| FTBL Spring Practice 2023: 2nd spring scrimmage set for Saturday at 1 CT

My favorite thing about the whole A-Day steak vs. hotdogs & beans thing is the guys eat steak most every day. And honestly, the hotdogs and beans they serve? Look kinda tasty. I know when I was 19/20 and in school, I certainly had worse... I was eating Van Camp's straight from the can, not the good stuff prepared by a chef.

I do like that they went with the "straight from the can" theme at least...

Define top notch. It's like a pair of shoes, or a mattress ... no reason to go cheap on eating. Ever.

My wife would 100% agree with you. I eat twice a day, and if I plan properly I can eat once a day. She likes to eat like six small meals a day and somehow maintains her figure.

Everybody has their trashy meal they eat. I didn't grow up with any money, so it was little things like beenie weenies I ate and that I doubt will ever be off my menu no matter how much money I have or how much I'm worth. I like a nice piece of extra sharp cheddar chees with it too just to possibly gross you out even more.
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