🌎 NSFW: Get this. A protest, where they didn't have masks.

Dude, I love spontaneous moments like that.
Earlier in this thread two things have come up...

Some seeking "proof" of a higher power.
"When the spirit falls."

One thing that turned me off about the Catholic church was how "pristine" the buildings were. The stained glass windows, the how "ordeal." We do this now, we do that then, we say this when...

If you roll back the stage on that video the auditorium is a basketball court.

If you have the time, look up Seacoast. (How they "campus" is pretty cool.) I was amazed that they launched the new campus in Cane Bay and the first services had over 800 attend. The normal size of a church in the US? Less than 100 the last time I looked.
Earlier in this thread two things have come up...

Some seeking "proof" of a higher power.
"When the spirit falls."

One thing that turned me off about the Catholic church was how "pristine" the buildings were. The stained glass windows, the how "ordeal." We do this now, we do that then, we say this when...

If you roll back the stage on that video the auditorium is a basketball court.

If you have the time, look up Seacoast. (How they "campus" is pretty cool.) I was amazed that they launched the new campus in Cane Bay and the first services had over 800 attend. The normal size of a church in the US? Less than 100 the last time I looked.
Not some just one and I’m not looking for proof, I just said there isn’t any.

BTW, I love what your church does for the community, that medical service is awesome
BTW, I love what your church does for the community, that medical service is awesome
Thanks. I look at it from the perspective of the community looking out for the community through the church.

Seacoast is about to launch its third "Dream Center" here in town. The medical care is AWESOME. I've taken people, and directed more, towards their outreach for meds, food, clothes, you name it.

HOWEVER, what they are about to do is pretty damn cool. I'm going to spend a few hours there each week. They are opening a "Community Car Care" outreach. I don't know a lot about automotive repairs, I can do my share, but I just think that's so cool! The building is already there...just need to retrofit a few things (lifts, etc.)

I like the idea of "I can't give you a job, but I can fix your car so you can go find a job."
"I can't give you a ride to work, but I can fix your car so you can get to work."
@ElephantStomp one last thought here.

Through a belief, through a church, we have the ability to make a change. We are making a change.

I think the new Cane Bay campus makes the 14th. I mentioned to Darren earlier, the first services has 800+. I'm guessing there are 15,000 or more now.

A really neat story about how it all started...literally, in an apartment's clubhouse. I think it was 70 people that first day: the average size of a church today. 1988, I think.

You mentioned the SBC in another conversation. Are you familiar with the ARC?

As I mentioned, they've started 14 or 15 campuses here. They are over 600 around the globe. Everyone with the goal of having a "Dream Center."

We are a cult. We aren't small. We aren't sinister. What we do isn't strange. But we do have a religious devotion toward a particular object. In this case, community.
One thing that turned me off about the Catholic church was how "pristine" the buildings were. The stained glass windows, the how "ordeal." We do this now, we do that then, we say this when...
The normal size of a church in the US? Less than 100 the last time I looked.
This pic was just prior to the icons being completed about 3 months ago. We consistently have around 300 for Divine Liturgy on Sunday. There are wooden benches along each wall for anyone that can’t stand for the 2hrs of worship service. Vast majority stand the entire time. RC will commune an Orthodox, Orthodox will commune only Orthodox.
This pic was just prior to the icons being completed about 3 months ago. We consistently have around 300 for Divine Liturgy on Sunday. There are wooden benches along each wall for anyone that can’t stand for the 2hrs of worship service. Vast majority stand the entire time. RC will commune an Orthodox, Orthodox will commune only Orthodox.
View attachment 26547
It's beautiful. But, it doesn't "sit right" with me.

"Come as you are," often attributed to the Bible, isn't there. While I appreciate the beauty, I can't "come as I am" in that environment. It's not me.

@Sgt. Lincoln Osiris mentioned "spontaneous" in a conversation about a video I posted from "Jesus Culture." In my experiences, decor and "regimented" religions go hand in hand.

I'm not as familiar with your religion as I am with others. I may be off base here. I'm left with the impression, based on a photo, that the group says "this prayer" at 11:10AM on Sundays. Followed by this prayer at 11:13.

If I'm wrong, I apologize.

That being said.

Go back to that video I posted of First Wednesday. Some of that is along the same lines: regimented. But, there's a lot of free expression there as well.

Here's a thought for you.

Imagine walking into a church and saying, "Hi, my name is Terry. I like beer, I like smoking weed, and I believe in God."

Which denominations will accept that person?
It's beautiful. But, it doesn't "sit right" with me.

"Come as you are," often attributed to the Bible, isn't there. While I appreciate the beauty, I can't "come as I am" in that environment. It's not me.
Here's a thought for you.

Imagine walking into a church and saying, "Hi, my name is Terry. I like beer, I like smoking weed, and I believe in God."

Which denominations will accept that person?
It is indeed a “come as you are” church. The Orthodox Church has the view that it is a hospital not a court. After liturgy every Sunday we have a potluck and usually a dozen bottles of wine get emptied. After the midnight Pascha service (Easter) is concluded the fast of Great Lent is broken around 2 am in the fellowship hall with feasting. The Ukrainian family has vodka and beer. We feed hot meals to any homeless that come every Sunday. I know of several parishioners that smoke weed as I have accidentally heard them in passing. That’s between them & God. That’s what confession is for.
It is indeed a “come as you are” church. The Orthodox Church has the view that it is a hospital not a court. After liturgy every Sunday we have a potluck and usually a dozen bottles of wine get emptied. After the midnight Pascha service (Easter) is concluded the fast of Great Lent is broken around 2 am in the fellowship hall with feasting. The Ukrainian family has vodka and beer. We feed hot meals to any homeless that come every Sunday. I know of several parishioners that smoke weed as I have accidentally heard them in passing. That’s between them & God. That’s what confession is for.
I'd have to track your IP to see where you live...not going to do that today.

What do you wear when you go to church? Everyone else around you? I am not asking this as a point of contention, just one of those observations that have led to questions.

Shorts? Sandals?

Or, "Sunday go to 'meetin' clothes."
It is indeed a “come as you are” church. The Orthodox Church has the view that it is a hospital not a court. After liturgy every Sunday we have a potluck and usually a dozen bottles of wine get emptied. After the midnight Pascha service (Easter) is concluded the fast of Great Lent is broken around 2 am in the fellowship hall with feasting. The Ukrainian family has vodka and beer. We feed hot meals to any homeless that come every Sunday. I know of several parishioners that smoke weed as I have accidentally heard them in passing. That’s between them & God. That’s what confession is for.
Thanks for sharing this. It's a great example of what we've been talking about here. On many different topics. I don't know a lot about your church, faith, and that's why I I said I might be wrong.

I don't know how to define "evangelical" anymore.

I do know...I like the idea and belief behind the RCA.


I would drop everything to be involved with something like that. Yes. I'm referring to the vodka and beer.

But also yes. Here's queer. I take food to the workers at 7-11. (SWIDT.) No kidding. Three, maybe four times a week I'll cook and take food up to that store just for their employees to eat. My biggest problem? I can't keep them from calling me, "Mr. Terry." (I'm digressing)

It's all about some good food. (Not patting myself on the back.)

Freaks me out how an employee serving food, has to pay full price for that food, when they are making that food. And that food is bullshit.
They need an exorcism of a sort.
If you really want to see them scream and contort, mention the name Jesus Christ in their presence. It would be like holy water on a vampire or the truth to a liberal, they don’t care for absolute truth. You see, each person can create their own truth.…so there are no absolutes.
Thanks. I look at it from the perspective of the community looking out for the community through the church.

Seacoast is about to launch its third "Dream Center" here in town. The medical care is AWESOME. I've taken people, and directed more, towards their outreach for meds, food, clothes, you name it.

HOWEVER, what they are about to do is pretty damn cool. I'm going to spend a few hours there each week. They are opening a "Community Car Care" outreach. I don't know a lot about automotive repairs, I can do my share, but I just think that's so cool! The building is already there...just need to retrofit a few things (lifts, etc.)

I like the idea of "I can't give you a job, but I can fix your car so you can go find a job."
"I can't give you a ride to work, but I can fix your car so you can get to work."
Dude, that is so awesome.

As a DIY mechanic that has saved myself tens of thousands of dollars over the years doing my own maintenance/mid-major repairs, I would LOVE to be a part of something like this.
I'd have to track your IP to see where you live...not going to do that today.

What do you wear when you go to church? Everyone else around you? I am not asking this as a point of contention, just one of those observations that have led to questions.

Shorts? Sandals?

Or, "Sunday go to 'meetin' clothes."
I wear jeans, a polo style shirt, and my Hokas. In warm weather I have seen a couple guys wear shorts but not normally. Women generally wear dresses and around half wear a head covering. Our Priest has a bushy beard and working on a pony tail. I live in Birmingham. The church is St Symeon on Clairmont Ave..
Being judgemental is human nature but it is also wrong. My patron saint said if you are judging your own faults you dhave time for others.
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Dude, that is so awesome.

As a DIY mechanic that has saved myself tens of thousands of dollars over the years doing my own maintenance/mid-major repairs, I would LOVE to be a part of something like this.
I feel like I have an intimate relationship with RockAuto...and they don't rape people.

Check this link out. I'm not a construction worker. But I can figure things out. Sea Island has been pretty cool...there's some info on the car repair service...

Just like that, the snap of a finger, and there are three locations for the car care.

If you really want to see them scream and contort, mention the name Jesus Christ in their presence. It would be like holy water on a vampire or the truth to a liberal, they don’t care for absolute truth. You see, each person can create their own truth.…so there are no absolutes.
You show me absolute proof in Jesus and I’ll believe in your absolute truth.
You show me absolute proof in Jesus and I’ll believe in your absolute truth.
Did you know he's one the most referenced individual, outside of the Bible, in history books? Antiquities of the Jews is an example. He's mentioned in Roman historical writings as well as Jewish.

Do I have to show you proof of King George? Genghis Khan?
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