| TV/MOVIES/MUSIC Star Wars Episode 7

Worldwide $528M and it hasn't released in China yet...

I won't be driving to Fort Worth to see it on the 70mm IMAX.

Oh, c'mon, it isn't that far. My nearest ones are Huntsville and Birmingham, I am in Rainbow City(Gadsden). Further drives for me, although less traffic. I am going to wait until next week though to go to one of those.
Understand IMAX is only for 3-4 weeks, so don't wait too long. Yeah, I don't need to see it in 70mm IMAX. Only one scene was shot in that format.
Understand IMAX is only for 3-4 weeks, so don't wait too long. Yeah, I don't need to see it in 70mm IMAX. Only one scene was shot in that format.
Already seen it in 2D in a normal theatre. If I miss out on the IMAX, oh well, have a nice setup at home when it comes out on Blu-Ray
There aren't many locations to see it in 70mm IMAX. Lots of HUGE cities missing from the list. A bit disappointing. Everything else is digital IMAX (not the best). There are 7 IMAX with laser locations (next Gen IMAX)

Here's the Theaters with The Force Awakens 70mm Showings

Most of the locations on that list are dome Imax. I've read that since regular movies aren't really made for the domes, they don't end up looking right.
Not sure if anyone has seen these anywhere but my wife got me these for my car.

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