| FTBL Music Video of Coach Saban fishing on Tommy Wilcox Outdoors

  • Thread starter imported_Doemasters
  • Start date
Re: Music Video of Coach Saban fishing on Tommy Wilcox Outdo

Doemasters said:
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yNn_xl87LrY[/youtube] be sure to go to youtube and make a comment and dont forget to mention rolltidebama.com :D

Dang, fishing, Bama Football, and a catchy tune. Good find Doemasters :D.
It Takes Eleven said:
Porter said:
Great video footage, but that song makes my ears bleed.

Come on, shirley you've grown accustomed to the radio theme song by now.

I turn the volume down or change the station every time I hear it. Annoys the piss out of me. That should play it at Gitmo during interrogations...

...and don't call me Shirley.
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