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The People's Champ
The Kings Men. 88% A few dumb things about it but overall very entertaining. Filled with tons of fun action sequences. And that church scene
Cool film.
The Kings Men was awesome. Best movie I've seen in a while. Definitely felt like a Quentin Tarantino movie, but it was another director.

Pixels- 2/10. Had low expectations going in and came out about what I expected. Good special effects with dumb jokes, rare funny moments, half-ass acting, and a terrible storyline.
^ Oh what a shame when i heard about Pixels i thought it was a dumb idea but then i watched the trailer and thought it had promise. It has a 57% user score on RT (Rotten Tomatoes) so i wont be seeing it.

It has Adam Sandler in it; I won't be seeing it either (unless we can't find anything else on Netflix). To me, this one screams, "Wait til TBS airs it a million times!"
Antman was good... you just can't hold it to the same candles as most other Marvel movies- Thor, IronMan, Capt America, Avengers. Just take it for what it's worth- lower tier super hero flick. It's got some funny parts, some good action, and follows the overall Marvel storyline. I enjoyed it
Agreed,Ant Man was good in a different way. While I liked it ,it was a bit more dialog that the others. Then again it was a bit of an origin story so of coarse they had to lay down the ground work for it.
Jupiter Ascending- 8/10.

I'm a big sci-fi fan and this one was pretty good. Wasn't a big fan of the forced love between Kunis and Tatum, but it all played out once Tatum when into the 2nd planet to save her. It got intense, but the first half of the movie was boring. It gets a whole point from 7-8 for me because this is the first movie I could stand Channing Tatum.
The Theory of Everything - 70% Costumes and sets are outstanding and the actor that plays Stephen Hawkings does a hell of a job. But this movie sort of yada-yada its way through Hawkings theory's and accomplishments. Instead focusing on his struggles with the disease, his wife's relationship, and a seemingly forced and reemerging religious debate. I found out afterward that this movie was based off his wife's book so it makes some sense. But the way they skip over really discussing any of his theories in any sort of detail at all, makes for some really awkward moments at times.
Caught a couple out of the Redbox this weekend:

The Imitation Game - 6.5/10 - Found the movie informative, but not necessarily all the entertaining. I thought Cumberbatch did a good job, and Keira Knightley was surprisingly not horrible in it as well. Felt a little more documentary-ish and I didn't love how they kept jumping between time frames.

Kingsmen - 8/10 - Solid film. I love anything with Colin Firth in it and this one didn't disappoint. Samuel L. Jackson's lisp wasn't consistent enough for his character, but overall I found it entertaining and refreshing.
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