| LIFE ***Official Daily Dose of Ineptitude*** (enter at own risk)

I don't think we crossed paths much, so I don't know much about you other than birds like to attack you at work. And I don't think you had anything to do with it, but you were complicit when it happened. "Hannibal, it doesn't have to be like this" lol

You cut me real deep Big Balls. Some of us are planning to rent an apartment in TTown after this, I'm not sure if you'll get an invite.

I meant that. I was hoping he's sick around for a little bit. Things were falling apart. I'm tired of changing message boards. Hell, the next one may be blocked at my work. The Woolly was a good thing.
Ah, BPM, Balls, Bammerboy, bamachine...we're growing in number!

We'll take over Tidefans at dawn...

Well, I don't believe you. Though I know that no one cares about how I feel or what I think - but I am on record, I do not trust you

That's fine..you put it on record. I've known you for a long time and we've never had a problem. Just think real hard back to the days when it was TPLAW, hscoach, Dad of 5 and all those guys. We go back that far. Why the hell would I want to turn on any of you. I'm not freaking CAD for God's sake.
Stick around for what exactly?

Just stick around. Period. Like I said...I've known Hannibal for a long time. I also knew that if he and AHM didn't work together the place would fall apart and I didn't want that. All I knew was that AHM had full admin rights when I posted that. I didn't know exactly what was going on yet. It wasn't until after, that I realized it was basically an undercutting by blacklab and AHM.
If AHM had spent half the time he'd spent begging 'Chine and I for control and working behind our backs with blacklab, he'd already have a site up better than the Woolly was. He wanted The Woolly because it was something he couldn't have. He wanted to "win" and show people up. All he was going to accomplish was replacing 15-20 of us with 15-20 of his buddies.

I mean seriously...did he really believe that I was going to take it well to wake up one morning seeing that they'd made a bitch move behind my back, and then allow them to continue to operate it on a domain that I own? Seriously? "Oh, Hannibal...if I'd known you owned the domain I would've came to you first." Yeah, if you knew your screw tactic wasn't going to be successful, you'd have done it differently. He didn't ask me cause he knew the answer was "no" as it always had been.

Dammit...I was past it and excited about starting the new place, now I'm pissed off again.
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