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Still using that Fitbit, Pink? My wife bought one.
Yep.. I like it. I have the charge that has a display on it... also syncs up with your phone to where you can see who is calling. Been a few times where I'm in the kitchen and hear my phone in the other room and I can look and see if I should bother going to grab it or not.

I don't know how accurate the calorie, floors, and mile counter is, but it's a good ballpark figure.
Yep.. I like it. I have the charge that has a display on it... also syncs up with your phone to where you can see who is calling. Been a few times where I'm in the kitchen and hear my phone in the other room and I can look and see if I should bother going to grab it or not.

I don't know how accurate the calorie, floors, and mile counter is, but it's a good ballpark figure.

She's surprised me by actually using hers, hopefully she keeps it up. She's been making goals of a # of steps a day and getting up when it shows in red that she's been sitting too long. I almost want to get one now.

Does anyone make a shitbit? So we can see track how many times we poop per day, volume evacuated, and minutes wasted on the toilet?
It smells in here.... anyway, glad most everyone is back in. The takeover crap is annoying and wooley was fine until ass or amh or whatever his name is came. Oh and hanni forgot me on the most important email of the day. I get 60 emails from everyone blowing each other and then when the final email directing us here comes out. Fuck boz. Anyway. Love u guys.

Welcome, Boz. I don't think Hanni would intentionally leave you out. Contrary to what AHM posted, there were more than 6 regular posters at The Woolly. I'm guessing your e-mail was either unavailable, or accidentally overlooked, because there were so many. We've been trying to spread the word however we can. Anyway, glad you're here.
Well, that was an interesting couple of days. I finally made it. I thought, new site, i need a new name. I was always jelly of you guys with the seinfeld references. (I was bamagary)
Welcome, Boz. I don't think Hanni would intentionally leave you out. Contrary to what AHM posted, there were more than 6 regular posters at The Woolly. I'm guessing your e-mail was either unavailable, or accidentally overlooked, because there were so many. We've been trying to spread the word however we can. Anyway, glad you're here.
I'm just busting his balls I was on every email but the one with this link lol.
Wasson had one that he started as a new business with some other people. I think it was a magazine/site focused on Alabama High School sports. That's not the one I was referring to. But, yes, I posted on both of them.

Just went here: http://www.thebamanation.com/bamatalk/index.php?board=2.0 - Whole lotta familiar names.

You're right. I went back to the posts from about 2008 on that link. Man there were a LOT of familiar names. I did go there back then and that is the site I was thinking of. I was getting it confused with Wassons.

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