| LIFE ***Official Daily Dose of Ineptitude*** (enter at own risk)

I finally got back to a point where I could smoke again while drinking and not get hooked. I also only get drunk (and smoke) about once or twice a year.
Smoked for several years, then just got tired of them and stopped. Picked it back up, but only when at bars and around friends that smoked... if I was with a group that didn't smoke, I wouldn't even think about them.

Now, can't stand the smell of them or being around someone who smoked. Can't remember the last one I had, but it's been a long time.
All of the Tuscaloosa bars seem to be going smoke free now. I dont know if its a city ordinance or if they are doing it by choice but I like it. I hate waking up hungover and smelling like smoke.
I think it may be more economical for me to not buy the cans of mixed nuts and only buy cans of the nuts I like to eat. I know it would be less frustrating.
So I bought a different kind of cigarettes than my normal in hopes it would encourage me to smoke less.

Not only am I not smoking less, I have a stomach ache, I spent $10.50 for these turds, and I have 16 of those nasty bastards to smoke. $10.50... I'm smoking all those fucks.
Got to the office at 10:00. Went to lunch at 11:20. Got back to parking deck about 12:30. Slept in car till 2:45. Went and picked up son from school at 3:10. Went home.
I never said encourage them. Not discouraging/banning them doesn't mean encouraging them.

Do you believe it's good for the human species to introduce more carriers of genes with less favorable traits? Do you believe in Darwinism? Have you seen Idiocracy?

I've seen it. Do you believe the wealthy are necessarily intelligent and the poor are necessarily stupid? Because I've seen plenty of counter-examples of both. Your wealthy of poor and mediocre intelligence will seem more sophisticated due to having access to better education and cultural travel. I've seen so many dumbasses that come off to the average person as smart simply because they got Cs at a decent school and traveled to Europe. They still couldn't figure their way out of a paper bag.
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