Kapernick Shakedown/ Roll Tide Laura

Speaking strictly from the Army side of things; IAW AR 600-25; SOLDIERS AND CIVILIANS must render "courtesies" during "Reveille" , "Retreat" as a prelude "To The Colors." On Army posts ALL vehicles stop and persons render honors etc! In my 26 (active and DoD) years of service, I've never heard (on Post) the National Anthem played after "Retreat" or "To The Colors."

I'm Air Force so I can't speak for what's played on post. Just the Air Bases I've been to.
You are a colossal douche bag. I don't give a **** if you're a Bama fan or not...you are a beta male of the highest order. The fact that you can't see the hypocrisy in just about everything you say when it comes to social/political issues borders on the unbelievable.

I dont even know who the fuck you are lmao and I really couldnt care less what you think of me. You cant even point out the hypocrisy in what I said, especially considering the entire point of my post was to point out hypocrisy, genius. You're outraged at a fucking QB kneeling during the anthem yet cant muster an ounce of outrage for thousands of Nazis and KKK members marching, spewing hate and KILLING innocent people. Maybe you need to rethink your damn morals .
I'm Air Force so I can't speak for what's played on post. Just the Air Bases I've been to.

I was in the navy we didn't have either, boatswains (spelling..lol) whistle.
The world we live in...... Where its wrong to not stand during the national anthem, but okay (*legally lawful) to form a hate rally.

Black lives matters is a hate group that has illegally and legally gathered, rioted, looted, destroyed and burned stores and cars and murdered innocent people.

I think all these hate groups are wrong but if you don't like this country and the constitution then please feel free to take your offended self and leave.
I was in the navy we didn't have either, boatswains (spelling..lol) whistle.

Black lives matters is a hate group that has illegally and legally gathered, rioted, looted, destroyed and burned stores and cars and murdered innocent people.

I think all these hate groups are wrong but if you don't like this country and the constitution then please feel free to take your offended self and leave.

So those offended by Kaps actions should leave...... Got it.
I was in the navy we didn't have either, boatswains (spelling..lol) whistle.

Black lives matters is a hate group that has illegally and legally gathered, rioted, looted, destroyed and burned stores and cars and murdered innocent people.

I think all these hate groups are wrong but if you don't like this country and the constitution then please feel free to take your offended self and leave.

And what exactly was the point in saying Black lives matters???
I dont even know who the **** you are lmao and I really couldnt care less what you think of me. You cant even point out the hypocrisy in what I said, especially considering the entire point of my post was to point out hypocrisy, genius. You're outraged at a ******* QB kneeling during the anthem yet cant muster an ounce of outrage for thousands of Nazis and KKK members marching, spewing hate and KILLING innocent people. Maybe you need to rethink your damn morals .

Weird that you say that every time I've called you out. There have been a few. Either you're not very observant, you're trolling or you're stupid. My guess is 2 of the 3. Also, I didn't say a word about Kapaernick or the incident in Charlottesville so you're making an inference on my thoughts about those situations. Good job lumping me into a broad group like those other hypocrites do you. I never agree with everyone on here about social/political issues the difference is I try to just let it go and live my life. You? You are just an asshole. And not the kind that treats everybody like shit and is a bully...just the kind that nobody wants at parties. Have a terrible day.
Weird that you say that every time I've called you out. There have been a few. Either you're not very observant, you're trolling or you're stupid. My guess is 2 of the 3. Also, I didn't say a word about Kapaernick or the incident in Charlottesville so you're making an inference on my thoughts about those situations. Good job lumping me into a broad group like those other hypocrites do you. I never agree with everyone on here about social/political issues the difference is I try to just let it go and live my life. You? You are just an asshole. And not the kind that treats everybody like **** and is a bully...just the kind that nobody wants at parties. Have a terrible day.

Or you're just so insignificant that it doesn't register... Then why the hell are you posting in this thread, genius? Yet I'm the troll? And good for you, I'll continue to post or comment on whatever the hell I want to.
For the life of me, I just don't understand how this country not only became so divided, but also so contestible. Why do all arguments have to devolve into vitriol hatred so quickly and everyone's opinion is completely correct and any dissenters are not only ignorant but dangerous? More often than not, the truth and correct answer to problems lie in the gray area between two differing opinions.

Step back away from the keyboard Bama brethren. Look outside! The sun is shining, birds are singing, and you are fortunate enough to be alive and living in an environment that allows discussion on a topic of whether a man sits or stands. Lighten up! Smile! Enjoy the day!
Lol Chase. You know why.. Just read your own question. I saw your" troll"ing question and rebutted. Bored with you now though..

There was no troll.... My statement covered whatever was considered a hate Group/hate rally. Didn't feel the need to individually point out. And my statement still stands. Whether its the KKK or BLM, its legally lawful to form a hate rally (because its their constitutional right).... But because Kap has money and choose to silently protest and not stand for the national anthem (which is also legally lawful because its his constitutional right you know) he's the wrong one. And thats cool that you're bored, maybe you should leave.....
I'm not here to play any troll game or point fingers left and right. Hate is hate and wring is wrong.... No matter where its coming from. Do I agree with Kaps actions??? NO. Is he wrong? NO. But I do agree with his message. But as I think more about it, I understand. He's using his platform. Getting more of an outreach at the same time. What's more talked about, him kneeling or the contributions he's made? People in more influencing positions use their platform everyday. And everyone doesn't always agree with their method....or message.
There was no troll.... My statement covered whatever was considered a hate Group/hate rally. Didn't feel the need to individually point out. And my statement still stands. Whether its the KKK or BLM, its legally lawful to form a hate rally (because its their constitutional right).... But because Kap has money and choose to silently protest and not stand for the national anthem (which is also legally lawful because its his constitutional right you know) he's the wrong one. And thats cool that you're bored, maybe you should leave.....

They have the right to protest and I have the right to change the channel and not by his stuff because I disagree with him. Just like I won't buy a BLM or KKK shirt. No one said Kap wasn't aloud to do it.. that is his choice to do but I and others also have the choice not to watch him play, buy his shirts or follow the organization that pays him which is what has happened. Now he can't get work because his presence is a distraction, he is an average player at best and his protests are unpopular with the franchises customers.
I'm not here to play any troll game or point fingers left and right. Hate is hate and wring is wrong.... No matter where its coming from. Do I agree with Kaps actions??? NO. Is he wrong? NO. But I do agree with his message. But as I think more about it, I understand. He's using his platform. Getting more of an outreach at the same time. What's more talked about, him kneeling or the contributions he's made? People in more influencing positions use their platform everyday. And everyone doesn't always agree with their method....or message.

You agree with his message, but you're also not standing up for everyone else that is discriminated against. That's the hang up. He chose to stand up for one color in life and not the millions and millions of others that are discriminated against for various reasons (color, gender, financial etc). He clearly is participating in saying that whites are not discriminated against and that only people of color are by white people. Coming from a guy that has been handed everything in life and lived a posh life, it's going to bring some backlash. Coming from someone like Oprah or someone that came from the bottom to be successful, yeah their words mean a lot more than someone speaking out against something he most likely never came up against. Adopted by a white family, I'm sure he heard a few comments here or there, but he was never held back in life like so many others that were never afforded a golden opportunity. Does that mean he needs to stay silent? Of course not, but don't think you can disrespect something so many people hold near and dear to their hearts and expect a warm reception, especially when you personally haven't walked through the fire. That flag afforded him the opportunity to make his money, live the American Dream, and gives him a voice. That's like biting the hand that feeds you, and we all have heard, seen, and maybe done it before. He went about it the wrong way, and that's a fact. It's a fact because he is now being alienated by a league that made him rich before his stance, but now realizes he is a bad business decision. Him going out into the community and raising awareness in a peaceful way is the platform he should have taken and one that he is actually using as a positive influence now. In the end, nothing will change in this society. Social media has ruined this world. Everyone wants to argue, no one understand how to communicate, and everyone comes to the podium in a defensive stance, not one that is ready to solve an issue. These issues will never be fixed no matter how much money you throw at it, how many statues you knock over, how many people you protest with, or how many posts you can make. Society has simply made a turn for the worse. The worst part of this is that people will simply shoot you for having an opinion these days, and the combative mentality that if you don't think like me will get you killed with half these idiot protesters and others that think force will get them what they want. it's been like this since the beginning of time, so for anyone to honestly think they are the golden child that has the answer is hilarious.
This past weekend Michael Bennett of the Seahawks and Marshawn Lynch of the Raiders also refused to stand for the exact reasons that Kaepernick mentioned. What will it cost them, anything? If these other protesters are tolerated, maybe that would indicate that Kaepernick has more of a me problem, whether it's a lack of talent or a feeling his personal touch is creating divisions in the locker room. I certainly don't know, but time should tell.

It's my guess that the part of society that is determined to make this all about patriotism is going to have to include a lot more football players here in the near future and perhaps even a few Bama players as well. Time will also tell if they can work up the same indignation for their favorite NFL players as they do for their disdain for Mr. Kaepernick.
This past weekend Michael Bennett of the Seahawks and Marshawn Lynch of the Raiders also refused to stand for the exact reasons that Kaepernick mentioned. What will it cost them, anything? If these other protesters are tolerated, maybe that would indicate that Kaepernick has more of a me problem, whether it's a lack of talent or a feeling his personal touch is creating divisions in the locker room. I certainly don't know, but time should tell.

It's my guess that the part of society that is determined to make this all about patriotism is going to have to include a lot more football players here in the near future and perhaps even a few Bama players as well. Time will also tell if they can work up the same indignation for their favorite NFL players as they do for their disdain for Mr. Kaepernick.

I think you'll have your answer if we can locate that forum on here when we found out Terrance Cody was charged with fighting dogs. Pretty sure everyone on here disowned him and had some pretty bad things to say.

The last person Kapernick needed were the Bennett Brothers. Those two are just a couple of loudmouthed dumbasses that without football would be flipping burgers. Lynch has always been a strange one to figure and I think folks see him more as a comedy and not a serious individual, like Snoop Dogg. My answer will be to disconnect from any Alabama player that pulled something like this. Yeah, that's a "me" answer, and I have the right to feel and respond that way. I just don't think you have real men that work their asses off that are going to do this. They know the costs to get where they are. They may feel a certain way, but I'm willing to bet they're not dumb enough to disrespect millions in voicing their opinion on it.
This past weekend Michael Bennett of the Seahawks and Marshawn Lynch of the Raiders also refused to stand for the exact reasons that Kaepernick mentioned. What will it cost them, anything? If these other protesters are tolerated, maybe that would indicate that Kaepernick has more of a me problem, whether it's a lack of talent or a feeling his personal touch is creating divisions in the locker room. I certainly don't know, but time should tell.

It's my guess that the part of society that is determined to make this all about patriotism is going to have to include a lot more football players here in the near future and perhaps even a few Bama players as well. Time will also tell if they can work up the same indignation for their favorite NFL players as they do for their disdain for Mr. Kaepernick.

It may end up costing Marshawn except he has already been paid some and the Raiders are desperate for a RB after the off season problems with that position. Bennett just signed a 30 million dollar deal with up front money, so he will be ok for a little while but if he struggles or gets hurt watch out for backlash. The problem is, doing this is unpopular with the guys who pay the bills so if you have a career hiccup you have less leanancy from the owner. Both are better players than Kap.
When you get down to the nut cuttin', todays society has trouble with respect and class. You can place blame where you feel is appropriate, but the lack of respect and class is self evident...

Well put. No one, it seems, respects the right of another to disagree. However, there are basic truths that are not acknowledged.

What's lost on some is you don't have free speech in the workplace (to not stand for the National Anthem or to speak negatively about Google's diversity policy, as a couple of examples). You're welcome to do neither or either on your own time, but you work at the pleasure of your employer. You can't be an asshole and demand compensation (there may be an exception on this board). You can be, by many measures, an idiot in the public spectrum yet you do have a right to assemble and say stupid things in public. Anyone, with or without a tiki torch, who believes their race is superior - or is deserving of special treatment - is equally reprehensible from my view of individual responsibility and liberty.

Inconsistent government exacerbates the angst on both sides. When our law enforcement officials are directed to stand down or enforce order based upon the politicians' positions, that is when things can't be reconciled. Durham deputies can video, but not stop, the destruction of a statue. Buildings burn in Baltimore, with little response. When the law is applied equally there is more order, less chaos.

Take Care,

Well put. No one, it seems, respects the right of another to disagree. However, there are basic truths that are not acknowledged.

What's lost on some is you don't have free speech in the workplace (to not stand for the National Anthem or to speak negatively about Google's diversity policy, as a couple of examples). You're welcome to do neither or either on your own time, but you work at the pleasure of your employer.

I actually agree with most of what you said, except this... standing for the national anthem isn't a requirement to be employed in the NFL. There is no policy nor team policy stating it is.

NFL: Players are encouraged but not required to stand for national anthem
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