As for proof that there isn‘t a god, the earth is much much much much older than what the Bible says, evolution is fact, so with many things that aren‘t true in the Bible I have a tough time believing there’s some being sitting in some magical place watching down on us
Here's where you and most Christians have it wrong. The earth existed long before the creation account in Genesis. Genesis even says the Earth was already present.
Genesis 1:2 AMPC
[2] "The earth was without form and an empty waste, and darkness was upon the face of the very great deep. The Spirit of God was moving (hovering, brooding) over the face of the waters"
The question of whether it existed can be answered with another question: where did lucifer come from, not long after Creation (of Adam and Eve)? He was here, as was the earth. How else could he have tempted Eve (and then Adam)?
Jesus said he saw satan fall like lightning from heaven.
What caused the darkness and the waters accounted in the verse above?
Could it be that after the rebellion and lucifer and 1/3 of all the angels were cast down to Earth with such force that it equaled a catastrophic meter impact? Ya know, like the meteor that scientists theorize cause a massive dust cloud, which caused the supervolcanoes to erupt and tectonic plates to shift, adding to the dust cloud that blocked the sun-which killed all the vegetation, which then killed off all the herbivore dinosaurs, leaving nothing for the carnivores to eat? Extinction level event that because of no sunlight, caused the Ice Age?
Then as the sun began to penetrate the still-lingering dust cloud, thawing the ice... This brings us to the aforementioned "darkness on the face of the waters" in verse 2...
My theory, anyway.
But, that's how theories work, right?
Look, most Christians get this wrong. What we see in the Bible boils down to 6,000 years of recorded human history, not the physical existence of planet Earth.
Now, let's consider this verse :
2 Peter 3:8 AMPC
[8] "Nevertheless, do not let this one fact escape you, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day."
The "thousand years" in this verse could very well be limited by perceptual quantification. It's possible that it was difficult back then for someone to wrap their brain around the perception of a human's existence beyond a hundred years, let alone a thousand. This verse could very well be an attempted reference to the eternal nature of God, and how he exists outside of what we (rather finitely, I may add) interpret as linear time, space, and matter.
But what if there's some literal truth in it as well? What if the 6 day creation account was 6 "God days"? As in, a thousand years per day?
How do we finite humans truly measure the actions of a being that exists outside of time, space, and matter?
We can't.
So you essentially believe that physical reality was created from nothing, right?
Does it take any less faith to believe in that as it does to believe in Intelligent Design?
And when you die, "nothing" happens?
Isn't that you reuniting with YOUR creator?
As far as the reality of Jesus being the Son of God...
He fulfilled over 300 Old Testament Messianic prophesies. The statistical likelihood of that occurring is virtually zero. The chance of one man fulfilling just 5-10 of those prophesies is 1 in 10 to the hundredth power. Yet Jesus fulfilled all 300+.
His life, death, and resurrection was real enough for his most staunch followers to die martyr's deaths for. Those deaths ARE factually recorded in history.
There have been countless achaeological discoveries that corroborate biblical events.
Too many to list.
Anecdotally, I know He's real because I've seen a kid snap his ankle in 2 while playing softball at church camp. I was coaching 3rd when he tried to slide under a tag at 2nd and his foot caught the bag but his body's momentum didn't stop. The sound of bones snapping is not something you forget. I watched him writhing in pain and holding up his leg with his foot folded over at the ankle break. The camp nurse splinted him up and gave him crutches while waiting on his parents to make the long drive down to get him. A couple hours later at chapel, I saw this kid's ankle miraculously fused back together during worship service with other kids praying for him.
You can't unbreak bones like that. The kid dropped his crutches, unwrapped his splint, and stood... Then hopped... Then ran... The place came unglued.
So, I KNOW, personally, that God is real.