| FTBL javier arenas


Verified Member
This is my first time posting and I do not wish to place myself in a bad light, but I feel that I must ask this question. Is it just me or does anyone else feel like Javier is not as enthusiastic about the punt return as he once was? I could be wrong here but it seems that he is making more mistakes. Is he too enthusiastic about making the big play, or is he just tired. I understand that he plays every down on defense.
Well,it's like Big Cody,When people expect you to do something to make them look bad...They're going to do everything in their power to make sure you don't. Javier hasn't a had much of a chance to return much this year due to good coverage from the kicking team.So,It's not Javies fault. Just good Special Teams play by the enemies.
Well, he isn't getting much room to run on most returns, and he can't be faulted for that. He's made some poor decisions on not fair catching the ball, but that is because he wants to make a play. Until Saban got here, he refused to even consider making a fair catch. He is still one of the most dangerous return men in the nation... especially when his blockers give him some room.
Seems like Javy is simply trying to hard and he thinks he has to run it back every time.
Atleast that's how it appears to the naked eye. His fumbles are caused by running before the catch or simply trying to make a play...instead of holding the ball.

It's hard to run it back, if the ball is on the turf. Again, I think he feels like making a good return is expected of him, so he tries to make a highlight reel, on every return. Sometimes letting it go or making a faircatch is as good as a highlight reel...if it means keeping the ball.

He'll shake it off.

Porter said:
Well, he isn't getting much room to run on most returns, and he can't be faulted for that. He's made some poor decisions on not fair catching the ball, but that is because he wants to make a play. Until Saban got here, he refused to even consider making a fair catch. He is still one of the most dangerous return men in the nation... especially when his blockers give him some room.

After hurting us a bit on special teams, Arenas did come through on that last punt return for 22 yards. He set us up to win it in regulation.

I think his return game is affected by his full time defensive role, but I still think he's the best returner we have, and he covers receivers very well.


IMO if every player on our team gave as much as Javier then we could play in the Super Bowl rather than the National Championship game. #28 gives you everything he has and yes sometimes it costs us. I am just so thankful that Saban taught him how to be a defensive back. Rashad gets a lot of credit, deservingly so in the defensive backfield but IMO Javier may be our best defender. Maybe he doesn't always weigh the risk verses reward factor but you can trust that if Saban didn't have all the confidence in the world in him, he wouldn't be returning those kicks and to borrow from him, "Have you seen any of his highlight reels." :D
Good point, Tim.

I have been wondering why we have not been making some adjustments in the punt return department, though.

As Porter alluded to and everyone here is aware of, most of the time Arenas is not getting an opportunity to catch the ball without an opponent on top of him.

Why are we not doing a better task of holding some of these punt cover guys up? Watching on television, it is hard for one to get a perspective of what is going on in terms of holding these players up.

Can anybody who has actually attended the games this year give us their observations about this?
bear facts said:
Can anybody who has actually attended the games this year give us their observations about this?

It seems to me like we are spreading the guys out on the line of scrimmage and sending two in to block the punt. This allows more down field coverages, but even so the punts from the opposition seemed to have enough air time to allow for the coverage to catch up. Maybe it is the other teams making adjustments that allow for more hang time rather than distance. Also, some maybe Javy thinking how Coach wants him to handle this punt. He maybe mentally confused on what he should do, at times it has looked that way. Mistakes have a way of getting into your head. Ask Steve Sax how you throw a ball from 2nd to 1st or Mark Wohlers how to throw one from the mound to the catcher. Sometimes you just can't explain it.
Porter said:
Well, he isn't getting much room to run on most returns, and he can't be faulted for that. He's made some poor decisions on not fair catching the ball, but that is because he wants to make a play. Until Saban got here, he refused to even consider making a fair catch. He is still one of the most dangerous return men in the nation... especially when his blockers give him some room.

He's a loaded gun waiting for the opponents mess up.
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