| FTBL Out of the teams I just don't like, there are a few dislikes based purely on their fans: This could

Come on down to Georgia and you'll find the worst sidewalk fans you'll ever meet. Georgia tattoos, barking at people, fighting people, all kinds of characters like you speak of. They love using the university as their own little playground on game days, destroy the campus and bring a toxicity to the nightlife that it makes it not as fun as it used to be.
haha, I couldn't agree more. I recently remarried to a wonderful woman who has younger kids. They only know of 1 time in their life when Georgia beat us, but they think UGA is king. The 11 and 13 year old try to trash talk me all of the time, it's sad, really LOL
I forgot you retired!
June 15th was my last day, I took some personal days and a few sick days to finish out my time. I know I am going to do something this winter because I will not be able to stand sitting around the house on the cold, gloomy days we have here in Ohio. I do go to McDonald’s every morning and load with the “old” guys. 🙂 Honey do jobs are caught up.
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