🌎 NSFW: Get this. A protest, where they didn't have masks.

Here's a thought for you.

Imagine walking into a church and saying, "Hi, my name is Terry. I like beer, I like smoking weed, and I believe in God."

Which denominations will accept that person?
Took a bit of effort to remember it and then find it but perhaps an answer to your question.

The question was rhetorical. I've found my niche.

Next Wednesday...drop a pair of headphones on and look up SeaCoast live. I'll be there. 10's, of thousands, stop on Wednesday around the 'net for this.
I can’t any longer. I left those type churches around 25 years ago. Went to Cathedral of The Cross in the early 90s, it was Alabamas first mega church. I’m happy that you have found your niche.
Went to Cathedral of The Cross in the early 90s, it was Alabamas first mega church
I was there as well. I didn't fit for me. It was ... people looking for the decorum of Catholicism under the guise of praise and worship? Make sense? Too uptight for me...just didn't "feel it."

Wow. Small world.

@ElephantStomp are our God's any different? We are just approaching him, differently.
I can’t any longer. I left those type churches around 25 years ago. Went to Cathedral of The Cross in the early 90s, it was Alabamas first mega church. I’m happy that you have found your niche.
You bring up an interesting subject here: in my eyes. It's something that's caught my attention for years.

I can't attend an "organ" church. That atmosphere brings out an "anger." It's not wholesome.

I can't attend a "suit and tie" church. I've yet to find someone explain to me why you dress up for church. God doesn't look at your clothes.
I was there as well. I didn't fit for me. It was ... people looking for the decorum of Catholicism under the guise of praise and worship? Make sense? Too uptight for me...just didn't "feel it."

Wow. Small world.

@ElephantStomp are our God's any different? We are just approaching him, differently.
The pastor there Mark Correl eventually left and had his own ministries. He is now a minister at the Healing Place Church that was co-founded with him by Don Rizzo a minister of Church of the Highlands which was founded by some guy named Hodges that was a co-founder of ARC along with the founder of your church Surratt and several others. ARC(Association of Related Churches) s an interesting organization. BTW, Mark Correll was raised Catholic may have given that feel to the church.
Billy Hornsby, Greg Surratt, Chris Hodges, Rick Bezet, Scott Hornsby, and Dino Rizzo founders of ARC.
You bring up an interesting subject here: in my eyes. It's something that's caught my attention for years.

I can't attend an "organ" church. That atmosphere brings out an "anger." It's not wholesome.

I can't attend a "suit and tie" church. I've yet to find someone explain to me why you dress up for church. God doesn't look at your clothes.
We have no musical instruments. We have a couple of guys that wear suits. Vast majority are like me. The ladies are about the same around half wear a scarf/veil on their heads. You notice in the pic there are no pews
The pastor there Mark Correl eventually left and had his own ministries. He is now a minister at the Healing Place Church that was co-founded with him by Don Rizzo a minister of Church of the Highlands which was founded by some guy named Hodges that was a co-founder of ARC along with the founder of your church Surratt and several others. ARC(Association of Related Churches) s an interesting organization. BTW, Mark Correll was raised Catholic may have given that feel to the church.
Billy Hornsby, Greg Surratt, Chris Hodges, Rick Bezet, Scott Hornsby, and Dino Rizzo founders of ARC.
I knew that and had forgotten. Not surprised on the forgotten part.

It's an interesting phenomenon. Seeing "church bodies" split isn't new. Seeing "mega church bodies" split, and still continue as a "mega church," is new. I get it: people looking for their fit. Seacoast split from Northwoods Assembly. It still exists at its main location whereas Seacoast is out to 14 now. The idea of having a service where the message is delivered via CCTV doesn't sit right with some people.
I was there as well. I didn't fit for me. It was ... people looking for the decorum of Catholicism under the guise of praise and worship? Make sense? Too uptight for me...just didn't "feel it."

Wow. Small world.

@ElephantStomp are our God's any different? We are just approaching him, differently.
The god might not be different, the approach no doubt is, but so is how the Bible is interpreted
I may be paraphrasing it poorly but it is because musical instruments are man made and unfit to be used in the worship of God whereas man is made in the image of God. That being said the Greek church in America under their Archbishop has ran untraditional for quite some time. The local one while very beautiful inside is filled with pews & has an organ.
I may be paraphrasing it poorly but it is because musical instruments are man made and unfit to be used in the worship of God whereas man is made in the image of God. That being said the Greek church in America under their Archbishop has ran untraditional for quite some time. The local one while very beautiful inside is filled with pews & has an organ.
No. I don't think you're phrasing it poorly.

I think the foundation of no instruments is poorly built based on Biblical history. It doesn't make sense to me.

Man made instruments created/used to worship God. Dude. Literally. This conversation is about to be fun .

unfit to be used in the worship of God

What the fuck is that?
The pastor there Mark Correl eventually left and had his own ministries. He is now a minister at the Healing Place Church that was co-founded with him by Don Rizzo a minister of Church of the Highlands which was founded by some guy named Hodges that was a co-founder of ARC along with the founder of your church Surratt and several others. ARC(Association of Related Churches) s an interesting organization. BTW, Mark Correll was raised Catholic may have given that feel to the church.
Billy Hornsby, Greg Surratt, Chris Hodges, Rick Bezet, Scott Hornsby, and Dino Rizzo founders of ARC.
I"'m sobered. Chilled. I was in T-town when this all started with me and found it in Charleston.
No. I don't think you're phrasing it poorly.

I think the foundation of no instruments is poorly built based on Biblical history. It doesn't make sense to me.

Man made instruments created/used to worship God. Dude. Literally. This conversation is about to be fun .

What the fuck is that?
You asked, I gave you an explanation based on a church position. Let me ask you. These smoke machines, light shows used in these “jump & shouts” are a modern innovation, no? Another modern heresy born in America, rapture theology. Only about a 150 yrs old.
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