| FTBL Mike Gundy goes O F F on the media!

DAMN! gotta respect that. it looked like he knew exactly who wrote it and was lookin at them the during the whole thing. wow i bet that guy felt about 3 inches tall.
Birdman37 said:
DAMN! gotta respect that. it looked like he knew exactly who wrote it and was lookin at them the during the whole thing. wow i bet that guy felt about 3 inches tall.

Yeah, I think he found his Huckleberry and the best thing about it, he had a captive audience. The worm could not escape with any of his pride intact. He sat there and had to listen to it all.

I know some columnists that I would LOVE to see this happen to!!
Birdman37 said:
DAMN! gotta respect that. it looked like he knew exactly who wrote it and was lookin at them the during the whole thing. wow i bet that guy felt about 3 inches tall.

FWIW, it's a girl named Jenni Carlson who pulled the same thing when we played OU a few years ago.

On a seperate note, Dodd weighs in on the story. As SR. writer for Sportsline.com it's one thing for him to given an op-ed piece. It's part of his job.

She's a beat writer.

Click this thing

This is what is never going to change, Mike: We're going to write our opinions because this is America. Free press and all that. You might not agree, but when you don't, for your career's sake, keep it to yourself.

For the rest of the season, maybe that entire career, this is going to be an issue with you. The hot-head coach who can't take fair criticism.
Maybe recruits will love it. And maybe their parents will want them to be in a program where the coach is more level-headed.

We have the pen, always, Mike. You have a job, for now.
The bad thing about something like this is in the aftermath, you get THE MEDIA covering an attack on THE MEDIA. What side do you think they will take? Everything I've heard or read has been attacking Gundy and making him out to be the goat. It's unfortunate the media feels so invincible in these situations. They can say whatever they want and if anyone tries to discredit what was written, then they just all band together and try to discredit the critic. I think it's important that fans post their support of Gundy's comments on the internet and call in to radio shows and let the media know that they think its BS that Gundy is being portrayed as the one in the wrong here.
RollTideRandy said:
The bad thing about something like this is in the aftermath, you get THE MEDIA covering an attack on THE MEDIA. What side do you think they will take? Everything I've heard or read has been attacking Gundy and making him out to be the goat. It's unfortunate the media feels so invincible in these situations. They can say whatever they want and if anyone tries to discredit what was written, then they just all band together and try to discredit the critic. I think it's important that fans post their support of Gundy's comments on the internet and call in to radio shows and let the media know that they think its BS that Gundy is being portrayed as the one in the wrong here.

Yeah, Dodd's article was wagon-circling blather by the former head of the sportswriters association. On the paper's website comments area, it was funny that negative online comments on her most recent article were being deleted, along with positive comments about Gundy. They were being overwhelmed.



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CNN is linking to a story where the writer responds. The story is on a TV news website and it links to the Good Morning American story on the issue. Surprisingly, the GMA story sides with the coach and player, although it is pretty well balanced.


The news station noted that calls and emails were overwhelmingly in favor of the coach.



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It Takes Eleven said:
CNN is linking to a story where the writer responds. The story is on a TV news website and it links to the Good Morning American story on the issue. Surprisingly, the GMA story sides with the coach and player, although it is pretty well balanced.


The news station noted that calls and emails were overwhelmingly in favor of the coach.



I'm observing an Emoticon Free Day!

She said what there, a whole five words? Way to take up for yourself. :?

Sounded like she was just saying what her paper's lawyers told her to say. :roll:
A very well stated response from one of the readers on cbssportsline.com in response to Dodd's op-ed piece:

I hadn't read the article nor had I seen the Coach's response until reading Dodd's article today. Thus, I went back, and read the article itself. I had my own opinions on the article but held onto those until I saw the Coach's response. I then used the YouTube Link to see Ms. Carlson's response as well as that of her editor. As an outsider, and someone that knows absolutely nothing about the columnist(s) or Coach Gundy, I can make the following statements with no bias at all.

Ms. Carlson based nearly the entire article on "rumored to be" and "behind the scene grumblings" as her insight into why the Reid kid was benched. She never gave any factual evidence or credibility to this young man actually transferring from OSU for any reason, much less because of a more experienced or better equipped starter in front of him.

To her credit, Ms. Carlson did recite an interview that Mr. Reid had given about getting nervous before a game; any and every game he has ever played. Believe it or not, this is quite common amongst young athletes playing in front of 40,000 plus fans. Ms. Carlson also indicated that Mr. Reid was laughing on the sideline late in the game of an embarassing loss. This was not a good move by the young man and something he undoubtedly regrets but at that stage of the ball game, it was over. The only other presumable fact is that Mr. Reid's Mother was feeding him his boxed dinner before the bus ride home. I wasn't there but even if I was, I still couldn't comment on the emotions Mr. Reid or his Mother were dealing with at that time. I don't know the circumstances that surrounded the situation; nor does Ms. Carlson. Perhaps the Mother is the one that is more upset that her star son isn't in the limelight right now. Maybe he didn't feel like eating and his Mother was doing all she could to assist, or make him eat. The young man is a student athlete that is still very young.

As for Coach Gundy, his ranting and yelling accomplishes very little other than to put his actions on pedestal rather than his message; and that is very unfortunate. His message is a good one and should be shared. That message is that if you don't have the absolute facts, don't print the material in the Sports Section of the Newspaper. There is likely a gossip section which is where Ms. Carlson's article belongs. His message was to have some compassion and understanding for a young man that is going through a difficult time. He too thought he would be the starter right up to game time but the situation or circumstances changed. The Coach understands that this young man is at a cross roads that could easily allow him to give up or transfer. And rarely do either of those options work out best for the young man. Unfortunately a good portion of Coach Gundy's speech is lost in the yelling and tyranical actions.

And last, but not least is Mr. Dodd. His defense of this poorly written and even more poorly researched article is very saddening. This entry level sports writer from Stillwater, OK does a half witted job and Mr. Dodd supports her efforts. He then goes so far as to say that he and his peers have the pen and thus the power. He is sadly mistaken and as readers, we have the power.

If I lived in Oklahoma, I would make certain that anyone I had any influence with canceled their subscription to this paper. I would make certain that any advertising I did with this paper ceased immediately. The pen pales to the power of the dollar.

As for Mr. Dodd, this site is free and I will now only open his articles to get to the reader response. And that will only happen when I am extremely bored.
I wish more coaches would stick up for their guys like that instead of just cashing in millions on their blood, sweat, and tears. Granted he did probably go a little overboard, the article was a little overboard to begin with.
After I read the article, I think he was too easy on her. If that's competent journalism, then I should be up for a Pulitzer any day now. There must have been a few people there who agreed with him since I believe that I heard applause as he left the room.
Wiseace615 said:
After I read the article, I think he was too easy on her. If that's competent journalism, then I should be up for a Pulitzer any day now. There must have been a few people there who agreed with him since I believe that I heard applause as he left the room.

yea it sounded like most applauded him.
I'm kinda with Tommy on this. I don't blame him for defending his player, but after reading the article he was bitching about, I just think he went a little overboard. He's also caused thousands of people who would have never of seen or read her article to read it, me and most if not all of us on here included.

And from I gathered from the article (and I may be mistaken) she never stated anything as fact other than the quotes. She was giving her opinion.

Again, I don't blame Gundy for sticking up for his player, but I think he went overboard.
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