterization of his words from 1992 jibes with his current stance.

Look, the people who spend their time trying to convince you that everyone is out to get you except Q and his followers, or Trump and his happenstance, turnstile staffers, have an agenda. It's not pure, or at best it's certainly no more pure than other people who propose various ways forward - as long as they involve personal responsibility, fiscal and regulatory restraint, and the rule of law. Be aware.

Roll Tide, my friend.


I know you're a well thought out guy with your posts, but even with that, how can you say one side is possible, but not the other? You're saying there are a lot of coincidences in government that happen, but there cannot be a combination of internal cabal running things and that coincidence is impossible. I think it's funny that people cannot wrap their head around everything being planned. Just look at corporate America and simply how far in the future prototypes and business plans are, only to be released in the far future when it can be maximized and internal executives can benefit financially whether it through stock or a bonus structure. While working at Home Depot it was amazing hearing Craig Menere and Carol Tome talk, but then I realized they had first hand knowledge of where the company would be in five years, products released, and simply where the market was going. Tome knew where the stock price would be within $5 in a year, true story. They were simply privy and prepared with knowledge we didn't have, so therefor they had a leg up investment wise and the way they could navigate their careers. So what's to say the government or an internal cabal can't do the same thing? There are simply too many coincidences to not being able to admit something is fishy. Too many ties to think something isn't connected. Obviously I cannot explain it all or even very much, but one has to believe the way Trump has been treated has really brought it out in people. I have never ever seen this kind of effort thrown into getting a guy gone. Obama caught a bunch of flack from Republican voters, but never to the extent of this. Once again, I can agree with you that some things are coincidence, but the number of coincidences adding up, the ties between everyone is a little too much to ignore. Just for fun, go look at the connection between Greta Thunberg, her family, Soros, and The Clintons. Not a coincidence some random sixteen year old is able to make that much of a worldwide headline.

I also wanted to add this little bit after I thought about it overnight. Is there not a lot of correlation between Hollywood and real life? I look at movies like Hostel, Taken, Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Enemy of the State, and many others than talk about underground societies and government, and we keep hearing more and more stories of this stuff happening. Google and Facebook collecting data from everyone, using and selling it. The Bilderberg meetings of top Tech executives and other billionaires around the world. Pedophilia in Hollywood and everything around that. Epstein and his island. A lot of underground stuff going on, so it shouldn't be terribly tough to think a group of wealthy people are working to run the world as they see fit. If the President of the United States of America is considered the most powerful man in the world, one person, than that right there should show you it's possible for a group of people to call the shots. Heck, think about the mafia, the mob, the Italians, the cartels, and all of those groups that run everyday life in certain parts of the world and do whatever they want. I'm just saying it's all possible, and there is definitely smoke with a lot of this.
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This video may be taken down. It is being hailed as probably the most important documentary of our time. It is about a subject hardly ever talked about and passed off as conspiracy theory. President Trump has been fighting against this ever since his inauguration. And it is believed there is a major operation going on right now to round up pedophiles and human traffickers, disguised as an operation involving 22 other nations to stop drug trafficking. This video is long, 1:17:58, Do yourself a favor and watch it.

I had read this WSJ editorial last week, wasn't completely surprised that they dropped Flynn.

The FBI’s Flynn Outrage
New documents shock the conscience and demonstrate the need for accountability.
By Kimberley A. Strassel
April 30, 2020 7:13 pm ET

Opinion: The FBI’s Flynn Outrage
Potomac Watch: New documents shock the conscience and demonstrate the need for accountability.

The newest Federal Bureau of Investigation documents in the case of former White House national security adviser Mike Flynn are stunning in themselves. But the totality of Mr. Flynn’s treatment shocks the conscience.

Mr. Flynn in 2017 pleaded guilty to a single count of lying to FBI agents about conversations he had with Sergey Kislyak, Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. Thanks to new documents the feds belatedly turned over to his attorneys, we know the FBI engineered this “crime.” Handwritten notes from former FBI counterintelligence head Bill Priestap, made before the bureau’s interview of Mr. Flynn, ask the following: “What is our goal? Truth/Admission, or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute him or get him fired?”

One of the frustrations of the Trump-Russia “collusion” narrative is that the evidence of law enforcement’s abuse of power keeps emerging in dribs and drabs. To grasp the outrageous conduct fully, the Flynn documents need to be added to what we already know. The overall evidence paints a scandalous picture: Having labored and abysmally failed in 2016 to build a case that Mr. Flynn was an agent of the Russians, the FBI and Justice Department changed gears—rifling through his communications, inventing a fake crime, and entrapping him on a “lying” charge.

The latest documents reveal the FBI was officially closing its Flynn case on Jan. 4, 2017. The FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane team spent 2016 checking “databases” for “derogatory” information on him, running down accusations that he had ties to Russians. They struck out, and the closing document admits Mr. Flynn “was no longer a viable candidate” for investigation. Then, suddenly, also on Jan. 4, FBI agent Peter Strzok sends a text saying: “Hey, if you haven’t closed [the Flynn case], don’t do so yet.” Mr. Strzok explained: “seventh floor involved”—a reference to FBI top brass.

What changed? In late December, Mr. Flynn spoke to Mr. Kislyak. Federal law gives investigators the authority to wiretap foreigners but also requires strict privacy protections for U.S. citizens with whom they speak. The Obama administration superseded those protections and “unmasked” Mr. Flynn in the days following his discussions. They later leaked the classified contents of the call to the press.

The snooping gained them nothing substantive. Mr. Flynn’s conversations were lawful and routine. So Justice Department and FBI officials instead manufactured the absurd theory that Mr. Flynn had violated the Logan Act of 1799, which bars citizens from engaging in unauthorized negotiations in disputes between the U.S. and foreign governments. No one has ever been convicted of violating the act. This week’s handwritten notes show that among the FBI’s hopes in interviewing Mr. Flynn was to “get him to admit to breaking the Logan Act.”

The real goal was to trap him. Remember, the FBI didn’t need to ask Mr. Flynn what he’d said to the Russian ambassador; they had a recording. The only reason for an interview was to coax Mr. Flynn into saying something at odds with that transcript. They worked hard at it. Then-Director James Comey has previously bragged that the FBI went around the White House legal counsel to make sure Mr. Flynn had no lawyer present.

This week’s documents include an email from former FBI lawyer Lisa Page debating ways for the bureau to get around its standard formal admonition against lying, suggesting agents just “casually slip that in” when talking to Mr. Flynn. A document from former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe says that he urged Mr. Flynn to conduct the interview without a lawyer, and that the FBI deliberately dispensed with the admonition altogether.

The abuse then continued under former special counsel Robert Mueller. Mr. Flynn initially explained that he misremembered what he’d discussed with the Russian, a highly plausible claim. But Mr. Mueller’s lawyers pursued him to near penury and threatened to prosecute his son. He succumbed and agreed to a plea deal.

Perhaps the most important aspect of this week’s documents is what isn’t in them. The FBI expresses no concern that Mr. Flynn was “colluding” with Russia or otherwise threatening national security—supposedly the rationale for the FBI’s intrusive investigation. By this point, it just wanted a scalp, a means to keep its broader narrative rolling.

The FBI exists to investigate crimes, not to create them. Some might add this shameful behavior to the long list of the FBI’s “collusion” malfeasance: the surveillance-court abuse, the Steele dossier, the leaks. But the Flynn case is something different. This isn’t the FBI playing fast and loose with sources or the courts. This is law enforcement abusing its most tyrannical power—to strip citizens of their reputations, their livelihoods and their liberty.

The FBI’s treatment of Mr. Flynn lives up to Americans’ worst fears. Attorney General William Barr was right to order a review of the case. Now someone must be held to account.

Write to kim@wsj.com.
Kinda surprised that CNN is running this story. If it were POTUS Trump we know they'd have been over this from the very beginning.

POTUS Trump pressured Joe Biden into finally addressing this during one of the last few tasks force pressers.

What an odd middle name, Robinette.

Rep Adam Schiff should resign. He's a fraud and a liar going around telling everyone who'd listen for years that there was evidence. Fuck him.

And this nonsense.

Wanna be upset about liars @BamaBoyJosh, here are a few more examples that wasted years of taxpayers money going after POTUS Trump.

This is why I don't get upset about the White House Press Secretary leaving out "for now".

The damn politicians use us and they don't give a fuck about any of us.

Implement short term limits, put them all on Obama Care vs their fancy ass plan, don't give them retirement. I'm so tired of all these asshats in our politics.
@It Takes Eleven based on things we're seeing release, "soft coup" is accurate, in my view.

On another note, there's a Bama grad I know that's in the DC press/WH access type...I quote. " 👀 4 the Sarah Palin story."
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