Long time Bama fan. Used to watch videos of goal line stand through the drought of the 1980s. Love the Tide. As a white man motivated by the parable of the Samaritan my first empathy is for the oppressed and marginalized. I cannot blame any African American who wishes to protest the National Anthem. It shows remarkable grace for any of them to stand. Yes, a few make millions playing a game but that does not change hundreds of years of slavey and Jim Crow. Black Lives Matter is a reaction not the cause. We all know what the cause is. I know white people who still aren't over Pearl Harbor but we expect black people to be over all the suffering that white people have put them through. I just cannot imagine the Jesus of the gospels spewing the self righteous indignation that I read from some. I will keep pulling for the Tide as I am a proud southerner from Alabama. I am just not so proud I can't admit my ancestors were dead wrong. Everybody felt righteous at the crucifixion but innocence still suffered. That is the way of things. I will not respond. I have said what I needed to say. I bear no malice and hope we win #17.
Comparing slavery to the suffering of Christ is almost blasphemy. BLM is a hate group pure and simple. I disagree with most of the statements from the rainbow coalition but at least they aren't killing people, assassinating policemen, lighting innocent peoples, stores, cars or homes on fire. They protest peacefully for the most part and have helped change law. BLM only divides race relations further much like KKK or skinheads... it's stupid.
Owning another human being was wrong and will always be wrong. The way black people were treated in some areas before civil rights was wrong. But please don't compare black slaves to Jesus and white people to the jews.. That is asinine and an incorrect analogy.
When the African where shipped here, they where shipped here by there fellow black men to be sold as workers/ slaves. These men and women had no trade skills, could not read or right or provide for themselves in any way. In the beginning it was the only way they would have survived here.
In a perfect world, society would have brought them into their homes, cared for them as one of them family, educated them, taught them a trade and allow them to enter society. But being as most of the people who could afford to purchase slaves were wealthy land owners, they had crops or livestock to maintain which was a full time job. The delima becomes, should they have paid them a wage for manual labor and let them just figure out how to survive, being unskilled and uneducated or provided them, a place to live, food, medical care and in some cases educate them? I guess at that time the second seemed more feasible. The civil war wasn't about slavery, the North didn't come invading the South on a white horse to save the slaves.. that too is a false narrative.
In my opinion, the real crime was in the leading up to the sixties and the way race relations were then. By that time black men and women were able to provide for themselves and were treated like they were a sub species of human, some of what was from bitterness, some of it was that was how they grew up treating them but it wasn't right. People had to look at the situation with a fresh perspective to see the wrong in it because it was what they knew.
Today's black society is not enslaved, not oppressed, not set aside, not held back in any way. Actually, they have more advantages and opportunity then white people. There is no affirmative action saying how many white people you must employ, white people don't get additional money for education just because they are white, they don't get special consideration for small businesses loans and their business doesn t get special tax breaks. There aren't any white business only revitalization projects going on but there are many that are being done that are only allowing minority owned businesses to participate .. These bids are being done all over and white owned businesses aren't even allowed to bid.
I say all that to say this, for a black person to sit for the anthem because they are oppressed is total bull sh+t. They are grandstanding.. There is no bias towards them and police arrest and harass criminals not black people. To say anything else is a lie. So at that point, grandstanding by being disrespectful to the flag that stands for the freedom they now enjoy because of the millions of men and women who fought and died for it... pisses people off.