| LIFE ***Official Daily Dose of Ineptitude*** (enter at own risk)

If AHM had spent half the time he'd spent begging 'Chine and I for control and working behind our backs with blacklab, he'd already have a site up better than the Woolly was. He wanted The Woolly because it was something he couldn't have. He wanted to "win" and show people up. All he was going to accomplish was replacing 15-20 of us with 15-20 of his buddies.

I mean seriously...did he really believe that I was going to take it well to wake up one morning seeing that they'd made a bitch move behind my back, and then allow them to continue to operate it on a domain that I own? Seriously? "Oh, Hannibal...if I'd known you owned the domain I would've came to you first." Yeah, if you knew your screw tactic wasn't going to be successful, you'd have done it differently. He didn't ask me cause he knew the answer was "no" as it always had been.

Dammit...I was past it and excited about starting the new place, now I'm pissed off again.

He's a piece of crap, and so are his friends
I'll say that I've gotten to know Balls much better over the last few months. I know he's had a friendship with some of those guys for a long time. From what I understand, he's not as close with them as he once was. I've enjoyed shooting the shit with him on Woolly and don't think he has ever had much of a hand in anything too harmful.
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