| FTBL Kane Wommack

We get flashes of brilliance at times from all 3 levels. Problem is, we are only getting flashes!!! We never have all 3 levels clicking at the same time. We’ll get a good play from the front, but then we follow it up with a LB totally getting lost or a DB blowing a coverage the very next snap. It is mind numbing!!!

Similar to how O’Briens’ offense at Bama seemed to thrive much better in 2 minute/hurry up mode, the defense this season seems to thrive more when they play aggressive with a more “do or die” play calling mentality. There’s gotta be a fine line there in finding some balance IMO, but I’d like to see them lean into the aggressive side a little more going forward. Force the issue a bit more.
They should sponsor our 3rd downs.
I watched the game again this morning and it was actually worse than I remember it yesterday.


34 should be starting instead of 11 or they should swap positions. We can't have success with 11 and 0 on the field at the same time! 15 is better than both 11 and 0 but he can't tackle either but does move around better and is quicker to fill a hole. He has instincts of a ILB while the other two just react slowly and then get caught in all the wash.

Nick and staff shit the bed recruiting ILBers these last 2-3 years. Kalen will have to hit the portal to try and resolve for 2025.
And Downs lost last night…😉

Caleb Downs? who is he? Not familar with him. I don't know if Downs would've helped because he's a safety. IMO, safety play hasn't been the issue this season. It's more of CBs.
Um, ok. Ohio State lost so that means Downs sucks... and an All-American level safety wouldn't make a difference because our existing below average safeties don't suck as bad as our DBs. Gotcha.
Um, ok. Ohio State lost so that means Downs sucks... and an All-American level safety wouldn't make a difference because our existing below average safeties don't suck as bad as our DBs. Gotcha.
I never said anything about Downs being a bad player. I'm not sure where you get that idea from. All I said was "'m not sure if Downs would've helped yesterday, because he's a safety, not a CB.
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