| LIFE ***Official Daily Dose of Ineptitude*** (enter at own risk)

And hey, we raised our Cost of attendance stipend. Now only a couple hundred dollars a year less than TN and AU. Expect it to be regulated within the next year now that we've done it.

It needs to be more regulated. There should be specifics into what they can include into those figures. Obviously Auburn included a bunch of costs we didn't at first. Not saying they were wrong and we were right, but it shows that it's not well worked out at this point.
@ balls- I've always liked you as a poster, but I am having a hard time believing you didn't know what was going down, even when they all randomly popped in a few weeks back. Time will tell, and hopefully it all works out to where we're shooting the shit like old times.

@the post update issue- I think it may go by when someone hits the reply button, not when they post the message. For instance, I hit the reply button before biff hits the reply button... he gets his post out before I get mine out, but mine will still be ahead of his. So yall may have read his post, then refreshed and seen mine above his. I'm guessing at least.

Now, let's not screw up this thread with serious talk. Biff, you taken care of that 3rd nip/micropeen yet?
@ balls- I've always liked you as a poster, but I am having a hard time believing you didn't know what was going down, even when they all randomly popped in a few weeks back. Time will tell, and hopefully it all works out to where we're shooting the shit like old times.

@the post update issue- I think it may go by when someone hits the reply button, not when they post the message. For instance, I hit the reply button before biff hits the reply button... he gets his post out before I get mine out, but mine will still be ahead of his. So yall may have read his post, then refreshed and seen mine above his. I'm guessing at least.

Now, let's not screw up this thread with serious talk. Biff, you taken care of that 3rd nip/micropeen yet?
My youngest enjoyed playing with it this morning.
Even though me and BPM have had our problems, I think he'd make a good recruitbot or mod

I think our clashes lasted a few weeks at best. Wasnt really any thing long term. I'd never be the main recruit bot because im not just as energized to do it 24/7 anymore like HT is. But i like contributing here and there. As far as moding goes, i would do it if need be but i dont expect to be asked for that.
Well, it's good to have most of us together again. Unfortunately, I don't have Bill's contact info. However, like PinkArt, I used to be a PI. I will put my skills (as rusty as they are) to use and see if I can rustle him up.
I like some of the new emoji things here, even though I can only see them from the laptop and not on tapa (which was the case with woolly as well).

Hanni may want to grab some of the old ones we had and bring them over here as well... especially the :kau: one and the :troll: one
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