vincent the chin said:
While that one is pitiful , this is the one that is really sad ..... think you are frustrated by the underhanded tactics of our rival? How do you think our coaching staff feels? It is their JOB to bring the best players for Auburn into the fold - we are just interested observers. How would the Honda salesman feel if he knew the Chrysler people were using illegal/underhanded tactics and undue pressure to draw customers away from him and toward them?
This is why I know that the people who should be moving to shine some light on this are doing what they need to do. Something (or several things) was rotten last year, and the stench has become even stronger this year. Us? We just need to hold our nose next week, be glad that we were able to put together another solid class in spite of it all, and know that they will be exposed and get what is coming to them...again.
Is it hard to watch people be rewarded for doing things the wrong way? Sure. It won't be easy to watch the 'home run trot' that breaks out next week. But it was hard for the people who played the game of baseball too. But they were patient, they 'held their nose' through it all, and they knew the truth would come out in the end.
A related thought:
Bless the High School coaches out there who are not willing to compromise their integrity.
Bless the parents and families who are willing to stand up and say, "my child is not for sale."
Bless the prospects (teenagers, by the way) who are strong enough to say, "I appreciate your advice, thank you for your guidance, you have been like a second (and, in some cases, only) father to me, but I WILL DECIDE which school is best for ME."
As long as enough of these exist. As long as enough kids are willing, AND ABLE, to take an honest look at several programs and decide which is best for them, Auburn will be just fine.
I'd suggest some professional help - ASAP . :roll:
I found some irony in that post Vincent.
When the posters said, "How would the Honda salesman feel if he knew the Chrysler people were using illegal/underhanded tactics and undue pressure to draw customers away from him and toward them?"
Honda came to the US in the 70's and we see over a few decades, while Chrysler has had a few up's, they've taken over a large portion of the auto market. It's a better product.
Here, we have a better product on the recruiting trail in our staff and it looks like we've taken over the state. Chrysler is shutting down plants right now. Auburn is shutting down pipelines to some of the high schools they used to have success in...IE: You don't know how ticked off Antoine McLain's coach is with Auburn stating they pulled his scholly. Mind you, this is AFTER they called twice trying to get in the door with McLain and he turned down both requests.
As a fan base, we've been called arrogant a lot. If arrogant is defined by "laughing at what rivals fans are saying" then so be it. I'm arrogant.